U.N. Requests Fish Broth Recipe |
Written by Paul Fromm |
Thursday, 31 January 2013 04:25 |
-------------------------------------------------------------------------------- This email newsletter was sent to you in graphical HTML format. If you're seeing this version, your email program prefers plain text emails. You can read the original version online: -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- U.N. Requests Fish Broth Recipe In a move to end world hunger the UN has officially requested access to Chief Spence's fish broth recipe. Reasoning that if the Chief can survive for over 6 weeks on this soup without noticeably losing any of her considerable bulk, the World Health Organization has resolved to actually do something useful. In the future fish broth will replace food donations. World harmony and health for all is possible in our lifetime. I find it very strange that an Indian chief should look White. It's obvious in the second picture that dark makeup has been applied to make her look Indian but she still doesn't look like an Indian. She appears to have blue eyes in the first photo but they are brown in the second. We Whites must foot the bill and pay taxes while Indians do not. It is more than a bit annoying to see this White looking woman being paid a huge salary for being an Indian chief and paying no taxes. reports: "First, let's clarify that it's not really $70,000 as most people know it. That amount is income tax free, so for someone off reserve and paying taxes in Ontario, it works out to about $95,000 ( ) per year; not bad considering her community only has about 1,828 people ( )." _____________________________ Unsubscribe / Change Profile: Powered by YourMailingListProvider |
Hear Paul Fromm’s The Fighting Side of Me The Terry Tremaine Case |
Written by Paul Fromm |
Thursday, 31 January 2013 04:23 |
-------------------------------------------------------------------------------- This email newsletter was sent to you in graphical HTML format. If you're seeing this version, your email program prefers plain text emails. You can read the original version online: -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- HEAR PAUL FROMM’S THE FIGHTING SIDE OF ME THE TERRY TREMAINE CASE ( HTTP://WWW.COUNTER-CURRENTS.COM/2013/01/THE-FIGHTING-SIDE-OF-METHE-TERRY-TREMAINE-CASE/ ) Counter-Currents Radio ( ) Terry Tremaine 64:48 / 51 words Paul Fromm tells the ongoing story of the persecution of Canadian math professor Terry Tremaine for posting politically-incorrect ideas on the internet. To download the mp3, right-click here ( ) and choose “save target as.” To subscribe to our podcasts, click here. Published: January 28, 2013 _____________________________ Unsubscribe / Change Profile: Powered by YourMailingListProvider |
Hear Paul Fromm’s The Fighting Side of Me The Terry Tremaine Case |
Written by Paul Fromm |
Thursday, 31 January 2013 04:17 |
Hear Paul From*m’s The Fighting Side of Me* The Terry Tremaine Case<> Counter-Currents Radio <> [image: Terry Tremaine]<> Terry Tremaine 64:48 / 51 words *Paul Fromm tells the ongoing story of the persecution of Canadian math professor Terry Tremaine for posting politically-incorrect ideas on the internet.* ** To download the mp3, right-click here<>and choose “save target as.” To subscribe to our podcasts, click here. Published: January 28, 2013 |
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