Happy vs Unhappy Muslims
Written by Paul Fromm
Friday, 03 August 2012 04:15
*Happy vs Unhappy Muslims*

*Many Muslims today are not happy!*

*They're not happy in Gaza .
They're not happy in Egypt .
They're not happy in Libya .
They're not happy in Morocco .
They're not happy in Iran .
They're not happy in Iraq .
They're not happy in Yemen .
They're not happy in Afghanistan .
They're not happy in Pakistan .
They're not happy in Syria .
They're not happy in Lebanon .*

*So, where are they happy?*

*They're happy in Australia .
They're happy in the UK .
They're happy in Canada .
They're happy in the US .
They're happy in France .
They're happy in Germany .
They're happy in Italy .
They're happy in Sweden .
They're happy in Denmark .
They're happy in Norway .*

*So, they're happy in every country that is not Muslim.*

*And who do they blame?*

*Not Islam.
Not their leadership.
Not themselves.*


*Excuse me, but have I missed something here?*
Attack Terrier Kinsella Smears Mayor Ford
Written by Paul Fromm
Thursday, 02 August 2012 08:26
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Attack Terrier Kinsella Smears Mayor Ford

Whoosh, that was a close call. Despite an illogical smear "linking" --
what does that really mean? -- Toronto Mayor Rob Ford to a man who
sang in a racialist band 20 -- yes twenty! -- years ago, even the
usually prickly Jewish lobby group, the Centre for Israel and Jewish
affairs, isn't buying it.

Warren Kinsella is a nasty piece of work. In the early 90s, he was a
backroom boy in Ottawa, working for Cabinet minister David Dingwall
and on Prime Minister Jean Chretien's electoral campaigns. In 200, he
was in charge of the Liberal Party war room and devised the mockery
and smear of Canadan Aiiiance leader Stockwell Day for his
literalistic biblical interpretations about evolution.Can you imagine
a political campaign mocking another politician's Jewish or Moslem
beliefs? Kinsella boasted about his attack dog role in his book
Kicking Ass in Canadian Politics (Random House, 2001).

For someone so obsessed with people's links, Kinsella has a bit of an
odd background: "In his youth, Kinsella was the bassist of the
Canadian punk band, 'The Hot Nasties (
http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Hot_Nasties )', In 2005, Kinsella wrote
Fury's Hour: A (sort-of) Punk-Rock Manifesto (Random House, 2005), a
history of the early days of punk. In 2005, [when he was 45, a little
long-in-the-tooth one would think for the punk scene] Kinsella founded
a punk rock band named "Shit From Hell", which released a self-titled
album later that year on Kicking Ass Records." (Wikipedia)

Kinsella somewhat wore out his welcome with much of the Liberal Party.
He was always a passionate Chretienite. When 'tit Jean retired,
Kinsella backed the leftish Allan Rock against Chretien's arch-rival
and heir apparent Paul Martin. During one ferocious battle for
delegates in an Ontario riding some of Rock's rent-a-Sikh crowd's
credentials were challenged. Kinsella blasted the Martinites as
"racists." Now that term might be alright for Martin's pals to toss at
then-reform MPs who questioned his cozy position with Tamil Tiger
(terrorist) front men in Canada, but for this term to be directed at
members of the Liberal family went beyond the pale for many Liberals.
Martin won and Kinsella for a while was somewhat out in the cold.
Kinsella directed Michael Ignatieff's disastrous 2008 campaign as head
of the war room. Later the two fell out. He has also helped Ontario's
Liberal Premier Dalton McGuinnty but you get the feel that his once
shining star in Liberaldom is somewhat dimmed.

