Discard No More (Canadians)
Written by Paul Fromm
Sunday, 03 February 2013 01:24
Discard No More (Canadians)
Posted on January 24, 2013


*In the past few weeks, the “Idle No More” movement has articulated
Canada’s abandonment of its Aboriginal population. Its efforts have
definitely caught the public’s attention. But to increase their numbers and
their strength, Aboriginals should consider a coalition with Canada’s
unemployed and underemployed mainstream population. In varying degrees,
Ottawa has abandoned all of them and their interests with its high
immigration policy and its Employment Equity laws. *

*Aboriginals have chosen the slogan “Idle no More” to describe their
refusal to accept the 75 to 90% unemployment many face on Reserves.
Slogans for this coalition of “The Abandoned” could be phrases like
“Madness No More” (to express the senselessness of high immigration),
“Discard Us No More” (to show the treatment of Canadian-born as
disposables) or “Holocaust No More” (to indicate Ottawa’s “burnt-offering”
of Canadian lives to satisfy the immigration lobby). *

*Once again, we point out that many Canadians do not object to some
immigration, but they oppose the 250,000 per year intake that has existed
since 1991. [The year former immigration czarina Barbara McDougall upped
annual intake numbers from 175,000 to a blistering 250,000. Result? Close
to six million newcomers in a bare 20 years]*

*For all Canadian-born, whether Aboriginal or mainstream, slogans such as
“Hire an Immigrant”,”Recognize Credentials” and “Employment Equity” have
missed the point about unemployment in Canada. “Employment Equity” has
probably caused the most damage. Employment Equity laws were supposed to
grant hiring preference to Aboriginals (as well as to Canada’s women, its
Disabled and its Visible Minorities). However, in comparison to Aboriginals
and the Disabled, these laws have given greater preference to Visible
Minority immigrants, most of whom Canada had no economic need for and
therefore should never have brought here. To add to the problem, these
Visible Minority immigrants have displaced large numbers of Canadian-born,
particularly white males. One example of the discarding and displacement is
the 14% (and probably closer to 25%) unemployment rate in Canadian youth.

*Employment Equity (a copy of Affirmative Action in the U.S.) was
introduced in Canada in 1986 on the recommendation of a report chaired by
Rosalie Abella, at that time an Ontario judge. She is currently a member of
Canada’s Supreme Court. Her report resulted in Employment Equity laws to
promote Preferential Hiring in Canada’s public sector. That campaign has
since been followed by a similar campaign in Canada’s private sector. The
result of her work has been that probably hundreds of thousands of Visible
Minorities have been granted preference in hiring.*

*In a reply to Abella, in 1998, Canadian academic Dr. Martin Loney
published “The Pursuit of Division : Race, Gender and Preferential Hiring
in Canada”. The main point that Martin Loney made in the book was that
Abella lacked empirical evidence for her conclusions. For example, Loney
stated that some visible minority groups were actually doing better than
white Canadians, so it was incorrect to conclude that Visible Minorities
suffered from “systemic discrimination”. *

*Furthermore, many Canadians who are aware of the effects of her report
would say that Employment Equity (EE) legislation has created a much more
serious problem because it has institutionalized “systemic discrimination”
against Canadian-born white males. *

*In summary, the report done by Rosalie Abella has created a Canadian
Holocaust. Its inaccurate conclusions have been used to elicit guilt from
Canadians, to justify Canada’s high immigration intake and to intimidate
those who question that high intake. Its effects may dwarf the effects of
the European Holocaust which Abella’s parents escaped. For the record,
Abella was born in a Displaced Person’s Camp in Stuttgart, Germany on July
1, 1946. Her family came to Canada as refugees in 1950. *

*To make up for the damage that Employment Equity (EE) laws have done,
Canada needs to conduct a sweeping investigation to determine the number of
people who have been hired because of these ill-considered laws. The
legislation has been implemented by not only federal, provincial and
municipal governments, but also by much of Canada’s private sector. *

*As an introduction, we present a few examples (from data provided by The
Treasury Board of Canada Secretariat) of the effects of EE in Canada’s
federal civil service. *

