Hijacking the language to stifle debate |
Written by Paul Fromm |
Thursday, 29 March 2012 05:09 |
***The idiocy of political correctness! *** ********************************************************************************* ** ** ** *****How true this is!! M* ** *26 September 2011* *Hijacking the language to stifle debate* Published in: Daily Mail<> (**British Isles**)**** Share <>| **** One of the most sinister aspects of political correctness is the way in which its edicts purport to be in the interests of minority groups.**** This is despite the fact that, very often, they are not promulgated at the behest of minorities at all, but by members of the majority who want to destroy their own culture and who use minorities to camouflage their true intentions. **** The latest manifestation stars once again that all-time world champion of political correctness, the BBC. Apparently, it has decided that the terms AD and BC (Anno Domini, or the Year of Our Lord, and Before Christ) must be replaced by the terms* Common Era and Before Common Era.* ** Actually, this edict seems to have been laid down merely by some obscure tributary of the BBC website rather than from on high. Nevertheless, the terms CE and BCE are now increasingly finding their way onto news bulletins and on programmes such as University Challenge or Melvyn Bragg’s Radio Four show In Our Time. **** The reason given on the website is that, since the BBC is committed to impartiality, it is important not to alienate or offend non-Christians.**** Well, I am a Jew, so I am presumably a member of this group that must not be alienated. **** It so happens, however, that along with many other Jewish people I sometimes use CE and BCE since the terms BC and AD are not appropriate to me.**** But the idea that any of us would be offended by anyone else using BC and AD would be totally ridiculous. **** How could we possibly take offence, since these are the commonly used and understood expressions when referring to the calendar? **** Moreover, I most certainly would not expect society in general to use these Common Era terms rather than BC and AD. **** Indeed, I would go much further and react with undiluted scorn and disapproval to any attempt to do so. **** That is because* I feel passionately that a society should be allowed to express its own culture* – and this attack on BC and AD, fatuous as it may seem on the surface, is yet another attack on British culture and the Christian underpinnings which provide it with its history, identity and fundamental values.**** The impulse behind changing such established terms – obviously as familiar to us all as the names of the days of the week – is part of the wider desire to obliterate Christianity in British culture. **** The fact remains, however, that whatever terms are used the British calendar is calibrated from the birth of Jesus. **** As Ann Widdecombe remarked, whatever next - abolishing the calendar itself on the grounds that it too therefore offends non-Christians? **** The reasoning behind this linguistic legerdemain is entirely spurious. There is no evidence whatever that any non-Christian group is offended by BC and AD, nor that they would like them to be replaced. **** Even if they did, it cannot ever be right for minorities to seek to replace fundamental majority cultural expressions or values with their own.**** To do so has nothing whatever to do with impartiality – indeed, quite the reverse. For what about the need not to offend or alienate Christians?**** To ask the question is to realise how far we have travelled down this invidious road. For Christians in ****Britain**** are now routinely offended and alienated – indeed, positively harassed, and with their religious rights denied – and all in the Orwellian cause of promoting ‘diversity’. **** In the latest example, police have threatened a Christian cafe owner with arrest – for displaying passages from the Bible on a TV screen which are said to incite hatred against homosexuals. **** Why stop at a TV screen, one might ask. For in such a climate, it is hardly frivolous to wonder how long it will be before the Bible itself is banned.** ** At the weekend, a campaign was launched by the former Archbishop of Canterbury, Lord Carey, to press for greater legal protection for Christians against such attacks. **** *The pressure on individual Christians, however, is merely part of a far wider onslaught on Western culture through the hijacking or censorship of language.* *Thus Christmas has been renamed in various places ‘Winterval’.* *Last week, it was reported that Southwark council has renamed its Guy Fawkes fireworks display ‘The Colour Thief: A Winter Extravaganza Celebrating the Change of the Seasons’.