The Aboriginal Discount -- Indian Gets 18 Month Suspended Sentence for Brutal Assault |
Written by Paul Fromm |
Tuesday, 10 April 2012 04:58 |
*The Aboriginal Discount -- Indian Gets 18 Month Suspended Sentence for Brutal Assault on Bus Driver* A 22 year old Indian with a vicious temper assaulted a 55 year old bus driver and left him damaged for life. Because of the pernicious "native discount," this vicious Indian, himself damaged goods from foetal alcohol syndrome, gets an 18-month suspended sentence. Del Louis apparently enjoys pounding out bus drivers. *The Province (*April 4, 2012) picks up the story: "On Feb. 15, 2011, Louie, along with two friends, boarded a bus parked at Edmonds station through the back door. When Dixon told him to get off the bus and line up at the front door, like the other passengers, Louie punched Dixon on the right cheek, breaking his bone. He also swung a four-foot stick at Dixon’s son Aaron when he tried to follow Louie to apprehend him. Dixon required surgery that placed a plate and screws on his face. He was also left with other injuries, including a concussion, nerve damage, cognitive problems and psychological scars. Louie had pleaded guilty and apologized for his actions. Crown had asked for a nine to 12 month jail term, while defence requested a sentence served in the community. Justice Karen Walker imposed the maximum conditional sentence term on Louie: 200 hours of community service, and several conditions, including living in a Surrey recovery home and abstaining from drugs and alcohol. ... Louie, who is half aboriginal on his mother’s side, had been diagnosed with fetal alcohol spectrum disorder and had been exposed to violence and substance abuse by his mother and sister early on, court heard. According to a pre-sentence report, Louie is 'immature' and lacks impulse control. ... Canadian Auto 'completely unacceptable.' 'The sad part is ... we are not further ahead. There is no further protection [to bus drivers]. An opportunity to mete out jail time was there today and the judge had the ability to do that and chose not to.' There have been more than 1,000 attacks on bus drivers in the last 10 years, said the union, including more than 145 since Dixon was attacked. ... Dixon, who has been unable to work for 14 months — a 'house arrest' Louie sentenced him to, he said — said race shouldn’t be used as an excuse for lenient sentences. 'I disagree with it wholeheartedly,' he said. 'It doesn’t matter if he’s aboriginal or not. I’m sorry the young man has fetal alcohol syndrome, but that’s his mother’s fault. But look at what he’s done to me for the rest of my life. "The *Globe and Mail *editorialized (April 5, 2012) picks up the story: "Sending young aboriginal men and women a stay-out-of-jail card in cases of serious violence is a mistaken answer to the problem of over incarceration There is no doubt that the ove rrepresentation of aboriginal people in provincial and federal jails is a calamity for the country, for aboriginals and for the individuals behind bars. The unprovoked physical assaults on bus drivers and others who work in service jobs hardly compare – unless you happen to be the one driving the bus (150 assaults on Vancouver bus drivers were reported last year). And shouldn’t society protect those who do such jobs? Mr. Louie’s assault was exceptionally serious. His sucker punch on a vulnerable man in a chair broke two bones in Mr. Dixon’s face and left him with cognitive problems. As a general rule, Canadian judges don’t like to compound one tragedy with another. Provincial Court Judge Karen Walker sentenced Mr. Louie to 18 months at an alcohol rehab residence, citing his aboriginal background and other mitigating factors – through no fault of his own, he has fetal alcohol syndrome. The tragedy of another aboriginal man going to jail was thus avoided, or at least deferred. The problem is the thorny one of justice. The law says sentencing is supposed to contribute to the maintenance of a peaceful, law-abiding society. In the Louie case, having an aboriginal mother protected him from being held fully accountable for committing a violent crime. That lower standard of accountability doesn’t protect Mr. Dixon or other bus drivers, doesn’t denounce an unprovoked attack with the vehemence it deserves. And it’s hard to see how it helps Mr. Louie or other aboriginals to be deemed less accountable, even for crimes of serious violence, because of their ancestry." The story emphasizes the utterly messed up nature of the Canadian justice system. Where to start? Louis, a vicious thug, essentially got a walk -- sure some community service and addiction treatment. But how closely will these be monitored and what happens if he attends not at all or sporadically. A recent decision by the nine wise men in Ottawa, the Supreme Court of Canada, says that even in breach of probation cases, Indians should be given special consideration and leniency because of their membership in a special privileged group. The Canadian justice system seems in the thrall of cultural communism -- a victim of its own illogical ideology. It goes something like this. All men are equal -- not in some religious sense or even in the sense that all should be treated equally before the justice system. No all men are equal means all mean should turn out the same. Of course, this is observable folly, but the 20th century piled up over 100-million corpses as the