*As of March 31 1999, about thirteen years after EE laws began, the Public
Service of Canada (PSC) employed 178,340 people. Of that total, 91,856 were
women, 5124 were Aboriginals, 8137 were people with disabilities, and
10,557 were persons in a Visible Minority Group. No data was available to
show the number of women and other groups employed before 1999, but the
fact that women in 1999 comprised over half of the total number of federal
employees is striking. However, it was already evident that Visible
Minorities (most of whom were probably newly-arrived) were being granted
more preference than Aboriginals and the Disabled, most of whom were also
probably Canadian-born. *

*As of March 31, 2011, the Public Service of Canada (PSC) employed
202,631. Of that total, 111,051 were women, 9486 were Aboriginal, 11,388
were Persons with Disabilities, and 22,998 were Visible Minorities. *

*It is worth noting that in the 1999–2011 period, the PSC increased in size
by 24,291. It is even more worth noting that Visible Minority employees
increased by 12,441, about half of the total increase. This significant
increase is probably a result of a concerted effort by the Public Service
of Canada (the PSC) to hire Visible Minorities. It should be noted that the
Visible Minority hiring is possibly even larger than that reported because
Visible Minority employees, in applying for a PSC job, do not have to
declare that they belong to a Visible Minority. *

*Again, the raw numbers also show that Visible Minorities increased their
representation much more than Aboriginals and Persons with Disabilities. .

*Many Canadians would agree that the PSC should make a very strong effort
to hire Canada’s Aboriginals and its Disabled. However, many would also say
that giving preference to Visible Minorities (VM) who are foreign -born.
compounds the first mistake of bringing these immigrants here. Most
Canadians correctly believe that access to a job is an essential part of
being born here. Similarly, they think that Canada should not be acting as
an employment agency for the world’s unemployed. By doing this, Canada
inevitably denies jobs to Canadian-born. *

*Another major concern that Canadians have about Employment Equity is
security. It is common sense that Canada should be very cautious about
people who come from countries which are interested in acquiring secret,
strategic information about Canadian high tech and resource businesses, or
about Canada and its NATO allies. But there is little evidence that Canada
has exercised caution is employing these people in sensitive departments. *

*For example, it is worthwhile noting that the percentage of Visible
Minorities (VM) in departments such as Citizenship and Immigration is high.
This department makes major immigration policy decisions, issues visas,
and is supposed to uphold the interests of Mainstream Canada. Yet, the
percentage of Visible Minorities is 18.8% (850 of a total of 4514
employees). How much is the presence of these VM employees stifling the
expression of very real concerns that mainstream Canadian Citizenship and
Immigration employees have? *

*In the Passport Department, where fraud has been a serious problem in the
past, the percentage of Visible Minorities is 19.5% (478 of a total of
2447 employees). Anyone who has visited the Richmond, B.C. Passport Office
will be shocked to see that the staff is overwhelmingly probably
newly-arrived Chinese. Has this increased the potential for fraud?*

*On the Immigration and Refugee Board, where crucial decisions are being
made about whether someone is to be granted refugee status and eventual
permission to bring in very large numbers of potentially fake relatives,
the percentage of Visible.Minorities is 26.8% (223 of a total of 833
employees). Has anyone asked a question about this? *

*The percentage of Visible Minorities in Human Resources and Skills
Development may seem small at 12.7% , but note that this translates to 2935
of a total of 23,092 employees. This large number is part of a department
which allowed close to 400,000 Temporary Foreign Workers (TFW’s) to work
here in 2012. In the past few months, Canadians have learned that this
department has permitted Mainland Chinese miners to be stealthily imported
to fill TFW jobs which several hundred Canadian applicants were denied.
This case should make clearer the point that employers are probably widely
abusing the TFW program. Have some employees with ethnic connections to
these employers assisted some of these employers?*