* ** This ludicrous gesture is presumably aimed at being more ‘inclusive’ of Catholics upset by references to the 17th-century Popish gunpowder plot.**** What it actually does is exclude Britons by airbrushing out part of their history. **** Even more bizarre are the latest edicts by so-called ‘equality’ experts, who say that the traditional black garb of witches in children’s stories leads to racism (yes, seriously).**** Witches should therefore be given pink hats, and fairies dressed in dark colours. **** Meanwhile Anne O’Connor, an ‘early years consultant’, advises that ‘white paper’, especially in schools, provokes racism since it does not reflect the range of hues of the human race. **** Maybe Ms O’Connor needs especially strong spectacles. Has anyone ever seen a human being with skin as white as paper? **** And finally, teachers are told they should be ready to lie, if necessary, when asked by pupils what their favourite colour is and, in the interests of good race relations, answer ‘black’ or ‘brown’. **** Can you believe this? What on earth has our society come to when grown individuals in receipt of public money descend to such mind-blowing imbecility?**** Calling children as young as two ‘racist’ is simply grotesque. Helping them ‘unlearn’ negative associations with dark colours is to try to brainwash them in ways reminiscent of Soviet Stalinism. **** But then, political correctness is all about dictating what people are permitted or forbidden to say as a way of controlling and reshaping a society and its values. **** Look at the way the Labour leader Ed Miliband has refused to call people who defraud the welfare system ‘benefit cheats’. **** He has condemned abuses of the welfare system and said they must be stopped. So why does he say he cannot accuse the people who behave in this way of being ‘cheats’? **** The answer is surely that political correctness means you can’t criticise anyone who does wrong if they belong to a group of people who are considered marginalised or oppressed. **** This is effectively to give such groups a free pass for any bad behaviour. And anyone who dares criticise is accused of ‘demonising’ such groups.**** This means, of course, that those who criticise such bad behaviour are themselves demonised. **** Indeed, they can be positively victimised and even threatened with their lives by vicious campaigns on Twitter or the internet – all on the grounds that they have ‘demonised’ some ‘victim’ group or other. If this wasn’t so terrifying, it would be hilarious. **** The result of this hijacking of the language is that debate becomes impossible because words like rights, tolerance, liberal, justice, truth and many more have come to mean the precise opposite of what they really do mean. **** The result of this inversion of right and wrong is that morality itself has been reversed or negated. Politically correct language is thus a way of shifting the very centre of moral and political gravity. **** So what was once considered far-Left has become the centre-ground; and those who stand on the real centre-ground are now dismissed as extreme.**** The attack on BC and AD is merely the latest salvo in the war of the words, part of the defining madness of our time**** ** ** Ideology knows no such thing as WRONG. There are only man made laws! That is arbitrary law!**** |
How's This for "Diversity"? -- Book tells Muslim men how to beat and control their |
Written by Paul Fromm |
Wednesday, 28 March 2012 06:01 |
-------------------------------------------------------------------------------- This email newsletter was sent to you in graphical HTML format. If you're seeing this version, your email program prefers plain text emails. You can read the original version online: -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- HOW'S THIS FOR "DIVERSITY"? -- BOOK TELLS MUSLIM MEN HOW TO BEAT AND CONTROL THEIR WIVES ON SATURDAY, MARCH 24, THE TORONTO SUN RAN A SENSATIONALIST STORY HEADLINED "BOOK TELLS MUSLIM MEN HOW TO BEAT THEIR WIVES." IT WENT ON: "A LOCAL BOOKSTORE HAS 'SOLD OUT' OF A CONTROVERSIAL MARRIAGE GUIDE THAT ADVISES MUSLIM MEN ON HOW TO BEAT THEIR WIVES. THE 160-PAGE BOOK, PUBLISHED BY IDARA IMPEX IN NEW DELHI, INDIA, IS WRITTEN BY HAZRAT MAULANA ASHRAF ALI THANVI, WHO&RSQUO;S DESCRIBED IN THE BOOK&RSQUO;S FOREWORD AS A 'PROLIFIC WRITER ON ALMOST EVERY TOPIC OF ISLAMIC LEARNING.' THE STORE&RSQUO;S MANAGER, WHO DIDN&RSQUO;T GIVE HIS NAME, SAID THE BOOK HAD BEEN SOLD OUT FOR SOME TIME, AND THE STORE&RSQUO;S OWNER, WHOM THE MANAGER IDENTIFIED AS SHAMIM AHMAD, REFUSED TO COMMENT FOR THE STORY. IT WASN&RSQUO;T CLEAR WHETHER THE SHOP HAS ORDERED MORE COPIES OF THE