ideology of Marxism tried to force human nature to conform to theory. In this instance, the notion is that, as all people are equal, there should be similar rates of incarceration. Natives should go to jail at the same rate as , say, Whites or Japanese Canadians. Of course, that is not the case. In Western and Northern Canada, Indians are incarcerated at rates wildly greater than their share of the population. That's true of Negroes too. There's a simple explanation: Both groups commit serious crimes wildly out of proportion to their share of the population. In a race realistic world, there'd be no problem. However, the cultural communists cannot accept reality. Something must be wrong. So, their solution is to reduce the numbers of Indians in jail -- not, note, by finding ways to get them to commit fewer crimes. So, the "native discount" was invented. Because they are "disadvantaged" -- foetal alcohol syndrome, reservations, residential schools (which haven't operated for more than three decades and would, in no way, explain the violent Mr. Louie) -- Indians frequently get a free pass. Many people have had hard upbringings but that should not excuse free wilkl decisions to commit crime and hurt others. What's next? Should members of groups who commit proportionately fewer crimes -- Whites and Canadians of Japanese origin -- receive jail terms for minor offences, let's say, speeding, so that thre system can raise their proportion of the prison population? Ironically, as the accusation of "racism" is seldom far away, the real racists are the cultural communists who have decided that Indians cannot make moral decisions and are slaves of their circumstances, which by no means have all or even most Indians have experienced. Therefore, they must be treated specially. Out the window, of course, goes equality before the law. So, too, as the * Globe* editorial suggests does protection of the public or the sending of a deterrent message that certain acts are reprehensible. This sentence will do nothing to remedy Louie's immature or lack of impulse control. Oh, and a further irony:" Louis is only half Indian. Yet, he gets the full "native discount"! Appalling, in this case, was the fact that the Crown asked for only a year in prison. We have long noted that Canada's notorious "hate laws" which exist, we are told, to prevent violence, send people to prison for what they say and what their words might do. Brad Love, the inveterate letter writer and critic of Third World immigration, Third World criminals in Canada and Zionists received 18 months in prison in 2003 for writing private letters to elected officials. Yet, in the Louie case where actual violence and harm did occur, the Crown sought two thirds of the sentence that dissident Mr. Love received for merely writing letters. In the end, a violent man got a pass, the community got no protection from this out-of-control Indian and Mr. Dixon and his fellow at-risk bus drivers got a big "whatever" yawn of indifference from Canada's social worker criminal "justice" system. *Paul Fromm* p.s. As of this writing, the *Globe and Mail* had 77 on-line comments on its editorial. Overwhelmingly, readers were outraged at Canada's social engineering judges. Here are samples: 7:56 AM on April 6, 2012 ** *I come from an ancestry of white trash. As my mother was a major alcoholic and druggie, I have FAS. I was beaten regularly growing up and had poor nutrition. Couldn't finish school due to lack of support at home. Do I also get special consideration on beating up innocent bus drivers?* 10:24 AM on April 6, 2012 ** *We are all equall before the law. To act otherwise is racism.* West Coast Peter<> *1"The tragedy of another aboriginal man going to jail was thus avoided, or at least deferred." Why is it a tragedy? Are you not being racist by saying that it is OK for an aboriginal to not go to jail, while all others in the country who break the law serve jail time is acceptable? The aboriginal man has injured one other already, and likely many others that have been unreported. He also has apparently not met the court conditions for previous assaults. Common sense should prevail, and jail time should be served, if only to protect the general public from repeats of violence crime from this individual.* *0 *<> *I guess there is nothing racist about saying that an Aboriginal is too backward and drug addicted to be responsible for his actions. The Black man is too lazy and his back ground of slavery absolves Him from his sins. The Arab man is forgiven because his Prophet told him so. *The Oriental just laughs and works and builds some more. The White man hangs his head-- and says I will owe you for Ever More. It is totally wrong that this young thug can get away with slugging the driver in the head while the driver was simply providing a necessary *This sentence should all give us pause. No court in this land should use the 'Aboriginal' cue card in a case of gratuitous violence of this type. I certainly wouldn't want to be a bus driver now. He is a thug first, Aboriginal second, and I don't care what anyone thinks about that.* ** |
"News"-man Wants to Stay Ignorant |
Written by Paul Fromm |
Monday, 09 April 2012 06:16 |