*The percentage of Visible Minorities employed in the Canada Border
Services Agency is also 12.7%, but the raw number is high (1750 out of a
total of 13,831 employees). This department is responsible for
investigating immigration fraud. It is no exaggeration to say that
immigration fraud is rampant, mainly because the backgrounds of most of the
immigrants who enter Canada are not being checked. We know that even when
fraud is reported, this department does not even bother to investigate a
very large amount of it. Has this department ever asked whether the
loyalties of some of its employees are more to their country of origin than
to Canada? *

*In summary, a sweeping investigation of the entire Employment Equity
program would give Canadians a much better picture of what has occurred and
probably produce convincing evidence that the Visible Minority section of
EE should never have been implemented and should be ended ASAP. [IMMIGRATION
WATCH, January 24, 2013]*
Free Speech Lawyer Sylvia Stolz Threatened With Prosecution in Switzerland
Written by Paul Fromm
Saturday, 02 February 2013 04:55
Free Speech Lawyer Sylvia Stolz Threatened With Prosecution in Switzerland

*A great woman. Miss Stolz was sentenced to three years and three
months in prison for her spirited defence of political prisoner Ernst
Zundel in 2005*.

On November 24, she was a guest speaker at the 8th Anti-Censorship
Conference held in Chur, Switzerland. She spoke of the difficulties
lawyers have in defending Europe's new heretics -- those who express doubts
about the so-called holocaust. One can deny God, even deny science, believe
in creatures from outer space, but to question Europe's new state religion
of holocaust is to invite persecution, heavy fines or prison. She reflected
on the fact that "holocaust" is not clearly defined and that many of the
tenets of this new religion have not actually been proven in court.

Well, all hell broke loose. The organizers of the Civic Hall at which the
meeting was held have been told they cannot rent it again. An investigation
is under way to see whether any "far right" literature was distributed. In
this video Sylvia Stolz explains that "far right" is widely used by the
politically correct to label any nationalist who stands up for his
"*volk"*or people. Now, there are calls for criminal charges of
"casting doubt on
the holocaust" to be laid against Miss Stolz and conference organizer Ivo
Sasek. Already, a Swiss lawyer has filed a complaint against Miss Stolz.

A politically correct Inquisition holds sway over much of Europe, where a
new secular religion -- another group's tribal history, is imposed upon the
populace. Anyone who suggests that some of the religion's claims seem
exaggerated or impossible is not argued with but prosecuted and jailed.
Further, any lawyer too vigorous in the heretic's defence faces jail or
disbarment. A new Dark Age has descended over a Europe that grins like the
village idiot (or, perhaps, more politically correctly 'mentally challenged
person') and considers itself a champion of democracy and human rights.

In this video (English sub-titles) German lawyer Sylvia Stolz replies to
her critics as rumours swirl that she will be charged (again) with
'Holocaust Denial' for a speech she gave at an anti-censorship conference
in November 2012.

[image: Photo: Sylvia Stolz, German Political Prisoner and Lawyer]
Canadian Human Rights Commission Spreads Lies and Anti-White Guilt
Written by Paul Fromm
Friday, 01 February 2013 11:42
Canadian Human Rights Commission Spreads Lies and Anti-White Guilt The
passage below is from a document* Human Rights in Canada: A Historical
Perspective* that is on the website of the Canadian Human Rights
Commission. It contains outright historical lies and is nothing but the
usual anti-White guilt mongering politically correct poison. Sadly, the
Canadian Majority has to pay for this.

Even the title of this section reveals anti-White bias: "the plight of
immigrants" Really? These people were not kidnapped or press ganged. They
eagerly and willingly came to Canada to seek a new life and opportunity in
a land that offered them a chance and, not like today, a handout,

