My Friend Earl On "White Skin Privilege" |
Written by Paul Fromm |
Tuesday, 31 January 2012 20:02 |
My Friend Earl On "White Skin Privilege" *This idiot is the Mayor of Duluth, MN. He is funding billboards deploring "White Skin Privilege." *Mayor Don Ness Duluth, MN <[email protected]> Count me as someone who is grateful for my "White Skin Privilege." I am grateful for my WSP because it allows me the privilege of paying taxes to the Yankee Government, which then distributes more than $1 Trillion of such taxes per year to every baby-daddy, baby-momma, welfare cheat, drug-dealer, Oprah-watcher, petty criminal, alcoholic, drug-addict and deadbeat in Duluth and every other large, urban area in the U.S. It also teaches me patience, as I observe non-whites with I.Q.s lower than their shoe size moved to the front of every employment line, while those of us with WSP obligingly move to the back of those lines. WSP also affords me the opportunity to hear -- at 100 to 120 decibels -- all the latest "Hip-Hop" songs composed and sung by illiterate and criminal drug-addicts, whenever I venture out into traffic in any urban area: It's such a joy to be able to hear them so clearly without having to purchase them, first ! WSP also gives me the motivation to work on Martin Luther King Day -- despite it's being a holiday -- so I can reject the canonizing of a communist party member, who routinely savaged and sodomized white prostitutes, as he was caught doing the night he was awarded the Nobel Prize in Oslo. (Instead, it has motivated me to celebrate Robert E. Lee Day with a greater enthusiasm and reverence than ever before.) It has also made me recognize the absolute necessity of purchasing a great many weapons, and becoming proficient with them. It has further convinced me to get a concealed-carry license, so that my WSP doesn't get me randomly murdered by that demographic you love so much in theory, as has occurred to over 200,000 Americans sharing my WSP since the mid-1960s... Finally, what my WSP has really done for me is make me (and nearly everyone I know) a conservative to the right of Rush Limbaugh, who will never vote for a "Democrat" as long as I live, and who cannot wait to use my C/C License when the opportunity presents itself... Earl P. Holt III Longview, TX P.S. I know damned well you don't live amongst them, just like every other leftist Yankee hypocrite, who loves them in the abstract, but runs like hell from them. |
Is your family prepared to live in a police state |
Written by Paul Fromm |
Tuesday, 31 January 2012 01:30 |
-------------------------------------------------------------------------------- This email newsletter was sent to you in graphical HTML format. If you're seeing this version, your email program prefers plain text emails. You can read the original version online: -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Is your family prepared to live in a police state? Is your family prepared to live in a police state.pdf 144K View ( )Download ( ) If there are images in this attachment, they will not be displayed.Download the original attachment ( ) ( ) d-love-case.html ( ) This notice was not prepared in an attempt to turn Canadian citizens into radicals like those which we seen at the G20 in Toronto. The purpose is to make you realize that we can’t allow government to turn Canada into a police state, or to allow them to pander to privileged minority groups, (and using our tax dollars) to simply secure more votes for their parties. This new police state also wants Canadian seniors punished financially by making them wait until age sixty-seven to retire. Each year government spends twenty three “Billion” dollars on immigration, to house, educate, and feed them until they are able to simulate into our culture, which most never really do. To punish those who built the country in order to have more money to support immigration policies is an absolute crime, it’s nothing less than government elder abuse. The question you must ask yourself is: Do you want your grandchildren to live their lives under such oppressive police state regulations? Due to cultural birth rates and excessive immigration policies, Canada will have a fully controlled Muslim government by 2040, It’s unavoidable according to experts. Our grandchildren having to contend with that issue will be tough enough, as you can imagine. Having a police state government on top of this will make life absolute hell for Canadians. It is our duty to confront government at this time, and make it clear that we do not like the direction this country is going in, and that we do not want every aspect of our life controlled by a police state government. We want to maintain our basic right to free speech and expression. _____________________________ Unsubscribe / Change Profile: Powered by YourMailingListProvider |
Is your family prepared to live in a police state |
Written by Paul Fromm |
Tuesday, 31 January 2012 01:10 |
*Is your family prepared to live in a police state* ** *Is your family prepared to live in a police state.pdf* * * 144K View<> Download<> *If there are images in this attachment, they will not be displayed.*Download the original attachment<> *Page 1* Is your family prepared to live in a police state? *Canadian’s notoriously have lived a life of denial.* *When they are confronted with accusations that* *they are meek and lack testicular courage, they* *say* *“Oh no, we’re just companionate people”.* *So compassionate that they’ve allowed* *government to flood the country with an* *excessive number of immigrants, to the point of* *virtually destroying a once great health care* *system. It’s not that the immigrants accepted are* *bad people, it’s just a matter of too much of* *anything is poison, especially if it is destroying* *the quality of life in Canada.* *In addition to the excessive immigration problems* *in Canada, we now have a government that is on a* *mission to strip Canadian’s of their basic rights to* *free speech and expression, especially the* *families of Canada’s European founding settlers* *who voice their concerns about how the countries* *immigration policies are effecting their quality of* *life. Human Rights Tribunals have even been put* *in place by government to punish citizens who* *refuse to give up their right to free speech, which* *their grandparents died in wars to keep.* *Did you know that the Canadian government is* *presently on a mission to control how citizens* *converse with each other on the Internet? Yes!* *Internet Censorship Laws will soon be in place,* *and citizens who fail to comply will be fined or* *even jailed. This is absolute communism.* *Prime Minister Harper did not have new super size* *prisons constructed for marijuana users or* *terrorist suspects, they are for those Canadian’s * *who refuse to accept the police state regulations* *which are being imposed on them.* *Fidel Castro did the same thing to his people back* *during the Cuban revolution when he introduced* *his police state government. Many thousands of* *Cuban people spent many years in prison.* *So you think this can’t happen in Canada?* *Mr. Brad Love spent eighteen months in Canadian* *prisons for demanding that politicians answer his* *questions about how excessive immigration and* *imported crime was destroying lives for* *Canadians, especially in “Gun City Toronto”.* *See this site – This could happen to you.* *<> * *d-love-case.html<> * *This notice was not prepared in an attempt to* *turn Canadian citizens into radicals like* *those which we seen at the G20 in Toronto.* *The purpose is to make you realize that we can’t * *allow government to turn Canada into a police* *state, or to allow them to pander to privileged* *minority groups, (and using our tax dollars) to* *simply secure more votes for their parties.* *This new police state also wants Canadian* *seniors punished financially by making them wait* *until age sixty-seven to retire. Each year* *government spends twenty three “Billion” dollars* *on immigration, to house, educate, and feed them* *until they are able to simulate into our culture,* *which most never really do. To punish those who* *built the country in order to have more money to* *support immigration policies is an absolute crime,* *it’s nothing less than government elder abuse.* *The question you must ask yourself is:* *Do you want your grandchildren to live their lives* *under such oppressive police state regulations?* *Due to cultural birth rates and excessive* *immigration policies, Canada will have a fully* *controlled Muslim government by 2040,* *It’s unavoidable according to experts.* *Our grandchildren having to contend with that* *issue will be tough enough, as you can imagine.* *Having a police state government on top of this* *will make life absolute hell for Canadians.* *It is our duty to confront government at this time,* *and make it clear that we do not like the direction* *this country is going in, and that we do not want* *every aspect of our life controlled by a police* *state government. We want to maintain our basic* *right to free speech and expression.* |
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