How Chinese Are Smuggled Into Canada -- Nothing Much Changes; the Scams Just Continue
Written by Paul Fromm
Thursday, 27 October 2011 07:20
*How Chinese Are Smuggled Into Canada -- Nothing Much Changes; the Scams
Just Continue*

From the archives, *Ottawa Citizen*, April 29, 1961: "In various communities
across Canada -- particularly Vancouver, Montreal, Winnipeg and Toronto --
some hundreds of young Chinese who have entered Canada illegally during the
past few years are living hard -- and uneasy -- lives. Among them are some
who are required to work from 10 to 14 hours or more hours a day, frequently
seven days a week. Their pay is a pittance according to Canadian standards
-- possibly averaging $100 a month. From this they must pay both their plane
fares from Hong Kong and the high fees charges by the agents who smuggled
them into the country. These men have been assured by federal government
officials that, if they tell their stories to the police, they will be
allowed to remain in the country. The racketeers now preying upon them will
be sent to jail. From this proposition the illegal Chinese immigrants would
appear to have everything to gain. But there has so far been little response
to the appeals by government and police. And some Canadian Chinese
communities seem to be attempting to thwart the biggest investigation in the
history of the *Royal Canadian Mounted Police*. [Well, a lucky break there!
This was excellent training for what was to come: Twenty years later, what
would genuinely be the biggest investigation in the history of the *RCMP* --
the hapless *Air India* enquiry -- was to be similarly stymied at every turn
by overarching ethnic loyalties and disloyalty to Canada!] When the story of
the investigation first broke, many well-educated members of Chinese
communities were quoted as sympathizing with those who used illegal methods
to bring their relatives to Canada. They said the smuggling was the outcome
of Canada's discriminatory immigration rules. Persons of Chinese extraction
who are legal residents of Canada may bring in their husbands or wives,
unmarried sons and daughters under 21, mothers over 60 and fathers over 65.
Many other groups in Canada, it was pointed out, are not bound by such
narrow restrictions. 'Chinese are law-abiding citizens but are forced to
take irregular channels to bring members of their families to Canada only
because of unfair immigration rules,' *Charles Foo*, a leader of Winnipeg's
Chinese community, told a mass meeting of Chinese in Toronto. This point of
view, one that is prevalent in the Chinese communities across Canada, is
commonly given as justification for the large-scale smuggling. *But the
facts that have come to light through the current investigation seem to
indicate that in relatively few cases is strong family feeling the basis for
illegal immigration. The real cause of the racket is the money to be made
from it.* The average cost of getting an illegal immigrant into Canada is
believed to be about $4,000. Of this, between $1,000 and $1,500 will be paid
to the Canadian resident of Chinese origin who has some claim to bring a
relative to Canada. The operators of the racket at the Hong Kong end will
also receive a share. The net profit to the Canadian agent for each illegal
immigrant averages about $1,500. Despite evidence to the contrary, many have
clung to the mistaken belief that discrimination in Canada's immigration
policy is the main reason for the racket's existence. When *newspapers
reported that possibly 11,000 Chinese had come to Canada illegally over the
past ten years, the Chinese communities held protest meetings, raised
immigrant-defence funds and sent a delegation to Ottawa to see the Prime
Minister*. The reaction to the smuggling charges was one of surprised
indignation. Yet, it is likely that the 11,000 figure is a conservative one
and that possibly most Chinese who have come here since the war have entered
the country illegally. [In other words, smuggling efforts really took off
once Chinese were able to enter Canada without constraint.] Whatever their
public attitude, immigration officials and a large part of the Chinese
community must have looked upon the smuggling revelations as just the latest
chapter in an old story. Since before the turn of the century, the use of
illegal routes into Canada has been so common that many Chinese seem to have
regarded it as the normal means of entry. ... Canadian immigration
authorities were aware of this 'slot racket' and had been attempting for
years to fight it. Shortage of staff, pressures from Canada, and the guile
of the Chinese conspirators handicapped their efforts.