The article states: "Immigration is funnelled to the West in order to
settle and farm the wide tracts of Prairie land. The profile of the
preferred immigrant is white and British; as stated by Minister Clifford
Sifton, "*stalwart peasants in sheepskin coats*". If British immigrants are
not available, other white immigrants will do. White immigrants from
Eastern Europe are reluctantly accepted in large numbers." Outright lies.
In fact, English settlers were most decidely *not* wanted in Western Canada
where they were widely seen as effete and dilettantes. This mendacious
piece of White bashing reworks Minister of the Interior Clifford Sifton's
great comment about Ukrainians -- "*stalwart peasants in sheepskin coats*"
-- so that it seems to refer to the English! In this stunning
misdirection, the author distorts the fact that Sifton was praising and
welcoming the Ukrainians.
[image: Photo: Canadian Human Rights Commission Spreads Lies and
Anti-White Guilt The passage below is from a document Human Rights in
Canada: A Historical Perspective that is on the website of the Canadian
Human Rights Commission. It contains outright historical lies and is
nothing but the usual anti-White guilt mongering politically correct
poison. Sadly, the Canadian Majority has to pay for this. Even the title of
this section reveals anti-White bias: "the plight of immigrants" Really?
These people were not kidnapped or press ganged. They eagerly and willingly
came to Canada to seek a new life and opportunity in a land that offered
them a chance and, not like today, a handout, The article states:
"Immigration is funnelled to the West in order to settle and farm the wide
tracts of Prairie land. The profile of the preferred immigrant is white and
British; as stated by Minister Clifford Sifton, "stalwart peasants in
sheepskin coats". If British immigrants are not available, other white
immigrants will do. White immigrants from Eastern Europe are reluctantly
accepted in large numbers." Outright lies. In fact, English settlers were
most decidely not wanted in Western Canada where they were widely seen as
effete and dilettantes. This mendacious piece of Whit ebashing reworks
Minister of the Interior Clifford Sifton's great comment about Ukrainians
-- "stalwart peasants in sheepskin coats" -- so that it seems to refer to
the English! In this stunning misdirection, the author distorts the fact
that Sifton was praising and welcoming the Ukrainians. The article then
trots out the usual discrimination smear: "Originally, male Chinese
labourers were allowed into Canada to work for low wages in British
Columbia's gold mines and on the trans-Canada railroad. They sent most of
their earnings back to China to help support their families. Chinese
workers will accept lower wages than white workers." Yet, the Chinese
continued to pour into Canada, despite the low wages. They saw Canada
offering desirable advantages and opportunities. Indeed, early Chinese
called Canada Gum Shan or "Gold Mountain." Wikipedia notes: "British
Columbia came to be referred to as "Gold Mountain" following the discovery
of gold in the Fraser Canyon in the 1850s and the spread of Chinese
settlers in British Columbia (which they also referred to as "The Colonies
of T'ang" i.e. China." This latter sentence suggests that the European
population of British Columbia, then quite sparse, had every reason to fear
the Oriental influx. One sentence -- that's all there is in "Organized
Hate" -- labels any opposition to the mass Asiatic invasion as "hate" :
"The San Francisco-based Asiatic Exclusion League, dedicated to preventing
Asian immigration to America, opens up a number of new chapters in Canadian
cities such as Vancouver. Victoria has its own Anti-Chinese Association."
So, any effort to prevent one's homeland from being radically changed is
"hate." White suicide is good; efforts to preserve the European character
of one's country are bad, no "hate"! This passage clearly demonstrates the
truth that "anti-racism" is a fraud and is really anti-White. For a more
accurate discussion and description of the Asiatic Exclusion League's
activities in British Columbia before World War I, you might consult one of
the booklets below. C-FAR is proud to have published three booklets by the
Bob Jarvis about the Komagata Maru and the opposition to mass Asiatic
immigration. You may wish to buy them and order them from C-FAR Books, P.O.
Box 332, Rexdale, ON., M9W 5L3, CANADA. __ The Workingman's Revolt": The
Vancouver Asiatic Exclusion Rally of 1907 by Robert Jarvis. The fascinating
story of the broad-based and, indeed, union-led protests against mass,
uncontrolled Asiatic immigration to British Columbia. $5.00 ___ The
Komagata Maru Incident: A Canadian Immigration Battle Revisited by Robert
Jarvis. The story of an intrepid government undercover agent William
Hopkinson, who infiltrated Sikh radicals and developed the information that
led the government to expel the Komagata Maru illegals in the summer of
1914. Shortly, afterwards Hopkinson was assassinated by a Sikh terrorist,
Mewa Singh, whose portrait still hangs in some Sikh gurdwaras in Vancouver.
$5.00 ___Harry Stevens: Immigration Reformer, Reconstructionist, Canada
Firster by Robert Jarvis. the story of a real Canadian hero and immigration
reformer who, as a young MP, helped stir the Dominion Government to expel
the shipload of Indian illegals on the Komagata Maru in 1914. $6.00 The
Plight of Immigrants From 1867-1891, Canada was open for business, from an
immigrant's point of view. There weren't many restrictions on who could
enter the country, except for a head tax on Chinese immigrants, which was
introduced in 1885. Eastern and Central Canada was the destination of
choice, with British Columbia attracting many people from Asia. By 1900,
Minister of the Interior Clifford Sifton's immigration policy is more
restrictive. Immigration is funnelled to the West in order to settle and
farm the wide tracts of Prairie land. The profile of the preferred
immigrant is white and British; as stated by Minister Clifford Sifton,
"stalwart peasants in sheepskin coats". If British immigrants are not
available, other white immigrants will do. White immigrants from Eastern
Europe are reluctantly accepted in large numbers, but black and Asian
immigration is discouraged. Chinese immigrants are subject to a head tax,
which requires every Chinese immigrant to pay a special $50 tax upon
entering the country. Although relatively few in number - there are only
23,000 Chinese people in Canada in 1900 - arrivals from Asian countries are
resented by the white majority. Originally, male Chinese labourers were
allowed into Canada to work for low wages in British Columbia's gold mines
and on the trans-Canada railroad. They sent most of their earnings back to
China to help support their families. Chinese workers will accept lower
wages than white workers, and this causes resentment in the white
population, especially when jobs are scarce. The populace generally
perceives Chinese people to be immoral opium addicts. There is no official
policy restricting Blacks from entering Canada, but the unofficial policy
is to discourage it whenever possible. As a result, there are far fewer
black immigrants than there may have been otherwise. In 1899, Canada
admitted 44,543 immigrants. Between 1894 and 1899, 154,613 immigrants came
to call Canada home. In the five year period between 1991 and 1996, well
over 1,000,000 immigrants will arrive. Between 1896 and 1907, Canada
admitted 1.3 million European and American immigrants. Less than 900 Blacks
were included in that number. In fact, the black population of Canada
decreased from 50,000 in 1860 to 17,000 in 1911. In the lumber industry,
Chinese workers are paid only between 25% and 50% of the wages paid to
white labourers for the same work. Organized Hate The San Francisco-based
Asiatic Exclusion League, dedicated to preventing Asian immigration to
America, opens up a number of new chapters in Canadian cities such as
Vancouver. Victoria has its own Anti-Chinese Association.
Like <https://www.facebook.com/frederick.fromm.3#> · ·