BOOK, BUT IT&RSQUO;S AVAILABLE AT ONLINE ISLAMIC BOOKSTORES AND EVEN THROUGH EBAY. IN THE BOOK&RSQUO;S OPENING PAGES, IT IS WRITTEN THAT 'IT MIGHT BE NECESSARY TO RESTRAIN HER WITH STRENGTH OR EVEN TO THREATEN HER.' LATER, ITS AUTHOR ADVISES THAT 'THE HUSBAND SHOULD TREAT THE WIFE WITH KINDNESS AND LOVE, EVEN IF SHE TENDS TO BE STUPID AND SLOW SOMETIMES.' PAGE 45 CONTAINS THE RIGHTS OF THE HUSBAND, WHICH INCLUDE HIS WIFE&RSQUO;S INABILITY TO LEAVE 'HIS HOUSE WITHOUT HIS PERMISSION,' AND THAT HIS WIFE MUST 'FULFIL HIS DESIRES' AND 'NOT ALLOW HERSELF TO BE UNTIDY ... BUT SHOULD BEAUTIFY HERSELF FOR HIM ... ' IN TERMS OF PHYSICAL PUNISHMENT, THE BOOK ADVISES THAT A HUSBAND MAY SCOLD HER, 'BEAT BY HAND OR STICK,' WITHHOLD MONEY FROM HER OR 'PULL (HER) BY THE EARS,' BUT SHOULD 'REFRAIN FROM BEATING HER EXCESSIVELY.' &RDQUO; (TORONTO SUN, MARCH 24, 2012) The story called to mind a recent statement by Governor-General David Johnson issued for the poisonous International Day for the Elimination of Racial Discrimination, actually the International Day for the Elimination of White People. "Anti-racism is nothing more than hatred of Whites. Anyway Johnson a former University President who should know better said: "Canadians are fortunate to live in a multicultural society, where diversity is both a source of great strength and the foundation of our national identity.” So, is part of our national identity pulling our wives' ears and laying a good beating on them? We await to hear what the feminists have to say about that. Does this "diversity" really make you feel stronger. "Diversity" is a brainless doctrine of the New World Order. It is utterly irrational and contradicts reality. However, it is repeated endlessly as a mantra to dull people's brains so that they may not question the population replacement policies -- that's we European founding/settler people who are being replaced -- of the Canadian and U.S. governments. In a related matter, Israel is seeking to deport thousands of illegal immigrants from Africa who have snuck into that country. Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu is emphatic: "Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu said on Sunday that the recent 'flood of illegal workers infiltrating from Africa' into Israel was 'a concrete threat to the Jewish and democratic character of the country'." (Ha'aretz, July 17, 2010) On Netanyahu's recent visit to Ottawa, Prime Minister Harper, an Israel Firster of the first order "Israel's values are our values: "an attack on Israel is an attack on Canada") was equally emphatic: "We of course recognize the right of Israel to defend itself as a sovereign state, as a Jewish state." (Globe and Mail, March 3, 2012) Wait a minute! So, Israel can be a Jewish state and can protect its character from dissimilar immigration of dissimilar people, but Canada must embrace "diversity." Why can't Canada have the same right our Prime Minister admires in Israel -- the right to maintain the dominance of the European founding/settler people? -- Paul Fromm BOOK TELLS MUSLIM MEN HOW TO BEAT AND CONTROL THEIR WIVES TERRY DAVIDSON, QMI AGENCYFIRST POSTED: FRIDAY, MARCH 23, 2012 10:26 PM EDT | UPDATED: SATURDAY, MARCH 24, 2012 11:16 AM EDT ERIC BRAZAU HOLDS HIS COPY OF A GIFT FOR THE MUSLIM COUPLE IN THE FRONT LOBBY OF THE TORONTO SUN. (TERRY DAVIDSON/QMI AGENCY) 307 ( HTTP://WWW.TORONTOSUN.COM/2012/03/23/BOOK-TELLS-MUSLIM-MEN-HOW-TO-BEAT-AND-CONTROL-THEIR-WIVES ) * A LOCAL BOOKSTORE HAS &LDQUO;SOLD OUT&RDQUO; OF A CONTROVERSIAL MARRIAGE GUIDE THAT ADVISES MUSLIM MEN ON HOW TO BEAT THEIR WIVES. The 160-page book, published by Idara Impex in New Delhi, India, is written by Hazrat Maulana Ashraf Ali Thanvi, who’s described in the book’s foreword as a “prolific writer on almost every topic of Islamic learning.” The store’s manager, who didn’t give his name, said the book had been sold out for some time, and the store’s owner, whom the manager identified as Shamim Ahmad, refused to comment for the story. It wasn’t clear whether the shop has ordered more copies of the book, but it’s available at online Islamic bookstores and even through eBay. In the book’s opening pages, it is written that “it might be necessary to restrain her with strength or even to threaten her.” Later, its author advises that “the husband should treat the wife with kindness and love, even if she tends to be stupid and slow sometimes.” Page 45 contains the rights of the husband, which include his wife’s inability to leave “his house without his permission,” and that his wife must “fulfil his desires” and “not allow herself to be untidy ... but should beautify herself for him ... ” In terms of physical punishment, the