The 'slot,' I learned, is the key to illegal immigration. The technique of
the smuggling agents in Hong Kong and the nearby Portuguese colony of Macao
is to fit a bogus immigrant into a 'slot' -- the identity of a Chinese who
has a legitimate claim to enter Canada -- so well that he can escape
detection. ... A typical case would be that of a man who first came to
Canada in 1914 on payment of the head tax of $500. By the early 'thirties he
had saved enough money for a trip home to China to visit his wife. When he
returned to Canada about a year later, he reported to immigration
authorities that a son had recently been born to his wife and that another
baby was on the way. Some months later, he stated that the second baby had
been born. This was also a son. Five or six years later, the man again
returned to China for the permissible visit of less than two years and, on
return, reported the birth of two more sons. Since there was no registration
of births in China, there was no proof beyond the word of the man, and
possibly his relatives, that the children did, in fact, exist -- or even
that he was married. But for immigration purposes he had four sons whose
'papers' or claims to emigrate to Canada commanded a price of $1,000 to
$1,500 each. If nothing else had aroused the suspicions of government
authorities, the abnormal number of sons born would have done so. It has
been estimated unofficially that the men who returned to China on visits had
four to five sons born to them for each daughter. The birth rate was also
phenomenal considering the brevity of their visits and the fact that most of
those who could afford to pay for the voyage were no longer young men. How
old this racket is may be seen from the fact that false declarations of
births were made in the 'twenties and 'thirties so the papers could be sold
some 20 years later [as] Canadian law permits sons and daughters under 21 to
join their parents in Canada. ... Since Chinese men often appear to
Westerners to be younger than they actually are, some have passed through
immigration who were much older than their documents indicated. Married men
with families have come to Canada as single men under 21. Once here, they
have had to cope with the problem of getting wives and families to Canada.
This may be done by having a Chinese from Canada go to Hong Kong and 'marry'
the wife, who poses as a widow. She and the children then come to Canada as
the dependents of the Canadian Chinese. These relationships have on occasion
become extremely complicated. Canadian Chinese have sold 'slots' for their
real sons and daughters, who they believed would never get out of Communist
China. When these offspring have turned up in Hong Kong as refugees the
parents have had to buy papers from other Chinese and bring illegally to
Canada the children who were entitled to enter legally. There are instances
where a new-born baby of Chinese parentage has been taken to a number of
doctors in Canada by different women to have the birth registered. Each
woman explained that the baby was delivered with the help of a midwife. A
single baby has, thus, been instrumental in providing up to a dozen birth
certificates to be sold some 20 years later. Young men and women who speak
no English have produced these proofs of Canadian birth in Hong Kong when
applying to go to Canada. They explain that their parents brought them back
to China as infants and that they have been there ever since. Still others
base their claims on yellowed receipts for the head tax paid by supposed
fathers when they emigrated to Canada many years ago. [Given the length and
breadth of these enduring scams, it is risible to learn that new demands are
agitating for head tax redress payouts to extend to putative descendants --
or a reasonable facsimile of such.]
So, many of the older generation of Chinese came to Canada illegally that
many of them may regard it all as a bit of a game. *A Royal Commission
appointed in 1910 discovered that Chinese were pouring into the port of
Vancouver illegally. In August 1910, a total of 53 arrived as stowaways
aboard a single vessel*. Scores of members of ship's crews changed clothes
ashore with friends who wished to visit China, and stayed on to work in
Canada. Some crew members, on going ashore, posed as Canadian residents and
applied for permits to visit China. On their return to China, they sold the
permits to prospective immigrants who looked enough like them to pass the
Canadian immigration inspectors. Genuine residents of Canada going back to
China to retire sold their Canadian papers to other would-be immigrants who
roughly resembled them. ... Canadian police and immigration officials can
testify to this. And a wall of silence and ignorance descends when an
officer attempts to obtain information in the Chinatown of a Canadian city.
Whatever the success of the investigation, it seems likely that immigration
from Hong Kong will show a marked decline in the next few years." Hah! When
Hong Kong reverted to Chinese suzerainty, Canada's *laissez faire* posture
would grease admission of unknowable numbers *of Big Circle Boys* and other
triad gangsters, bent cops and well-heeled bribers*.*

