David Duke Arrested in Germany: How You Can Help
Written by Paul Fromm
Wednesday, 30 November 2011 18:47
*David Duke Arrested in Germany: How You Can Help*
*David Duke was to address a meeting in Cologne Germany on Friday, November
25. The police tried to pressure the owner of the meeting hall to cancel
the meeting. Police stopped people heading to the meeting for long identity
checks. Some were even told the meeting had been cancelled. The meeting
went ahead but without the guest speaker. Dr. Duke was arrested and held
for some hours. He has been ordered deported.*
*The Association Pres reported: "* The Cologne police statement said that
Duke "was not entitled to stay in Germany" because of a travel ban against
him in another, unspecified European country."
The Associated Press also quoted Sabine
the German justice minister, as saying: "We all have a responsibility to
ensure that extreme-right, nationalistic and anti-Semitic groups and
networks are not able to again come together,"
So, the arrest was clearly political.
*He intends to fight so that this obviously political persecution does not
set a precedent to deny him admission to all EU countries.*
*He explains: "**I have to fight this improper action against me and our
brothers and sisters. I just can’t turn my back and run away, no matter how
comfortable it may be for me to do so. My duty is to stand up for my rights
and that of the European people. The truth is that I and all who stand up
for the heritage and freedom of the European and American people truly
stand up for the most basic of human rights. The right of every people to
be free, to freely speak and assemble, the right to be independent and not
live under a globalist tyranny, and the right to preserve their identity
and unique expressions of humanity. This is a right of Europeans and a
right possessed by all people on Earth, but it is only Europeans who are
condemned for even speaking in defense of these precious human rights."*
*He needs your help:*
*1. Protest to the German Embassy or Consulate near you. Write
(preferable), call or e-mail.*
*Throw "democratic" in their faces. Suggest that the "New" Germany is just
as opposed to political dissent and diversity as the "Old" one supposedly
was. Poor Germany doesn't even have a peace treaty. Still, the Allies are
technically at war. Thousands of American troops are still based there two
decades after the fall of the Soviet Union. The German constitution was
imposed by the allies. Ernst Zundel called his homeland a "vassal state.|
The liberties of German citizens are severely circumscribed. Tens of
thousands of dissidents, right and left, are flung in jail for non violent
dissent. Ernst Zundel got five years for sending literature to Germany
critical of the Hollywood version of WW II.*
*1 Waverley Street Ottawa, ON K2P 0T8
**(613) 232-1101*
You can e-mail but to do so you must go on the Embassy Website

*GERMAN EMBASSY -- Washington*

*4645 Reservoir Rd NW Washington, DC 20007, United States
**(202) 298-4000* <%28202%29%20298-4000>
You can e-mail but to do so you must go on the Embassy Website

*2. A legal fight will cost money. Mail your contribution to Dr. David Duke
at or go on his website and contribute on line.*
The Duke Report,
PO Box 188,
Mandeville, LA 70470,

Website: http://www.davidduke.com

*On my recent imprisonment and the fight for free speech **and the
heritage of our people!*
*– Composed in a moving Car!*

*And to think there are politicians in the Western World who*

*criticize the lack of freedom of speech in Iran or China!*

by Dr. David Duke

November 27, 2011


My Dear Friends,

I am free now, but a desperate fight is ahead of me for my rights and the
rights of the people of Europe to hear me. They truly do want to hear me
and they need to hear me and my message. Today videos of talks and
appearances are reaching tens of millions of people.

I think by now that you know my spirit, that I simply cannot back down from
aiding our brothers and sisters efforts for their heritage in our ancient
homelands of Europe any more than I could cease the fight for America. This
a global effort to destroy our people, and it requires a global effort on
our part to win it. We in America and Canada, Australia, across Europe and
even across Russia must help awaken each other and aid each other.

I won’t go into to many details of my arrest at this moment as a court case
is yet to be fought, but I was imprisoned by a gross twisting of travel
laws in a blatant attempt by the government to prevent a private and
peaceful gathering of about a 100 German citizens eager to hear my message
of heritage and freedom. My arrest and imprisonment was meant to silence my
message and demoralize the people who came to hear it.

For hours before my scheduled presentation at a private event, Police under
orders from the politicians stopped all of our cars, including a couple
over 90 years old who had driven over 75 kilometers to hear me. They
demanded ID from all, delaying them for a long time on the street, and they
told the people specifically that the meeting was cancelled. There at the
police checkpoint, after a number of people had gone on to the private
meeting site, they arrested me. Of course, the claim that the meeting was
cancelled was a huge lie. The meeting was not cancelled. The owner of the
hall honored the contract with the group, and in fact the meeting went on
without me, thanks to the brave people who withstood all the intimidation,
and who still persevered and made their way to the hall.