The article then trots out the usual discrimination smear: "Originally,
male Chinese labourers were allowed into Canada to work for low wages in
British Columbia's gold mines and on the trans-Canada railroad. They sent
most of their earnings back to China to help support their families.
Chinese workers will accept lower wages than white workers." Yet, the
Chinese continued to pour into Canada, despite the low wages. They saw
Canada offering desirable advantages and opportunities. Indeed, early
Chinese called Canada Gum Shan or "Gold Mountain." Wikipedia notes: "British
Columbia <http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/British_Columbia> came to be
referred to as "Gold Mountain" following the discovery of gold in the Fraser
Canyon <http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Fraser_Canyon> in the 1850s and the
spread of Chinese settlers in British Columbia (which they also referred to
as "*The Colonies of T'ang*" i.e. China." This latter sentence suggests
that the European population of British Columbia, then quite sparse, had
every reason to fear the Oriental influx.

One sentence -- that's all there is in "Organized Hate" -- labels any
opposition to the mass Asiatic invasion as "hate" : "The San
Francisco-based Asiatic Exclusion League, dedicated to preventing Asian
immigration to America, opens up a number of new chapters in Canadian
cities such as Vancouver. Victoria has its own Anti-Chinese Association."
So, any effort to prevent one's homeland from being radically changed is
"hate." White suicide is good; efforts to preserve the European character
of one's country are bad, no "hate"! This passage clearly demonstrates the
truth that "anti-racism" is a fraud and is really anti-White.