[This article appears in the October, 2011 issue of the *CANADIAN
HOTLINE*is available by subscription for $30 per year. You can
subscribe by sending
a cheque or VISA number and expiry date to *CANADIAN IMMIGRATION HOTLINE*,
P.O. Box 332, Rexdale, ON., M9W 5L3.]
China Reverts to Its Old Arrogance
Written by Paul Fromm
Wednesday, 26 October 2011 02:46
* China Reverts to Its Old Arrogance
*The long introduction may be less than arresting - but keep reading! (I've
marked the transition point with red) the 2nd half is a spittle sermon of
anti-Western contempt and loathing (Oh why can't those loser Westerners be
more modest in their attitude toward the great and glorious 'Middle
Kingdom? ' Fists clenched: Shall we have to teach them a lesson?) Nice to
recover the old swagger and all that, but for people supposedly blessed with
a long memory, notice no mention of more recent triumphs -- a China crippled
through persistent superstition, crippled by grotesque misshapen hoofs for
females, crippled through creation of eunuchs, crippled through repeated
defeat at the hands of outside states, crippled by the excesses of the
cultural revolution -- a billion automatons wearing matching pyjamas,
consulting the little red book as they gnaw the bark off trees, etc ad
nauseam. For all the arrogance, there is a back beat of nervous excess to
it, an unstated awareness that China has rapidly forgotten the degradations
of centuries, but talk about the heartless soul of the place! I would have
been happy to see some acknowledgement of the West's suspicion of an economy
based on the production of toxic trinkets, but no such luck. It certainly
reads like a very direct translation from the Chinese.

*Blind hatred lurks in Western views
*By Jian Junbo
*Asia Times* (Oct 21, 2011(

LONDON - The "China threat theory" is re-emerging in Western narratives,
seemingly buoyed by the pace of modernization within the People's Liberation
Army (PLA) and a recent focus on the chances of military confrontation with
the United States in China's backyard. More often than not, however, Western
perceptions of the threat take an ill-informed trajectory that spins from
the orbit of reality.

A rising China is a natural competitor for the United States in the Pacific,
according to a recent study by public policy think-tank the RAND
Corporation, which states that although the prospects for war are limited,
they are real and may prove difficult to minimize. As an objective
assessment of the study in the *Atlantic **Sentinel* puts it:
... RAND ... examines not so much the likelihood of a direct confrontation
with China, but rather how and where a crisis could develop and then
escalate into war.
If it chose, RAND observes, China could become a more formidable threat to
the US than Nazi Germany and the Soviet Union were at the height of their
power. China doesn't appear to seek territorial expansion or ideological
aggrandizement at the expense of other countries and the United States is
likely to remain militarily superior. But in its immediate neighborhood,
China could achieve hegemony. "In consequence, the direct defense of
contested assets in that region will become progressively more difficult,
eventually approaching impossible," according to the RAND Corporation. [1]
In an interview with the Washington Post last week, Aaron Friedberg, former
deputy assistant for national security affairs and director of policy
planning for former vice president Dick Cheney, sees a clear and present
danger in China's point of view, saying:
Although they are careful not to say so, I believe that China's present
leaders seek eventually to displace the United States as the preponderant
power in East Asia. The Chinese Communist Party believes that the United
States and its allies aim to encircle China, to constrict its growth and to
transform it eventually into a liberal democracy. They regard the U.S.
presence in Asia, its network of bases, alliances, and forward deployed
military forces, as an unnatural, temporary intrusion and a potential
threat. With the United States gone, China should be able to resume its
traditional position as the dominant regional power. [2]

The issue is one of perceptions. For the view of China from an American
perspective, we can turn to the latest survey by Rasmussen Reports, an
electronic media company, which described its assessment as the most
negative in three years of surveying public opinion.