Kinsella also authored two political expose books. The first was
Unholy Alliances (1992) about the supposed Gaddafi and Libyan
connection in Canada, entitled. The second was called Web of Hate:
Inside Canada's Far-Right Network (1994). This expose of Canada's
racial movement was a mish-mash of half truths, facts, distortions and
outright errors. Bill Dunphy, in the early '90s, the Toronto Sun's
resident expert on the "far-right" and no friend of leaders like
Wolfgang Droege and the Heritage Front, whom he simultaneously courted
and defamed, counted no fewer than 34 errors in one chapter alone.
Kinsella wrote favourably of state censorship to suppress the views of
the "far-right": In addition to Sec. 319 of the Criminal Code, the
"hate law," Kinsella explained, "the Criminal Code is not the only
source of anti-hate remedies. Other tools have been used very
effectively against neo-Nazis and white supremacists in the past. The
Canadian Human Rights Act, for example prohibits discrimination on the
basis of race, ethnicity, colour, religion ...through the vehicle of
telephone hate messages. [The now-repealed Sec. 13 of the Canadian
Human Rights Act which was later extended to cover communications on
the Internet.]" (p.357)

When Brian Storseth's private member's bill to repeal Sec. 13 of the
Canadian Human Rights Act, Bill C-304, won third and final reading in
early June, a furious Warren Kinsella blogged: "
Kike. (
Don’t like that? Too bad. (
Nigger. Faggot. Paki. Chink. (
Don’t like those, either? Again, too bad. (
As of last week, Stephen Harper’s Conservative government made it a
lot easier for you to be called any of those things — or any number
of other racist, hateful epithets — when they killed a key part of
the Canadian Human Rights Act. That part, Section 13, prohibited the
communication of hate via the telephone or the Internet. (
The section came into being in the ’70s because some neo-Nazi groups
were using hate lines to communicate some pretty awful stuff. (
) ...
Then, just this week, a nobody Conservative MP was successful in
getting Section 13 killed, making use of the Harper regime’s
favoured sleight-of-hand, a private member’s bill. Section 13 was
dead. (
)" (June 9, 21012)

While promoting Web of Hate, Kinsella let it be known that, when
travelling, he and his wife would check into hotels under assumed
names for "security" reasons. Apparently, he feared skinhead of Libyan
assassins hot in his trail. Whether this was just a tale to glamorous
himself or not is hard to tell. Unless you have false ID or credit
cards, it's hard to check into a hotel under a phony name. "Pss, Miss
Check-in Girl, I'm really Warren Kinsella, the famous go-fer for
important people like the Prime Minister, journalist and author,and
punk band singer. I'm using the name Marcus Flyweather. If you see
some dusty dusky man on a camel or some fellow in boots and braces of
the short-haired persuasion, please, please don't given them my room
number and call CSIS, the RCMP, and the local cops in that order.) At
the time, 1994-1997, Kinsella seemed to be unusually thick with the
Ottawa police. Several youngsters playing in the park behind his home
accidentally flung a Frisbee over his fence. Within a minute or two,
Ottawa police descended on the place and closely questioned the
youngsters as to their activities and intentions toward Kinsella. [You
can never be too careful. Those could have been Libyan agents, shrunk
to child size and disguised.]

Anyway, I note with a big smirk that some 18 years have passed and
somehow those Libyan assassins or malevolent skinheads never managed
to catch up with Warren Kinsella.

Another self-appointed Nazi hunter, Richard Warman also seemed to
revel in the drama queen role of being a potential victim of vengeful
rightists whose right to speak on the Internet he was desperately
trying to squelch. Warman had actually studied drama as an
undergraduate , a mystery to anyone who has ever observed his stiff
and wooden performances in Court. Beginning with the Terry Tremaine
Tribunal in Ottawa in August, 2006, Warman and the Human Rights
Commission prosecutors would be shadowed by private security hired at
taxpayers' expense by the Canadian Human Rights Commission.
Representing Terry Tremaine and Melissa Guille before these tribunals
and later in the Marc Lemire case representing CAFE which had
intervener status, I repeatedly objected to the prejudicial optics of
having "security" protecting one side int he case. In some instances
the hearing room was nearly empty and, so, it would appear that Warman
and the CHRC lawyer had to be protected from???? In the Melissa Guille
case, a 110-pound slight single mother and me? The "security" farce
reached its nadir in the Melissa Guille case. There they had a Metro
constable sit inside the hearing to assure good behaviour. I had no
problem with his. On entering the hearing room, all but special people
(lawyers) were searched by rent-a-cops, who, on one occasion quite
literally did not know which end of their wand was up. Finally, there
were five private bodyguards for Warman and the prosecutor one Ms
Kaylee Snider who, almost in tears, argued that security was needed as
human rights prosecutions were such stressful and dangerous
activities. Boo. Hoo. A burly bodyguard would accompany Warman to the
men's room, lest some clever free speech supporter slip an alligator
into the pipes to bite the chronic complainer's rump when he sat down
to relieve himself.

