Immigration Reformer Herb Grubel Endorses Some of Kenney's Recent Reforms
Written by Paul Fromm
Friday, 27 April 2012 03:12
Immigration Reformer Herb Grubel Endorses Some of Kenney's Recent Reforms

Troy Media April 19 2012
*VANCOUVER, BC, Apr. 19, 2012/ Troy Media*/ – Immigration Minister Jason
Kenney’s recent efforts to reform Canada’s immigrant selection policies
will improve the efficiency of the system, will treat applicants more
fairly and increase the economic prospects of immigrants. He deserves full
credit for taking on policies that have been considered politically
untouchable for decades.

The changes reflect recommendations made by academics and independent
researchers at the Fraser Institute, the C.D. Howe Institute and the
Institute for Research on Public Policy. These organizations share a common
desire to make immigration work more consistently in the interest of all

The minister’s announced reforms will decrease the number of sponsored
parents and grandparents; shorten the queue of applicants; speed up the
settlement of refugee claims; reduce the number of fraudulent marriages and
“pass-port” babies; and require foreign investors to increase the size of
their investment in Canada.
But the most important proposed changes involve the criteria used in the
selection of immigrants. These will reduce reliance on the present points
system, which rewards academic qualifications, age and language
proficiency, and will instead put heavy weight on prearranged employment
contracts, craft skills, and work experience with Canadian employers.

Experimentation with the new system has resulted in immigrants who had
better economic success than those selected under the old system. This
result is not surprising since employers are best able to judge whether
immigrants are likely to be sufficiently productive, have the needed
language skills and other characteristics necessary to earn the wages

The new selection system needs some administrative rules, which remain to
be spelled out. One would set an acceptable wage level high enough to
ensure that the immigrants pay sufficient taxes to cover the social
benefits they are entitled to. For this purpose, the minimum acceptable
wage offered a prospective immigrant might be set at the wage earned by the
average Canadian in the region of prospective employment.

There is also the need to prevent fraudulent job offers to relatives and
immigrants who have bribed employers to offer them temporary high-paying
jobs. This goal could be attained by requiring immigrants to file copies of
their income tax returns to a special enforcement office in Ottawa, which
would be authorized to revoke the permanent residence status of violators
and deport them.

However, the proposed reforms fail to address the most fundamental problem
facing the current immigration policies. How many immigrants should Canada
admit every year?

No economic rationale exists for the current target of about a
quarter-million immigrants a year which, as a per cent of the population,
is the highest of any country in the world. Politicians justify it with
vague references to its influence on Canada’s economic growth rate; the
need to meet prospective labour and skills shortages; to finance social
benefits for an aging population; to create a multicultural society; and to
help alleviate poverty abroad.

None of these arguments are valid if immigration policies are aimed at
maximizing the well-being of Canadians. *Thus, immigrants add to aggregate
national income, but if their personal incomes are below average, they
impose a fiscal burden on taxpayers because of the country’s progressive
income taxes and the universality of benefits. Labour shortages can be
aggravated since immigrants cause the construction of more housing,
infrastructure and the need for more social and medical services. Actuaries
have shown that immigrants cannot significantly reduce the unfunded
liabilities of social programs since they too age and become entitled to

Non-economic arguments involve value judgments impossible to measure and
leave open important questions about the merits of alleviating poverty
abroad rather than in Canada, and about the benefits from multiculturalism
relative to the risk of endangering traditional values, culture, and social

Focusing on the economic issues alone, the problem of determining the
optimum rate of immigration can and should be solved through the use of
market signals provided through the use of prearranged employment
contracts. This criterion should be applied to all applicants, who would be
accompanied by their immediate family. It would also efficiently match the
number of immigrants with demand for labour during business cycle

It is time for minister Kenney to adopt these immigrant selection policies,
which he already has put into place on a limited basis. These policies will
greatly benefit all Canadians, including recent immigrants. He and his
staff do not have to fear running out of work. They will be left with
important responsibilities to enforce the new rules, protect public health
and security, take care of asylum seekers, and continue dealing with the
legacy of past policies.

*Herbert Grubel is a senior fellow with the Fraser Institute and professor
emeritus of economics at Simon Fraser University. He served as a Reform
Party MP.*
Hear Paul Fromm -- The Fighting Side of Me: Memories True and False
Written by Paul Fromm
Thursday, 26 April 2012 03:17
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April 10, 2012

Del Louie Indian Thug

Paul Fromm

* … commemorates April 9, 1865 — the sad but honourable surrender
of Robert E. Lee & the Confederacy at Appomatox;
* … exposes law based on false history — the latest “native
discount” sentencing e.g. an Indian gets 18 months suspended
sentence for brutally beating and damagimg a Vancouver bus driver;
* … decries lunacy of the “native discount” in a society
dedicated to “equality” (e.g. perp Del Louie is only half Indian
but gets full native discount);
* … explores the legal and media lynching of George Zimmerman and
the deification of gangbanger Treyvon Martin.

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Tomorrow Bill C-304 Likely to be Reported Out of Committee
Written by Paul Fromm
Thursday, 26 April 2012 03:14
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Tomorrow Bill C-304 Likely to be Reported Out of Committee
Bill C-304 is a private member's bill introduced by Alberta MP Brian
Storseth (Conservative -- Westlake-St. Paul) to repeal Sec. 13 of the
Canadian Human Rights Act (Internet censorship). The House Standing
Committee on Justice and Human Rights met yesterday and will hear one
more witness tomorrow, Jean-Francois Page, committee clerk, told me
and then will report, likely without amendment, this vital piece of
freedom legislation back to Parliament where third and final reading
is virtually assured. Here is Brian Storseth's testimony yesterday
to the Committee. ( )


· Was an “interested party” or intervener during the
lengthy Sabina Citron & the Toronto Mayor’s Committee on Community
and Race Relations v. Ernst Zundel (1996-2002) case. Inter alia we
argued that Sec. 13 – “telephonic” communication – did not
apply to the Internet. We led a number of witnesses to support our

· Was an “interested party” or intervener in the Mark
Schnell v. John Micka Sec. 13 case. Again, we led an expert witness
and argued that Sec. 13 did not apply to the Internet.

· Has been an active “interested party” or intervener in
Richard Warman v. Marc Lemire. This was the only Sec. 13 case where
the victim/respondent won. This decision by Member Athanasios Hadjis
was the subject of a judicial review hearing in Federal Court,
December 13, 2011. CAFÉ was represented by Gerald Langlois.

· As a complaint under the Canadian Human Rights Act is
considered civil litigation, most provinces do not provide legal aid
for victims of a Sec. 13 complaint. I, acting on behalf of CAFÉ,
acted as a representative for the respondent in a number of cases and
have been able to see the unfair proceedings and the juggernaut that
crushed Canadians, usually young and poor, for merely expressing
themselves on controversial topics over the Internet.

· Richard Warman v. Jessica Beaumont

· Richard Warman v. Ciaran Donnelly

· Richard Warman v. Glen Bahr and Western Canada for Us.

· Richard Warman v. Terry Tremaine

· Richard Warman v. Melissa Guille and the Canadian Heritage

· Richard Warman v. Jason Ouwendyk and the Northern Alliance

· Centre for Research Action on Race Relations v BC White
Pride & John Beck

Marc Lemire's brave and tireless battle essentially wrestled Sec. 13
to the ground. We still await the decision of the judicial review in
Federal Court challenging the Hadjis ruling. However, Sec. 13 now
appears dead should Bill C-304 pass as we're told it will.

Paul Fromm

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