The poll shows 62% of American adults now see China as an emerging,
long-term danger to the US. Only 9% of Americans now describe the Asian
powerhouse as a US ally. Fifty-eight percent say China is somewhere between
being an ally and being an enemy. And 27% see China as an outright enemy,
compared with 16% when the same question was asked in April. [3]

Perceptions of the China threat took on a distinct air of unreality last
week when a Japanese online news report said that according to "a latest
survey" by the Telegraph, a British newspaper, many British people saw China
as a threat and the PLA was so powerful that it could take over London
overnight and conquer the whole of United Kingdom in three months. Without
checking their facts, some Chinese-language media in Hong Kong picked this
up, spinning the threat with headlines such as "The PLA can take over London

As a matter of fact, the *Telegraph* started the online survey on March 4,
2008, and invited public comments on such questions as "Is the US - and the
West as a whole - right to fear China's increasing military might? Do you
believe China's official line that its investments are 'defensive' in
nature? Is it hypocritical of the US - or Britain - to worry about China's
military aggression?" Up to date, 120 comments have been posted, and the
latest was dated on March 23, 2010. [4]

From the perspective of objective news reporting, the *Telegraph* survey has
little value. However, it allows respondents to give their views on the
issue - a step more revealing of perceptions and attitudes than the
presentation of statistical figures in a survey. The range of expressions
enables readers, especial Chinese readers, to better understand how
Westerners think and argue over the "China threat", and as set apart from
charges by Western politician and media. As such, it is still worth some
reflection from a Chinese point of view.

In general, the 120 comments can be categorized into two schools of thought.
One holds that the West is right to fear China's aggression, though most
characterize the sense of aggression as deriving more from China's
increasing economic might than its military modernization. Another school
sees China as no substantial threat to the West in coming decades, and sees
that as a function of the many internal problems faced by the Middle

Those who believe China is a threat give various reasons: China is so big
that it will swallow the rest of the world; China is a non-democratic state;
and China takes an imperialist external policy.

For instance, a comment said: "The real world problem is overpopulation and
there are simply not enough resources to meet China's growing economic
ambition. If the Chinese are to enjoy the same standard of living as we do
in the West ... it's likely to be messy".

Another accurately calculated that for "China to achieve the 'Western'
standard of living [it] will require 6x [six times] the resources and
commodities the world now produces" ... "The Chinese government wishes to
increase military spending ... possibly because China recognizes the
scarcity of the world's resources. Wars have often been fought over

Some others argued that "China is governed by evil communism, they're using
slavery methods in they're own country"; or "China is not a democracy. It is
not threatened by any other country." China "is now a superpower with no
democracy. This means it can build the world's largest airport terminal
within 4 years; Heathrow's T5 will take about 15 [years to build]."

Still others thought that China is like an imperialist country. One comment
said China is "taking advantages of Indian democracy, by using Indian
communists as their agents, to further their movement, as Russia was using
its neighboring-countries in 1950s and 1960s. China is on the same path".

Some others talked about "China's aggressive external policy" toward Taiwan
and Tibet. "For the past 10 to 15 years China has been saying they are going
to attack Taiwan and fight a war with the US. They are currently trying to
prevent ships from other nations from sailing across the South China Sea. Do
these sound like the actions of a peaceful nation?"

All in all, as a comment summed up: "Well, from the comments I have read, it
is not about fear. It's hatred. It surprises me that so many of them hate
China so much". One may add that apart from hatred, there are also
expressions of prejudice and ignorance.

But what does this toe-dip into a small sea of Western perceptions mean for
the West, for China and for the world?

Western people may fully agree that he who hates others will blind to
others. If the minds of ordinary Western people are full of hatred for
China, it's regrettable yet carries some truth that they are totally blind
to China. There is still quite a big gap to be filled between China's
reality and Western people's knowledge of China's reality.

Ironically, it can be said most people who are blind to China's reality
would not admit their blindness - and may even lack the will or courage to
listen to opposite opinions.

In this regard, a joke in China is perhaps revealing. It has it that a
Falungong follower preaches to a person on street, telling him not to listen
to the Chinese Communist Party's propaganda about the cult. The person asks,
"Have you read any of those articles that criticize Falungong?" ... "No,''
says the Falungong devotee, ''we never read articles that are incorrect."

*How can one conclude an article is false without reading it? Unfortunately,
Westerners blind to China's reality are just like the Falungong follower in
the joke. Obstinacy and prejudice give them every excuse to show no interest
in getting to know about the real China. *

Western-centralism is perhaps the basic reason behind some ignorance and
prejudice on China's reality. A long history of Western-centric views
influences the prism through which the West looks at and understand the rest
of the world, including China.

