Hear Paul Fromm on the Maggie Rodden Show: Who are the Freedom Haters?←
Written by Paul Fromm
Wednesday, 21 March 2012 07:54
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Hear Paul Fromm on the Maggie Rodden Show: Who are the Freedom
Monday March 19th Ron MacDonald and meMarch 20th

← Monday March 19th Ron MacDonald and me (


Download ( http://theunsolicitedopinion.com/audio/USO-03-20-12.mp3 )

My guest was Paul Fromm Director of Council of Conservative Citizens
and host on Voice of Reason Radio heard live every Tuesday at 10:00
p.m. EST — http://reasonradionetwork.com/
We discussed the Southern PovertyPropaganda Law Center and their
hatred of free speech, free thought and free association. We also
discussed some examples of people targeted by freedom haters.
Paul’s websites are www.canadafirst.net (
http://www.canadafirst.net/ ) and www.canadianfreespeech.com (
http://www.canadianfreespeech.com/ ) Canadian Association for Free
Expression ( He is updating the websites).
E-mail — [email protected]
Please help support Canadian Political Prisoner Terry Tremaine
Send donations to: CAFE, P.O. Box 332, Rexdale, ON., M9W 5L3,

www.theunsolicitedopinion.com. (
http://www.theunsolicitedopinion.com./ )
Redistributing the truth one word at a time...LIVE Mon-Fri 10am-12pm
ET on: www.republicbroadcasting.orgLIVE (
http://www.republicbroadcasting.orglive/ )
Sundays NOON ET on
[email protected] (
http://[email protected] )
"In the beginning of a change, the Patriot is a scarce man, brave,
hated and scorned. When his cause succeeds, however, the timid join
him, for then it costs nothing to be a Patriot."Mark Twain

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Hear Paul Fromm on the Maggie Rodden Show: Who are the Freedom Haters?
Written by Paul Fromm
Wednesday, 21 March 2012 00:11
*Hear Paul Fromm on the Maggie Rodden Show: Who are the Freedom Haters?← *
Monday March 19th Ron MacDonald and meMarch 20th

← Monday March 19th Ron MacDonald and
March 20th Paul Fromm Who are the freedom

March 20th Paul Fromm<http://theunsolicitedopinion.com/audio/USO-03-20-12.mp3>
Download <http://theunsolicitedopinion.com/audio/USO-03-20-12.mp3>

My guest was Paul Fromm Director of Council of Conservative Citizens and
host on Voice of Reason Radio heard live every Tuesday at 10:00 p.m. EST —

We discussed the Southern Poverty *Propaganda* Law Center and their hatred
of free speech, free thought and free association. We also discussed some
examples of people targeted by freedom haters.

Paul’s websites are www.canadafirst.net and
www.canadianfreespeech.com Canadian Association for Free Expression (
He is updating the websites).

E-mail — [email protected]

Please help support Canadian Political Prisoner Terry Tremaine

Send donations to: CAFE, P.O. Box 332, Rexdale, ON., M9W 5L3, CANADA.

*www.theunsolicitedopinion.com.* <http://www.theunsolicitedopinion.com./>

*Redistributing the truth one word at a time...LIVE Mon-Fri 10am-12pm ET
on: **www.republicbroadcasting.orgLIVE*<http://www.republicbroadcasting.orglive/>
* *

* Sundays NOON ET on **
[email protected]*<http://[email protected]>
* *

* "In the beginning of a change, the Patriot is a scarce man, brave, hated
and scorned. When his cause succeeds, however, the timid join him, for
then it costs nothing to be a Patriot."Mark Twain *
Hear Paul Fromm -- The Fighting Side of Me: Standing for Freedom of Speech & Exchange
Written by Paul Fromm
Tuesday, 20 March 2012 05:00
Hear Paul Fromm -- The Fighting Side of Me: Standing for Freedom of Speech
& Exchange of Ideas<http://reasonradionetwork.com/20120313/the-fighting-side-of-me-standing-for-freedom-of-speech-exchange-of-ideas>

March 13, 2012
[image: Paul Fromm and Thomas Robb, Apr.
*Host Paul Fromm & Pastor Tom Robb*
*Paul Fromm *

- … interviews Pastor Tom Robb about upcoming Faith and Freedom
Conference in Harrison Arkansas, March 30-April 1 (for more info, contact
Pastor Tom Robb, PO Box 2222 / Harrison, AR 72601 / PH: 870-427-3414);
- … makes an exclusive report from court on Brad Love in court, facing
prison for “breach of probation” for writing non-threatening letters to
- … gives an update on political prisoner Terry Tremaine whose “undue
delay” motion in his “hate law” case will be heard March 15.

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