As much as I would like to, I can’t just go back to Louisiana right now as
I have to fight this improper action against me and our brothers and
sisters. I just can’t turn my back and run away, no matter how comfortable
it may be for me to do so. My duty is to stand up for my rights and that of
the European people. The truth is that I and all who stand up for the
heritage and freedom of the European and American people truly stand up for
the most basic of human rights. The right of every people to be free, to
freely speak and assemble, the right to be independent and not live under a
globalist tyranny, and the right to preserve their identity and unique
expressions of humanity. This is a right of Europeans and a right possessed
by all people on Earth, but it is only Europeans who are condemned for even
speaking in defense of these precious human rights.

To fight this case will cost a lot of money, time and effort. The legal
system is just as money-driven as it is in the U.S. and I must support
myself far from my home during this period, never knowing from one minute
to the next when shall come the proverbial knock upon the door. For years I
have had to put up with the thought of those knocks in the night. But I
have not bent, not run away, not bit my tongue in servile cowardice while
our people are being driven to an end of their existence.

While most of you will be getting ready for the warmth and love and
friendship and family of Christmas, I will be far from home fighting the
good fight. I miss you all, and no matter how lonely it seems sometimes in
this fight, it is you, each of you reading this, that gives me hope and
peace. Please remember me and this sacred struggle for our people at this
beautiful time of year that is such an expression of our exquisite culture
and values.

But, my dear friends, I believe you will come through with great
generosity, even sacrifice at this time, even with all your personal needs
during the Christmas season.

Thanks so much for your dedication to this cause and your support and
encouragement to me personally.

It means so much to me and my work!

Perhaps you could copy this letter and post it on this and other threads so
my message is heard by all those who have the inclination to help me in
this pressing matter at this difficult time for me.


Dr. David Duke

If you would use this link and send something right away because you are so
much needed at this time.

I will not be able to post much in the coming few days, so please copy this
letter and see that it is widely circulated…Thanks.


*By mail: The Duke Report, PO Box 188, Mandeville, LA 70470*

*By phone: **(985) 626-7714* <%28985%29%20626-7714>



*Periodically check the contact, info or email box for the up-to-date
anti-spam address. If you put this address into your address book, and use
it with without using the the above links, your email may never arrive!*


*Website: **http://www.davidduke.com* <http://www.davidduke.com/>
Pakistani woman kills her husband, attempts to cook him after he planned to marry ano
Written by Paul Fromm
Tuesday, 29 November 2011 02:58
Pakistani woman kills her husband, attempts to cook him after he planned to
marry another
*[Now here's a twist on "honour killing." Is this brutal primitive culture
the one we want to bring to Canada and, then, we'll dance like loonies in a
big group hug and claim all cultures are equal and that the earth is flat
and the moon is made of green cheese?}*

Agence France-Presse<http://news.nationalpost.com/author/agencefrancepresse/>
24, 2011 – 9:27 AM ET
[image: PAT MCGRATH/Postmedia News]

PAT MCGRATH/Postmedia News

"There could be two factors behind her intention to cook the husband. One
is to destroy the evidence and the other could be her immense hatred
against him."


KARACHI — Pakistani police on Thursday arrested a woman who had killed her
husband and was attempting to cook his body parts after he planned to marry
another woman without her permission.

The police arrested Zainab Bibi, 32, and her nephew Zaheer, 22, in the Shah
Faisal colony of Pakistan’s southern megacity Karachi, and recovered the
bowl of flesh she planned to cook, said police chief for the area Nadeem

“They killed Ahmed Abbas, Zainab’s husband, and chopped his body into
pieces and were about to cook the flesh in a bowl,” he told AFP, adding
that the knife with which they killed the man had been recovered.

Television networks showed gruesome footage of the human flesh in a bowl
ready for the stove.