book advises that a husband may scold her, “beat by hand or stick,” withhold money from her or “pull (her) by the ears,” but should “refrain from beating her excessively.” Moderate Muslim voice Tarek Fatah says the shopkeeper should be charged for selling such a book. “I wouldn’t say it’s hate, but it is inciting men to hit women,” said Fatah, who identified the book’s author as a prominent Islamic scholar. “This is new to you, but the Muslim community knows that this is widespread, that a woman can be beaten. Muslim leaders will deny this, but... ” Male dominance over women has been making headlines for some time, with the recent lengthy trial and conviction of the Shafia family. Mohammad Shafia, 59, his second wife, Tooba Yahya, 42, and their son, Hamed, 21, were each convicted in January on four counts of first-degree murder in what was characterized as an honour killing of four female family members as punishment for disobedience. They were handed life sentences with no chance of parole for 25 years. Shafia’s three daughters and his first wife were found drowned in a car at the bottom of the Rideau Canal in Kingston, Ont., in June 2009. Eric Brazau says he was flipping through the marriage guide while in the bookstore around a month ago. Brazau bought it out of curiosity but was taken aback when he found dozens of chapters and passages giving Muslim husbands advice on controlling, restraining, scolding and beating their wives. “At first, I thought that it is incredible that this kind of thing can be found in Canada,” said Brazau. “And then I thought, radical Islam is not coming to Canada, it is already here.” [email protected] _____________________________ Unsubscribe / Change Profile: Powered by YourMailingListProvider |
A Sad Battle for Leadership in Alberta |
Written by Paul Fromm |
Wednesday, 28 March 2012 05:58 |
-------------------------------------------------------------------------------- This email newsletter was sent to you in graphical HTML format. If you're seeing this version, your email program prefers plain text emails. You can read the original version online: -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- A Sad Battle for Leadership in Alberta As of yesterday, Alberta is into a provincial election. On the one hand, is the tired Progressive Conservative Government newly handed over to an extreme leftist Alison Redford. On the other, is a populist/'libertarian party The Wildrose Party headed by Michelle Smith. Sadly, as this observer relates, even Wildrose is deeply infected with political correctness. Redford is a protegee of far left former Progressive Conservative Party leader Joe Clark. She worked in South Africa as a loyal groupie of terrorist Nelson Mandela. She won the Tory leadership through the support of the leftist Alberta Teachers' Federation. Party rules allow late sign-ups, even during the runoff and Redford won with the support of many teachers who were by no means "conservative." Columnist Lorne Gunter penned a damning indictment: "The Premier doesn’t like Albertans much. She thinks we drink too much and are a menace on Alberta’s streets and roads. Indeed, in her holier-than-thou mindset, she is sure that any drinking before driving is too much, even just a glass of wine during a restaurant dinner. Ms. Redford is also convinced that Alberta parents are a hindrance to the teaching of communal values in the classroom. Her Education Minister is pushing amendments to the provincial Education Act that would remove parents as the “primary educators” of their children (with schools as complements to the home), and replace home values with the provisions of the Alberta Human Rights Act. This, the Minister, Thomas Lukaszuk, insists, is not the intent of the amendments. But whether or not it is the intent, it will be the effect. Alberta is one of the few remaining provinces in which parents are still recognized in law as the chief teachers of their children. Unseating them from that perch and replacing them with the commissioners and investigators of a human rights tribunal cannot help but have a profound impact over time on the nature of schooling, whether Mr. Lukaszuk is perceptive enough to see that or not. This change, too, is Ms. Redford’s doing. As a former United Nations bureaucrat and a long-time advocate of the politically correct version of human rights — in which the ancient freedoms of free speech, free assembly and private property are trumped by modern notions of fairness, tolerance and self-esteem — Alberta’s new Premier has wanted since she was attorney-general under Mr. Stelmach to give parents no options about the ideals their children must absorb at school. Within days of winning the Tory leadership contest, Ms. Redford said she would end parents’ ability to exempt their sons and daughters from sex-ed and life-skills courses that included lessons that undermine many family beliefs."