Western-centric thinking has led Western people to look much more inward
than outward. For instance, Americans are notorious for their poor knowledge
of world geography; many of them unable to spot any difference between
Singapore and Shanghai.

By contrast, in the drive to modernize their country, the Chinese have been
eagerly learning about the West. Today, many ordinary Chinese know the name
of the US president, the capitals of Britain, France and Germany, and take a
great interest in major international affairs. But how many Western people
know that Hu Jintao is the Chinese leader or that the nation's capital is
Beijing, not Shanghai?

The West considers itself the lighthouse of world economy, freedom and
democracy. With ideals that embolden a sense of superiority, Western
thinking goes that other nations in the world ought to learn everything
about the West, and that only the West has the right to "lecture" other
nations. That means the West in general doesn't have typical interest to
learn more about foreign cultures or realities.

Furthermore, a Western-centric viewpoint has led the West to develop an
aggressive or offensive culture that always asks non-Western nations to
accept the values based on Western and Christian cultures. As such, Western
people have no interest to learn or know much about others' cultures, values
and ideas. They only want to pragmatically learn something when doing
business with other nations.

Meanwhile, those views are based on dichotomy which sees the world only as
black or white, right and wrong, good or evil - and nothing in between.
Since they think they're right, standing on a God-supported and -selected
side, others like Chinese must be wrong if they don't take to Western
suggestions or models. Because of this, when China takes a different
approach from the West, then China is labeled as an autocratic state with
ignorant mass under evil communist party's ruling.

Ironically, ignorant as some Westerners may be about China, they think they
know more and better about the country than Chinese. Typical examples are
their views on Taiwan and Tibet. Even though their governments solemnly
recognize Taiwan and Tibet as parts of China, many Westerners still insist
that they are independent countries.

Apart from a Western-centric ideology, governments and media organizations
in the West should also be held responsible for people's prejudice and
hostility toward China.

Western governments tend to intervene in China's internal affairs as one
part of their policies toward China, and particularly, powers like the US,
France or Britain are interested in changing China in terms with the Western
model and values. Under this strategy, it's easy for them to consider China
as a competitor, challenger and even threat at a time when China's rise
economically and militarily is not based on the Western road map.

Western governments are inclined through their media to expose bad images of
China or to publicly criticize China, and even try to shape wrong ideas
about the country. In this sense, the Western media is an indispensable
government assistant in efforts of Western governments to demonize China and
make their public more blind to China's reality.

As long as the Western mainstream median like CNN or BBC prefers to reports
negative news of China or report China with prejudices, the picture of China
remains distorted in the minds of Western publics.

According to statistics by China's Press and Publication Administration, in
the last century China translated into Chinese and published 1,068,000 books
from their original English, German, Italian, Spain and Russian. By
comparison, only 800 Chinese books had been translated and published in the
West over the same century.

More and more Westerners are coming to study in Chinese universities for
Mandarin training or to earn degrees, or are traveling as tourists, and an
increasing number of Western academic institutions offer courses in China
Studies. But that is still not sufficient when, for instance, many Western
Sinologists don't even understand Chinese language.

To some degree, Western blindness to China has nothing to do with China,
except it impresses upon Chinese people that most Western publics have so
little knowledge and a great deal of ignorance about a country with 5,000
years of history that has undergone huge changes in its reality.

For the Chinese, they don't have any interest in asking other nations to
understand China or even teach others to learn from Chinese people. Doing
their own best is best for the world, and as Confucius said "If Barbarians
don't follow us, we should just enhance our own education and cultivate our
morality to attract them to come".

However, if Western countries' policy toward China is mostly based on
blindness, damage will continue to be done to relations between China and
the West, and Western interests inevitably will be hurt too.

So it seems there is a chasm for the West to fill between itself and China.
*The gap can be narrowed if Western people have the will and sincerity to
respect China and understand this country with a more modest attitude. *

1. "War With China: How It Could Happen,"* *Atlantic Sentinel, Oct 14, 2011.