Anyway, back to Warren Kinsella. He apparently got his dirt from an
anonymous cowards' website called Anti Racist Canada. I almost never
comment on their lies, private pictures, half truths, sneerings and
defamation. It's like arguing with anonymous graffiti on a toilet
stall wall.["Susy is a slut." Should I argue with the anonymous
scrawler: "No, she's not. She's joined Mother Teresa's order of nuns
to help the diseased and dying in Calcutta"?) Anti-Racist Canada seems
to be claiming they dug up the dirt for Kinsella: "Hey, Warren....You
might not know us, but you owe ARC members a beer for this (

"This" turned out to be a photo from the Mayor's annual New Year's
Levee which is open to everyone. There the Mayor shook hands with and
posed for a photo with John Latvis who used to be a member of the
racialist band RAHOWA. The Canadian Press reported: " A prominent
Liberal strategist has managed to give Toronto's mayor the kind of
publicity every politician likes to avoid. Warren Kinsella posted a
picture on his blog of Ford posing with a man the Liberal strategist
claims has links to white supremacists. Kinsella titled his blog entry
'The Toronto Mayor's Far-Right Friend."
He claims Jon Latvis was a member of the band RAHOWA, widely
identified online as an acronym for racial holy war. The Facebook
picture shows Latvis wearing a military style uniform with a tag that
reads: 'Me meeting with Toronto's Mayor, Rob Ford to get an
endorsement for the Latvian Homeguard.' Ford issued a statement saying
the picture was taken at the 2012 New Year's Levee at Toronto City
Hall and that he poses for pictures with hundreds of people at these
events." (Canadian Press, July 26, 2012)
So, what's the story? The Mayor spoke briefly to Mr. Latvis and did
not endorse his cause of promise him anything. Actually, Latvis is a
Facebook name. This individual, whom I knew years ago, actually has
another surname. The mayor meets and poses for vanity pictures with
hundreds of people at such events and seldom knows who they are or
what they might have done. In anything like a free and democratic
society, he can't be expected to know the people he greets. Surely,
even racialists have the right to participate in society or does Mr.
Kinsella challenge that? In the mid-1970s, a photo surfaced of
President Jimmy Carter's wife Rosalyn posing with John Wayne Geacy the
notorious bugger, pedophile and mass murderer. The picture was taken
sometime before his capture when he was still a stalwart precinct
captain in the Chicago Democratic Party's political machine. No one
would seriously suggest that Rosalyn Carter or her husband supported
buggery, pedophilia or serial killing? Anyone who so suggested would
be seen to an irrational partisan.
The same might be said of Warren Kinsella. Mayor Ford actually need
not have responded at all. However, according to the Canadian Press, "
The two men talked briefly, but the[Mayor's] statement says the
discussion centred on public transit.
'At no time was the Mayor aware of allegations that this individual
had made racist, hateful or otherwise offensive comments, nor were any
such comments made during his meeting with the Mayor," said the
statement. 'Mayor Ford is a strong supporter of Toronto's Jewish
community and strongly deplores anti-Semitism in any form.' ... The
Centre for Israel and Jewish Affairs also issued a statement saying it
understands Ford's officials can't screen every person who attends a
public event like a New Year's Levee and considers the Toronto mayor a
true friend of the city's Jewish community."