For a more accurate discussion and description of the Asiatic Exclusion
League's activities in British Columbia before World War I, you might
consult one of the booklets below.

*C-FAR is proud to have published three booklets by the Bob Jarvis about
the Komagata Maru and the opposition to mass Asiatic immigration. You may
wish to buy them and order them from C-FAR Books, P.O. Box 332, Rexdale,
ON., M9W 5L3, CANADA.*

*__ The Workingman's Revolt": The Vancouver Asiatic Exclusion Rally of 1907
* by Robert Jarvis. The fascinating story of the broad-based and, indeed,
union-led protests against mass, uncontrolled Asiatic immigration to
British Columbia. $5.00

*___ The Komagata Maru Incident: A Canadian Immigration Battle
Revisited*by Robert Jarvis. The story of an intrepid government
undercover agent
William Hopkinson, who infiltrated Sikh radicals and developed the
information that led the government to expel the *Komagata Maru* illegals
in the summer of 1914. Shortly, afterwards Hopkinson was assassinated by a
Sikh terrorist, Mewa Singh, whose portrait still hangs in some Sikh
gurdwaras in Vancouver. $5.00

*___Harry Stevens: Immigration Reformer, Reconstructionist, Canada
Firster*by Robert Jarvis. the story of a real Canadian hero and
reformer who, as a young MP, helped stir the Dominion Government to expel
the shipload of Indian illegals on the *Komagata Maru* in 1914. $6.00

*The Plight of Immigrants*

* From 1867-1891, Canada was open for business, from an immigrant's point
of view. There weren't many restrictions on who could enter the country,
except for a head tax on Chinese immigrants, which was introduced in 1885.
Eastern and Central Canada was the destination of choice, with British
Columbia attracting many people from Asia. *

*By 1900, Minister of the Interior Clifford Sifton's immigration policy is
more restrictive. *

*Immigration is funnelled to the West in order to settle and farm the wide
tracts of Prairie land. The profile of the preferred immigrant is white and
British; as stated by Minister Clifford Sifton, "stalwart peasants in
sheepskin coats". If British immigrants are not available, other white
immigrants will do. White immigrants from Eastern Europe are reluctantly
accepted in large numbers, but black and Asian immigration is discouraged.
Chinese immigrants are subject to a head tax, which requires every Chinese
immigrant to pay a special $50 tax upon entering the country. Although
relatively few in number - there are only 23,000 Chinese people in Canada
in 1900 - arrivals from Asian countries are resented by the white majority.
Originally, male Chinese labourers were allowed into Canada to work for low
wages in British Columbia's gold mines and on the trans-Canada railroad.
They sent most of their earnings back to China to help support their
families. Chinese workers will accept lower wages than white workers, and
this causes resentment in the white population, especially when jobs are
scarce. The populace generally perceives Chinese people to be immoral opium
addicts. There is no official policy restricting Blacks from entering
Canada, but the unofficial policy is to discourage it whenever possible. As
a result, there are far fewer black immigrants than there may have been

*In 1899, Canada admitted 44,543 immigrants. Between 1894 and 1899, 154,613
immigrants came to call Canada home. In the five year period between 1991
and 1996, well over 1,000,000 immigrants will arrive. Between 1896 and
1907, Canada admitted 1.3 million European and American immigrants. Less
than 900 Blacks were included in that number. In fact, the black population
of Canada decreased from 50,000 in 1860 to 17,000 in 1911. In the lumber
industry, Chinese workers are paid only between 25% and 50% of the wages
paid to white labourers for the same work. *
***Organized Hate*
* The San Francisco-based Asiatic Exclusion League, dedicated to preventing
Asian immigration to America, opens up a number of new chapters in Canadian
cities such as Vancouver. Victoria has its own Anti-Chinese Association.*
* *
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