Sec. 13 is Nearly Dead: Commons Gives Third & Final Reading to Bill to Repeal Interne
Written by Paul Fromm
Monday, 11 June 2012 05:44
*Sec. 13 is Nearly Dead: Commons Gives Third & Final Reading to Bill to
Repeal Internet Censorship*

Wednesday, June 6, was a good day for free speech in Canada. *The House
of Commons*, voting 153-136, gave third and final reading to *Bill
C-304,* *Alberta
MP Brian Storseth's* private member's bill that will repeal *Sec. 13* (*
Internet* censorship) of the *Canadian Human Rights Act*. Now, it's on to
the Senate and likely approval and then Royal assent. We're advised by one *
MP* that *Sec. 13* may be dead by the end of the Summer. *Brian
Storseth*deserves high marks for his perseverance as do his caucus
However, the real heroes are the many victims of *Sec. 13* who fought a
lonely fight before kangaroo court "tribunals" usually ignored when not
being vilified by the complacent press -- people like *John Micka, Glenn
Bahr, Melissa Guille, Tom Winnicki, Jason Ouwendyk, Terry Tremaine, Eldon
Warman* (a de-taxer and no relative of arch complaint filer *Richard Warman*.
Special honours go to *Marc Lemire* for not only fighting and winning
against *Richard Warman* but also challenging successfully the
constitutionality of *Sec. 13*. Marc's intrepid lawyer *Barbara
Kulazska*generated the briefs and paperwork that helped discredit this
evil law.
Marc’s long fight helped expose the police state nature of the
*Canadian* *Human
Rights Commission*. Who can forget the Commission's blind (don't ask)
"investigator" *Dean Steacy* insisting he gives no weight to freedom of
speech as "freedom of speech is an American concept." Tribute must also go
to *Doug Christie* and the *Canadian Free Speech League* who have been
steadfast allies against *Sec. 13* and, especially to Doug for his
masterful summation December 13, 2011 at the judicial review of
constitutionality of *Sec. 13*. And modestly, *CAFE* can share in the
credit. We have represented the unrepresented victims in many a *Sec.
13*tribunal; we have intervened forcefully during
*Marc Lemire's* long fight and we have helped raise money for the victims.

*Sec. 13*, one of the two evil tentacles of state censorship of the *
Internet*, hangs on by just a thread of its putrifying tissue. Still, it's
depressing that only one *Liberal (Newfoundland and Labrador MP Scott
Simms*) voted
for *Bill C-304*. *Postmedia* (June 7, 2012) reported: " 'It's a really
important step for freedom of expression in our country,' Storseth said
Thursday, the morning after the bill passed third and final reading in
the *House
of Commons*. There hasn't been a tremendous pushback as you would have seen
seven or eight years ago when this issue first really arose, and I think
it's because there has been a fruitful debate in our country.'"

Sadly the *NDP'*s Justice critic spouted utter nonsense in opposition to
getting rid of this power of censorship: "Canadian police departments
reported 1,401 hate crimes in 2010, or 4.1 hate crimes per 100,000
population, according to recently released data from *Statistics Canada.
New Democrat* public-safety critic *Randall Garrison* said Wednesday that,
due to the large number of hate crimes, the human-rights commission needs
to have the power to combat the issue online and force individuals and
groups to remove websites containing hateful speech. Removing the sections
from the human-rights code will effectively strip the commission of its
power to educate Canadians and shut down inappropriate websites, he said.
'We do have a serious problem,' Garrison said. 'If you take away the power
to take (websites) down, it's not clear they have any mandate to even to
talk to people about it and educate them about it.'"

We see with brutal clarity what the game is -- silence critics, have
websites, not just an offending phrase or remark, removed. This was the
demand in the *Marc Lemire* case, until the defence team revealed that
complainant *Richard Warman* had posted on the *Freedomsite*. If ALL the *
Freedomsite*, even the address, as Warman once contended, was "hate" then
surely Warman's comments under one of his sneaky pseudonyms on the *
Freedomsite* were "hate" too. The entire removal of dissident *Terry
Tremaine's* site
**<>is the
demand of the
*Canadian Human Rights Commission* which is hellbent on tossing him in
prison for "contempt." The site contains movies and much material from
mainline sources, including many of *Adolf Hitler's* speeches. Yet, the
demand is for its total suppression. "Hate crimes," as reported lovingly
in police statistics, are seldom prosecuted and even less frequently result
in a conviction. The puny numbers refers to "reports" rather than confirmed
"crimes" and are mostly graffiti and insults -- really small potatoes.

With ill grace, some of the leftist bloggers are now spreading the line
that the opponents of *Sec. 13* made their lot worse: Someone using the
pseudonym "chapel" wrote on leftist *BigCityLiberal's* blog, "Those
opposing *Sec. 13* bit off their nose to spite their face. No more silly
servants sang [sec] questions on hate related issues; now big burly cops
and the threat of jail are the real deal." Not exactly. The remaining
censorship tentacle is *Sec. 319* of the *Criminal Code* – the notorious “hate
law". However, and this is a big however, unlike *Sec. 13*, there are
defences -- truth, sincerely held religious belief or opinion, material
discussed for the public good.

* Johnathan Kay* of the *National Post* (June 7, 2012) rejoiced at the
demise of *Sec. 13*: "Canadians had meekly submitted to a system of
administrative law that potentially made de facto criminals out of anyone
with politically incorrect views about women, gays, or racial and religious
minority groups. All that was required was a complainant (often someone
with professional ties to the *CHRC* itself) willing to sign his name to a
piece of paper, claim he was offended, and then collect his cash winnings
at the end of the process. The system was bogus and corrupt. But very few
Canadians wanted to be seen as posturing against policies that were branded
under the aegis of 'human rights.”

Thursday June 7th Paul Fromm And if we don’t speak…
Written by Paul Fromm
Saturday, 09 June 2012 05:17
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Hear Paul Fromm on Maggie Rodden's Show: The Unsolicited Opinion

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Fearless freedom fighter Paul Fromm joins me again to discuss the lack
of “free speech” that exists in Canada. Free speech in name only
is what they have there and here too, very soon. Feel free to say what
you think now before they claim you have no right to speak the truth.
He discusses the plight of one free speaker who used his pen to
“speak” his mind and ended up in jail for it. Is that what you
want here? You will get only what you are willing to stand up and
fight for.

Please tell a friend, ask your local radio station to carry my show,
advertise or buy a product. I donate my time as an unpaid radio host
to produce The Unsolicited Opinion for you. Please consider making a
donation to help defray the associated costs. Thank you!

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Hear Paul Fromm on Maggie Rodden's Show: The Unsolicited Opinion
Written by Paul Fromm
Saturday, 09 June 2012 05:10
*Hear Paul Fromm on Maggie Rodden's Show: The Unsolicited Opinion*

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Thursday June 7th Paul Fromm And if we don’t

Thursday June 7th <>
Download <>

Fearless freedom fighter Paul Fromm joins me again to discuss the lack of
“free speech” that exists in Canada. Free speech in name only is what they
have there and here too, very soon. Feel free to say what you think now
before they claim you have no right to speak the truth. He discusses the
plight of one free speaker who used his pen to “speak” his mind and ended
up in jail for it. Is that what you want here? You will get only what you
are willing to stand up and fight for.


*Please tell a friend, ask your local radio station to carry my show,
advertise or buy a product. I donate my time as an unpaid radio host to
produce The Unsolicited Opinion for you. Please consider making a donation
to help defray the associated costs. Thank you!*
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