-------------------------------------------------------------------------------- This email newsletter was sent to you in graphical HTML format. If you're seeing this version, your email program prefers plain text emails. You can read the original version online: -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- "News"-man Wants to Stay Ignorant Dear Reader: I send out my GRAMS or commentaries to a wide list of supporters and interested persons. I also send them out from time to time to the media. Canada's media tends to be conformist and a wide range of opinions never get aired in the press. Often "news" stories are nothing of the sort. They do not present the facts. They are soap operas where the conformist press usually vilifies conservative or populist opinions. I sent the opinion piece below And the Winner -- Will Set Learning Standards for Major Canadian College -- to my usual list and to about 400 media people across this county. This little piece of news and commentary drove him in desperation to his keyboard. Instead of welcoming this input -- demonstrating at least a section of Canadian public opinion -- which might help him in his job, Ben Miljure fired off to me this take-me-off-your-mailing list bleat. Don't tell me anything I don't want to hear. Don't confuse me with any opinions but my own. A Google search reveals that a Ben Miljure is a reporter at CHON FM in Saskatchewan. So, we see a reporter with a closed mind. No wonder the media in this country is so often so conformist and biased. Paul Fromm Director CANADA FIRST IMMIGRATION REFORM COMMITTEE Paul Fromm I do not appreciate the e-mails that you send me and request that you remove me from your e-mail list. Canada is a diverse country and becoming more so by the day. You can get on board with that or be left behind. Either is fine with me. Just stop clogging my inbox with your messages of contempt, hate and disrespect. And one last thing, if the world operated the way you seem to think it should, any people of European descent living in North America would be speaking the languages of the original First Nations who inhabited this land and respecting their culture and way of life. But something tells me you won’t agree with that statement. Ben Miljure Dear Ben: Your "native" argument, while apparently glib, is as lame -- or would it be more politically correct to say, "crippled"? -- as a one-legged duck. Europeans re-conquered this continent after Columbus. The replacement of the Native People's is a grim warning to us. We're scheduled -- by government policy -- to become a minority by 2050 (2041 in the U.S.). No people is guaranteed a piece of real estate. The Native Indians couldn't hold North America. It remains to be seen whether we have the will to do so. However, when we are no longer a majority, others, with different values, will set the rules. Somehow I don't think there will be "employment equity" preferences for White folks nor a White discount in sentencing. Canada may be becoming a "diverse" country -- again by policy never discussed or openly debated. The point of this commentary is that "diverse" or not, what the student body needs is a challenging curriculum that emphasizes excellence. And, Ben, as to the odd commentary "clogging" up your in-box, I'm sure such a with-it guy as yourself knows where to locate the delete button. The "contempt, hate and disrespect" come not from me but from politicians who have socially engineered radical demographic change on this country with no honest discussion or a referendum granted to the Founding/Settler who must live their social experiments. As an informed media guy, I know you're aware that the leaders of Holland, France, Germany and Britain are in full retreat from multiculturalism. As usual, Canada eagerly seizes on social trends that have been tried and discredited in other lands. Paul Fromm AND THIS IS WHAT "BEN" GOT SO UPSET ABOUT And the Winner -- Will Set Learning Standards for a Major Canadian College A large ad appeared in the Globe and Mail (April 2) earlier this month advertizing the position of Vice-President, Academic and Chief Leaning Officer at Toronto's Centennial College. Not a university, Centennial College "offers more than 120 diploma certificate, degree and post-graduate programmes in business, communication arts, child studies, engineering technology, health and wellness, hospitality, tourism, culture and transportation." It has 16,000 full-time and 22,000 part-time students. Now, the winner of this job search must be a "vibrant and energetic [person] ... whose passion for students and learning is matched by his/her global citizenship and equity." Just what the hell is that? "Global citizenship?" Do they mean you don't have to be a Canadian or be committed to Canada? And "equity"? That means equality. Does that mean all students achieve at the same level. So far, not a word about academic excellence, a commitment to literacy, numeracy, computer competence, hard work, self-discipline. Sadly, the verbose ad, a ponderous 12 inches deep by two columns wide, gets even worse: "One of the most diverse post-secondary institutions in North America, Centennial's campuses serve more than 100 ethnocultural groups, and 80 languages are spoken on campus -- a reflection of the local community and our excellence in recruiting and retaining international students." One wonders, what about your prime mission of education Canadian students? And 80 languages on campus? That sounds like the Tower of Babel. Are there efforts, amidst all this go-go eyed devotion to "diversity" to get the students to become competent in the working language of this