A neighbour had alerted the police and investigations were ongoing, said

“There could be two factors behind her intention to cook the husband. One
is to destroy the evidence and the other could be her immense hatred
against him,” over his plan to marry another woman, he said.
According to family law in the Islamic country, a man has get permission
from his first wife before his second marriage, but the law is rarely
*Agence France-Presse*
CAFE Calls on ALL MPs to Support Bill C-304 -- Bill to Repeal Sec. 12 of Canadian Hu
Written by Paul Fromm
Monday, 28 November 2011 05:01
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CAFE Calls on ALL MPs to Support Bill C-304 -- Bill to Repeal Sec.
12 of Canadian Human Rights Act (Internet Censorship)

Canadian Association for Free Expression
Box 332,
Rexdale, Ontario, M9W 5L3
Ph: 905-274-3868 ( tel:905-274-3868 ); FAX: 905-278-2413 (
tel:905-278-2413 )

November 26, 2011

I am writing to urge you to support a Private Member’s Bill – Bill
C-304 – introduced by Brian Storseth. This bill would repeal Sec. 13
of the Canadian Human Rights Act. This involves censorship of the
Internet by government bureaucrats.

Over the past 14 years, CAFÉ has been actively involved in fighting
the totalitarian features of this ill-conceived piece of legislation.

We’ve had intervener status at three tribunals and several offshoot
“judicial reviews” before the courts. I have also acted as a
“representative” for nine people or organizations charged under
Sec. 13. It was sad to see well-meaning, opinionated Canadians, most
of them ordinary people with modest or no means, dragged through an
abuse-by-process, where truth was no defence, intent was no defence,
and where, until the Lemire decision in 2009, no victim/defendant had
ever been found not guilty. That’s the sort of legal record normally
found only in tyrannies like North Korea.

Perhaps, it’s the fact that truth is no defence that makes this
legislation most offensive. The threshold to offend is laughably low:
communication over the Internet “likely to expose” certain groups
“to hatred or contempt.” The Commission doesn’t have to prove
anyone was ever moved or influenced by what was posted. Hatred is hard
enough to define, but “contempt” would be any negative feeling
that might be created against a privileged group. Thus, certain groups
become almost immune to criticism. This is not healthy in a democracy.

The unhealthy and repressive mindset of the Canadian Human Rights
Commission became shockingly clear in 2007, when a senior “hate
case” investigator testified, when asked what weight he gave to free
speech when investigating Internet postings: “None. Free speech is
an American concept.”

I know you and I beg to differ with Dean Steacy. Free speech is very
much a Canadian concept and precious value. It’s time for Sec. 13 to
be repealed and for expression on the Internet in Canada to be a bit
safer from would be censors with a politically correct agenda they’d
like to impose.

During evidence presented during the Marc Lemire case, we learned that
the “scientific” justification for repressing free speech is junk
science. It all goes back to a paper prepared by an obscure University
of Toronto professor of psychology Frederick Kaufman. He argued that
“hate propaganda” had a deleterious effect on minorities. It
scared them, made them feel afraid, made them not want to be
themselves, and led them to withdraw from society and, at the extreme,
hit the booze or the pills.

You, as a politician, may have problems with this scenario as did I
for years. How do you react to hateful comments made about you in the
heat of a campaign? Likely, in one of two ways: you dismiss them as
crazy or laughable; or, you react and fight back with the truth. I
doubt you start to doubt yourself (and go over to the opposition),
feel fearful and withdraw from public life and, then, hit the booze
and the pills.

Sadly, the Kaufman account is very serious as it has been used to
justify both Sec. 13 and Canada’s so-called “hate law” (Sec. 319
of the Criminal Code). If your common sense tells you Kaufman’s
account is flawed, that’s exactly what modern science has found. In
Warman v Lemire, Marc Lemire led as expert evidence a report by Dr.
Michael Persinger, a professor of neuropsychology at Laurentian
University. Dr. Persinger termed the Kaufman report as “highly
theoretical” even for its time; in other words, it was not backed by
empirical evidence. With the capability of modern science of
neuropsychology, he testified, we now know that’s not the way the
human mind responds to “aversive language” – language in
opposition or hostile to one’s group. As in the political scenario
I’ve outlined to you, the normal reaction to “aversive language”
(“hate speech”) is either to dismiss it as crazy or laughable or
to be spurred to get into the debate and provide a rebuttal.

So, the “science” that once offered an excuse for censorship, lies

The time has come to wipe Sec. 13 of the Canadian Human Rights Code
off the books. Internet censorship is unworthy of Canada – the sort
of sorry practice we abhor in Communist China or Egypt in the dying
days of the Mubarak regime.

Support for freedom of speech is surely a non-partisan matter. In the
last Parliament, former MP Dr. Keith Martin introduced a private
member's bill to repeal Sec. 13 of the Canadian Human Rights Act.

I urge you to stand up for freedom and support Bill C-304.

I look forward to your response.

Sincerely yours,

Paul Fromm

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