Rob Ford is pretty much what he seems to be. He's a rarity -- a penny
pinching opponent of waste of taxpayers' money. He's a bit of a rough
diamond, but no one can seriously believe Ford has a hidden agenda. He
has an open door policy for constituents and, unlike many
politicians, scrupulously returns phone calls. That may have explained
his solid popularity as a councillor. He is, in many ways,
conventional. During his campaign, he visited numerous Jewish
institutions to raise funds and press the flesh and pledge his support
for Israel. A good supporter of mine called him during the campaign to
complain about so many businesses being open on Sunday and forcing
their workers to work on their day of worship.The reputedly
traditionalist Ford seemed unsympathetic and said a friend of his was
Jewish and would resent not being able to shop on Sunday. The Jewish
lobby clearly knows this and even they ignored Kinsella's "expose".
Warren Kinsella belongs to a breed who arrogantly assumes that
Liberals are the natural ruling party, The demise of their federal
candidates in the last three elections has left this sort embittered.
They dislike and resent a Rob Ford who is a conservative of sorts with
none of their politically correct pretensions. Ford won't even attend
the Gay Pride Parade. I suspect it is this spiteful resentment that
lies behind the silly smear Kinsella put out. Kinsella's new book has
a title that suggests near hysteria at a changing political world:
Fight the Right: A Manual for Surviving the Coming Conservative
Kinsella pronounced himself pleased with his handiwork in his smear of
Mayor Ford: "Anyway, yesterday’s post attracted a fair bit of
attention. Ford is a 24/7 human gong show, and this is just one more
episode in a series." (Kinsella blog, July 27, 2012)

What exactly is Kinsella suggesting that the Mayor and his staff
should have done at the levee? Kinsella wrote (July 27) "As I said to
a Globe reporter yesterday: 'If a guy wearing a white hard hat, with
a German accent and looking a lot like Ernst Zundel showed up at your
political event, claimed to be John Smith, and said he was interested
in discussing health care, wouldn’t you be a bit wary?' . ... As I
told that Globe reporter yesterday, the job of staff is to ensure
these types of incidents don’t happen. Someone should lose their job
over this."So, in Kinsella's world should people with strong racial
views or people who are historical revisionists or people who once
played in a racialist band not be allowed to greet and shake the
mayor's hand? Or even to lobby the mayor for a cause dear to them?
What sort of control-freak tyranny is he suggesting? Oh, and speaking
of "links" perhaps politicians he's worked for, say, like Dalton
McGuinnty should be asked whether they endorse the anti-democratic
preachings of their supporter Warren Kinsella.

Paul Fromm
Jewish group satisfied about Toronto mayor's explanation of
controversial photo

at 22:23 on July 26, 2012, EDT.

The Canadian Press
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TORONTO - A prominent Liberal strategist has managed to give Toronto's
mayor the kind of publicity every politician likes to avoid.
Warren Kinsella posted a picture on his blog of Ford posing with a man
the Liberal strategist claims has links to white supremacists.
Kinsella titled his blog entry "The Toronto Mayor's Far-Right Friend."
He claims Jon Latvis was a member of the band Rahowa, widely
identified online as an acronym for racial holy war.
The Facebook picture shows Latvis wearing a military style uniform
with a tag that reads: "Me meeting with Toronto's Mayor, Rob Ford to
get an endorsement for the Latvian Homeguard."
Ford issued a statement saying the picture was taken at the 2012 New
Year's Levee at Toronto City Hall and that he poses for pictures with
hundreds of people at these events.
The statement from Ford's office said the man requested a meeting with
Ford, but identified himself under a different name than the one used
on Kinsella's blog.
The two men talked briefly, but the statement says the discussion
centred on public transit.
"At no time was the Mayor aware of allegations that this individual
had made racist, hateful or otherwise offensive comments, nor were any
such comments made during his meeting with the Mayor," said the
"Mayor Ford is a strong supporter of Toronto's Jewish community and
strongly deplores anti-Semitism in any form."
Latvis did not immediately respond to emails.
The story has been widely posted online by a number of media outlets.
The Centre for Israel and Jewish Affairs also issued a statement
saying it understands Ford's officials can't screen every person who
attends a public event like a New Year's Levee and considers the
Toronto mayor a true friend of the city's Jewish community.