2. Interview with Aaron Friedberg: Is China going to displace the U.S.?,
Washington Post, Oct 16, 2011.
3. Rasmussen: 62% See" China as Threat to US," Newsmax, Oct 3, 2011.
4." Is the West right to fear China?", Telegraph, Mar 4, 2008.*

*Dr Jian Junbo, an assistant professor of the Institute of International
Studies at Fudan University, Shanghai, China, is currently an academic
visitor at London School of Economics and Political Science, United Kingdom.
25th Annual European American Heritage Festival in Pulaski Celebrates America’s Eur
Written by Paul Fromm
Tuesday, 25 October 2011 07:06
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25th Annual European American Heritage Festival in Pulaski
Celebrates America’s European Founding/Settler People

PULASKI, TN. October 22, 2011. The march of pride stretched out more
than a city block here. Over 100 patriots, two from as far away as
Canada, marched behind a fluttering sea of the flags of their European
homelands on a crisp Autumn day to celebrate European achievements and
pride. The 25th annual European American Heritage Festival was
pronounced a “solid success” by organizer Pastor Thomas Robb of
the Christian Revival Center in Harrison, AR.

The event started 25 years ago to protest plans to proclaim Martin
Luther King Day. In recent years, it morphed into a celebration of
pride in the European founding/settler people of the United States.
The event featured literature tables, tables displaying teeshirts,
with a goodly display of Confederate memorabilia, and tables with home
crafts and jewellery .For the first time, there was a custom and
antique car show. Lively music was provided by Heritage Connection –
Charity Dunscombe and Shelby Pendergraft, Pastor Robb’s grand
daughters, who have just brought out their fourth CD.

The purpose of the European-American Heritage Festival is “to offer
an opportunity to European-Americans (usually called White Americans)
to demonstrate love for their heritage, people and culture,”
explains Pastor Robb.

“We gather here to exercise free speech in this beautiful Tennessee
town founded by our White ancestors,” Rachel Pendergraft the MC told
the crowd gathered in the spacious parking lot of the Giles C County
Court House’s.

“Every single signer of the Declaration of Independence was of
European descent,” Pastor Robb told the crowd. This is our land,”
he added. “It was your forefathers who faced savage Indians, tilled
the soil, and irrigated parched land, once considered worthless and
made it produce food to feed the nation and to feed many others. It
was your forefathers who harnessed the forces of Nature.”

The reason the politically correct hate you, Pastor Robb explained
“is because the moment you become proud again, you become a
conqueror again. Europeans came to this continent as free men, not as
slaves in a ship or sneaking across another people’s border. Our
frontier was their ‘New England’ – a European country,” he

“White students are ashamed that they have no culture. They are told
by those who wish our genocide that they have no ‘groove’,
‘soul’ or rhythm’. But out of the European blood of their
ancestors came waltzes, symphonies, classical and country music. While
others were hanging on a hollow log, our European ancestors were
making pianos and guitars,” he said.

“What happened to the republic given to us by our forefathers?”
Pastor Robb wondered.

He reminded the festival attendees that, coming out of Independence
Hall in Philadelphia after signing the Declaration of Independence, a
then aged and feeble Benjamin Franklin was confronted by a woman who
demanded: “ Dr. Franklin, what have you given us?”

“Lady,” Benjamin Franklin replied,” we have given you a
republic, if you can keep it.”
In a stirring conclusion to his remarks, Pastor Robb reminded the
crowd: “The Fifth Commandment says, ‘Honour thy Father and thy
Mother that your days may be long upon the land.’ If we lose it now,
it will be because of our failure to love our heritage, to love our
people and to do our duty.”

The festival attracted a film crew from New York City and a reporter
from French television Channel Plus who had travelled from Paris
specially to cover this aspect of American politics.

Festival sponsors included the American Free Press and the Barnes
Review, the Derek Black Show, broadcaster James Edwards and the
Political Cesspool, Reason Radio Network the Abundant Life Fellowship,
author and broadcaster Dr. Tomislav Sunic, the Nationalist Times, and
the Canadian Association for Free Expression.

CAFÉ Director Paul Fromm gave extensive interviews to the press. “I
was delighted to see two giant Red Ensigns, the flag of the real
Canada, proudly carried in the ranks of the flags of our European
homelands,” he said.

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