province -- English! The New World Order jargon bubbles over from every line of the ad. We learn that the successful candidate "will be expected to set academic directions that are consistent with Centennial's Strategic Plan and Global Citizenship objectives." Global citizenship? Isn't this institution funded by and supported by the tax dollars of Canadians? Don't forget this institution is spending the money of taxpayers of Ontario. It sounds like a sub-campus of the UN. With still not a hint of an individual dedicated to academic excellence, the ad ends by pontificating: "Diversity, equity and inclusion are fundamental to Centennial's mission. Centennial is committed to education that places strong emphasis on global citizenship, social justice and equity. Centennial lives this value through the strength and richness that diversity brings to its workforce and welcomes contributors from equity groups including: Aboriginal Peoples, Visible Minorities, Persons with Disabilities and Lesbian, Gay, Bisexual, Transgender and Queer Persons." One must understand that those especially welcome as applicants are members of "equity" -- that is, special privileged -- groups. Given that strong elbow in the ribs, would there be any point in any White man or woman even applying for this job? It seems that the ideal candidate would be a crippled Cree alcoholic transgendered lesbian in the making with a speech impediment. This ad is a model for the New World Order anti-White, transform-our-society subversion that is being accomplished with OUR money. For all the claptrap about "inclusion", it doesn't sound as if an applicant from the European founding/settler majority of this country would be very welcome. While universities stress theory, research and advanced learning community colleges like Centennial are supposed to stress the practical. Yet, apparently the "emphasis" is to be "on global citizenship, social justice and equity." It sounds as if the institution is stressing a strong political agenda. "Equity" -- that is, equal results -- is the enemy of excellence. To be workplace and competition ready, graduates must be competent and well trained in their discipline. Equity suggests jiggering things so that all "diverse" groups succeed equally The outrage here is that the job requiring such commitments is one that will set the tone for Centennial and all of this nonsense is funded by taxpayers' money. Is Centennial being turned into a hotbed of cultural communism? To succeed and compete in the 21st Century Canada needs discipline, competence and academic rigour not a Rainbow Coalition Group hug _____________________________ Unsubscribe / Change Profile: Powered by YourMailingListProvider |
"News"-man Wants to Stay Ignorant |
Written by Paul Fromm |
Monday, 09 April 2012 06:10 |
*"News"-man Wants to Stay Ignorant* ** *Dear Reader:* ** *I send out my GRAMS or commentaries to a wide list of supporters and interested persons. I also send them out from time to time to the media. Canada's media tends to be conformist and a wide range of opinions never get aired in the press.* ** *Often "news" stories are nothing of the sort. They do not present the facts. They are soap operas where the conformist press usually vilifies conservative or populist opinions. I sent the opinion piece below And the Winner -- Will Set Learning Standards for Major Canadian College -- to my usual list and to about 400 media people across this county. This little piece of news and commentary drove him in desperation to his keyboard.* ** *Instead of welcoming this input -- demonstrating at least a section of Canadian public opinion -- which might help him in his job, Ben Miljure fired off to me this take-me-off-your-mailing list bleat. Don't tell me anything I don't want to hear. Don't confuse me with any opinions but my own.* A Google search reveals that a Ben Miljure is a reporter at CHON FM in Saskatchewan. So, we see a reporter with a closed mind. No wonder the media in this country is so often so conformist and biased. Paul Fromm Director CANADA FIRST IMMIGRATION REFORM COMMITTEE Paul Fromm ** *I do not appreciate the e-mails that you send me and request that you remove me from your e-mail list. Canada is a diverse country and becoming more so by the day. You can get on board with that or be left behind. Either is fine with me. Just stop clogging my inbox with your messages of contempt, hate and disrespect. And one last thing, if the world operated the way you seem to think it should, any people of European descent living in North America would be speaking the languages of the original First Nations who inhabited this land and respecting their culture and way of life. But something tells me you won’t agree with that statement. Ben Miljure <[email protected]>* *Dear Ben: Your "native" argument, while apparently glib, is as lame -- or would it be more politically correct to say, "crippled"? -- as a one-legged duck. Europeans re-conquered this continent after Columbus. The replacement of the Native People's is a grim warning to us. We're scheduled -- by government policy -- to become a minority by 2050 (2041 in the U.S.). No people is guaranteed a piece of real estate. The Native Indians couldn't hold North America. It remains to be seen whether we have the will to do so. However, when we are no longer a majority, others, with different values, will set the rules. Somehow I don't think there will be "employment