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Urgent -- Speak Up!: Fill in the Immigration Level Survey on-line
Written by Paul Fromm
Thursday, 02 August 2012 08:24
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Urgent -- Speak Up!: Fill in the Immigration Level Survey on-line

The Department of Citizenship and Immigration is conducting a
consultation this summer as to immigration levels for 2013. If you
live in Canada, it is vital that you respond and speak up. You are
encouraged to read a background paper on-line before answering the
The CIC website explains:

The consultations will explore a number of issues related to three
main questions:

1 What is the appropriate level of immigration for Canada?
Should the number of immigrants per year change?
2 What is the appropriate distribution – or mix – between
the number of economic immigrants, family class immigrants and
3 Economic immigration is recognized as a key immigration
objective for Canada’s long-term economic growth. What role can
immigration play to support Canada’s economy?

Go on the CIC website, peruse the background report and fill in the

We strongly urge you to recommend zero immigration for 2013. With 7.2
per cent official unemployment -- real unemployment levels are much
higher as the official figure counts only those still receiving
Employment Insurance benefits -- there is no justification for any
immigration at all. A newcomer will do one of two things; take an
existing job that should go to a Canadian, thus throwing that person
on to EI or welfare, or be unable to find a job and become a charge
on the Canadian taxpayer. Either way, Canada loses.

The future "labour shortage" is speculative. Jobs should go to the
unemployed and only when we have full employment and should there
actually be a labour shortage in the future, ought there to be any
consideration of further immigration intake. Canada's founding/settler
people are being replaced by government policy. With present
immigration levels (85 per cent from the Third World), people of
European descent will be a minority by 2050. This ethnic replacement
is unacceptable. One way to slow it down is to demand that, at least
in this present era of high unemployment, no further immigration be
considered at this time.

The on-line consultation closes at the end of August. Fill out the
survey now at http ( http://cic.sondages-surveys.ca/s/immigration2013/
)://cic.sondages-surveys.ca/s/immigration2013/ (
http://cic.sondages-surveys.ca/s/immigration2013/ )
Paul Fromm
Here are some excerpts from the backgrounder. Clearly, the
government wants support for high immigration levels but wories that
recent immigrnts have had neither the language or jobs skills to do


Canada’s Economic Action Plan 2012 is focused on jobs, economic
growth and prosperity. The Prime Minister has also made it clear that
economic immigration is a key priority for the Government of Canada.



Canada’s immigration system must be flexible enough to both help
meet today’s skill shortages in a timely manner while also ensuring
that it anticipates tomorrow’s labour market needs, by attracting
the appropriate skills and talents for the changing economy.


Many in the business sector and provinces and territories are calling
for higher immigration levels to meet existing and anticipated job
shortages. At the same time, the analysis of data for immigrants who
are already here suggests that they are experiencing higher
unemployment rates and lower earnings relative to Canadian-born
individuals. .

(le français suit)

Citizenship and Immigration Canada (CIC) would like to invite you to
participate in an online consultation (
) on immigration levels planning.

The purpose of this consultation is to seek your feedback on
immigration to Canada, specifically on the total number of new
permanent residents Canada should welcome and how this overall total
should be distributed among immigration categories.
The consultation will explore a number of issues related to three main

* What is the appropriate level of immigration for Canada? Should the
number of immigrants per year change?
* What is the appropriate distribution – or mix – between the
number of economic immigrants, family class immigrants and refugees?
* Economic immigration is recognized as a key immigration objective
for Canada’s long-term economic growth. What role can immigration
play to support Canada’s economy?

Prior to completing the questionnaire, please read the following
background document (
) (which is also attached for your reference). This serves to give you
a sense of some of the challenges and realities we face as we strive
to best answer the difficult questions involved in managing Canada’s
immigration system. The full questionnaire is attached if you wish to
view and/or print the document to plan your responses before
submitting your feedback online. Please note that this attachment is
included for reference purposes only; responses must be submitted
using the online questionnaire.

A report on the consultations, including a summary of responses to the
online consultation questionnaire, will be available on our website in
fall 2012 or winter 2013.

More information about this consultation process is available on the
CIC web site at:
http://www.cic.gc.ca/english/department/consultations/index.asp. The
online consultation will be available from July 31 to August 31, 2012.

We invite you to forward this email to other organizations or
individuals you feel would be interested in participating.

Thank you in advance for your input

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