(National Post. March 14, 2012) A loyal supporter writes of her attendance at a Wildrose rally in a very multiculti area of Calgary Northeast. "This will be no surprise to you but I had high hopes for the Wildrose Party and was sadly disappointed when I discovered they are TOTALLY MULTICULT. They hosted a breakfast at the nearby Southview Community Hall between 7:00 and 9:00 a.m. this morning. I arrived at 7:45 a.m. to the scratching voice of Jesse Minhas and his non-stop blather in loud broken English. It was such a relief when he finally shut up and introduced Danielle Smith a full 30 minutes later. He hopes to be MLA for Calgary East (my riding). If he gets in I will have an East Indian as my mayor, and East Indian as my MLA and an East Indian as my MP. Did I move to India? She did want the Human Rights Commission strategies altered so the accused would go through the court system but she didn't say anything about getting rid of HRC and made it obvious she was in favour of getting the bad, bad racists like the ones that might parade in Edmonton. I don't remember the couched manner in which she put this into words. She went on about freedom of speech but obviously whites who object to being overrun by the third world are not entitled to speak; only clergymen who are victimized. She said seniors who find it difficult to pay their property taxes on their homes should be allowed to forgo that until they sell their home. Can you imagine how that would destroy the inheritance they wish to leave for their children? A full 90% of the audience were white and mainly over 65... but at the back of the room the other 10% who run the party for my area were all East Indians and acted as the meeters-and-greeters when the sheeple entered. It made my skin crawl and I left before the question period finished and before I had to listen to the Calgary West hopeful, Jeevan Mangat. Last night I listened to the rerun of the day's events in the Legislature. The entire House were busy standing up voicing their cchagrin at racism, each one of them trying to outdo the other. The Wildrose member (Airdrie-Chestermere) who is a young white male even quoted Martin Luther King for 10 minutes hoping to bring a tear to the eye. How dumb can they get -- by now it should be common knowledge he was a Communist and a sex pervert. Unrelated I wondered how Airdre and Chestermere could be combined for representation because they are miles apart with the City of Calgary in between. Now that I feel better after putting my angst to paper I will think about shovelling snow. It's all supposed to melt later but that remains to be seen. What a pain in the neck - we didn't have a dram of snow remaining and Spring was here." A long time Albertan comments: This is intriguing (even as it breaks my heart). This sounds so like the Toronto of 15-20 years ago, when the city was undergoing rapid population change. The meetings, the fist pumping "we're number one" attitude of the newcomers, the takeovers of political institutions, the scandalized shock that anyone would oppose the "enrichment." Doesn't it all just read as awfully familiar? Is this just a "stage" that every community goes through - to be replaced 20 years later by an unhappy acceptance - regret - self reproach for having allowed it to happen to its now broken-down, unpainted, shabby city of dollar stores and palm readers? What is weird is that the same rah-rah attitude can prevail when we know now that immigrants don't really contribute as advertised. That was the (unprovable) dream 20 years ago in Ontario. We know better now. How is the enthusiasm being rationalized in Alberta? "We need Timmies waitresses in Ft McMurray, dammit"? In a sense, this response to demographic change is predictable , given the propaganda-broken k,Canadian character. Uh-oh, lots of different looking people! Makes me mildly uncomfortable. And hey, I'm a thoroughly decent, thoroughly Alan Alda kind of guy. If this makes me mildly uncomfortable, it must make some people intensely uncomfortable, wildly uncomfortable, even angry. I have to suck it in and work to convince the unstable types all around me (wonderful me!) that newcomers are the best thing since sliced bread (assuming I thought sliced bread was a good thing, which I don't - I eat spelt bread - unsliced, thank you). _____________________________ Unsubscribe / Change Profile: Powered by YourMailingListProvider |
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