equity" preferences for White folks nor a White discount in sentencing. Canada may be becoming a "diverse" country -- again by policy never discussed or openly debated. The point of this commentary is that "diverse" or not, what the student body needs is a challenging curriculum that emphasizes excellence. And, Ben, as to the odd commentary "clogging" up your in-box, I'm sure such a with-it guy as yourself knows where to locate the delete button. The "contempt, hate and disrespect" come not from me but from politicians who have socially engineered radical demographic change on this country with no honest discussion or a referendum granted to the Founding/Settler who must live their social experiments. As an informed media guy, I know you're aware that the leaders of Holland, France, Germany and Britain are in full retreat from multiculturalism. As usual, Canada eagerly seizes on social trends that have been tried and discredited in other lands.* * * *Paul Fromm* *AND THIS IS WHAT "BEN" GOT SO UPSET ABOUT* ** *And the Winner -- Will Set Learning Standards for a Major Canadian College* A large ad appeared in the *Globe and Mail* (April 2) earlier this month advertizing the position of Vice-President, Academic and Chief Leaning Officer at Toronto's Centennial College. Not a university, Centennial College "offers more than 120 diploma certificate, degree and post-graduate programmes in business, communication arts, child studies, engineering technology, health and wellness, hospitality, tourism, culture and transportation." It has 16,000 full-time and 22,000 part-time students. Now, the winner of this job search must be a "vibrant and energetic [person] ... whose passion for students and learning is matched by his/her global citizenship and equity." Just what the hell is that? "Global citizenship?" Do they mean you don't have to be a Canadian or be committed to Canada? And "equity"? That means equality. Does that mean all students achieve at the same level. So far, not a word about academic excellence, a commitment to literacy, numeracy, computer competence, hard work, self-discipline. Sadly, the verbose ad, a ponderous 12 inches deep by two columns wide, gets even worse: "One of the most diverse post-secondary institutions in North America, Centennial's campuses serve more than 100 ethnocultural groups, and 80 languages are spoken on campus -- a reflection of the local community and our excellence in recruiting and retaining international students." One wonders, what about your prime mission of education Canadian students? And 80 languages on campus? That sounds like the Tower of Babel. Are there efforts, amidst all this go-go eyed devotion to "diversity" to get the students to become competent in the working language of this province -- English! The New World Order jargon bubbles over from every line of the ad. We learn that the successful candidate "will be expected to set academic directions that are consistent with Centennial's Strategic Plan and Global Citizenship objectives." Global citizenship? Isn't this institution funded by and supported by the tax dollars of Canadians? Don't forget this institution is spending the money of taxpayers of Ontario. It sounds like a sub-campus of the UN. With still not a hint of an individual dedicated to academic excellence, the ad ends by pontificating: "Diversity, equity and inclusion are fundamental to Centennial's mission. Centennial is committed to education that places strong emphasis on global citizenship, social justice and equity. Centennial lives this value through the strength and richness that diversity brings to its workforce and welcomes contributors from equity groups including: Aboriginal Peoples, Visible Minorities, Persons with Disabilities and Lesbian, Gay, Bisexual, Transgender and Queer Persons." One must understand that those especially welcome as applicants are members of "equity" -- that is, special privileged -- groups. Given that strong elbow in the ribs, would there be any point in any White man or woman even applying for this job? It seems that the ideal candidate would be a crippled Cree alcoholic transgendered lesbian in the making with a speech impediment. This ad is a model for the New World Order anti-White, transform-our-society subversion that is being accomplished with OUR money. For all the claptrap about "inclusion", it doesn't sound as if an applicant from the European founding/settler majority of this country would be very welcome. While universities stress theory, research and advanced learning community colleges like Centennial are supposed to stress the practical. Yet, apparently the "emphasis" is to be "on global citizenship, social justice and equity." It sounds as if the institution is stressing a strong political agenda. "Equity" -- that is, equal results -- is the enemy of excellence. To be workplace and competition ready, graduates must be competent and well trained in their discipline. Equity suggests jiggering things so that all "diverse" groups succeed equally The outrage here is that the job requiring such commitments is one that will set the tone for Centennial and all of this nonsense is funded by taxpayers' money. Is Centennial being turned into a hotbed of cultural communism? To succeed and compete in the 21st Century Canada needs discipline, competence and academic rigour not a Rainbow Coalition Group hug |
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