Written by Paul Fromm |
Sunday, 19 July 2009 05:41 |
*Former Political Prisoner Brad Love on KKK-Fixation, Kiddie Porn Addicts & Dieudonne* July 13, 2009 You gotta ask yourself! Why are my taxes being wasted on long and costly trials for African war criminals in Canada? Tutsis, Hutus, who cares! Why are they even in my country and costing me money? Or am I even allowed to ask? And remember those 18 Muslim nut cases arrested in Peel, Ontario years back for plotting terror? Why are they slowly and quietly being let out of jail to continue their plots? Where is the outcry? The media glare? Or is that only reserved for letter writers like me who dare to question as to why my gov’t allows such people to fester here in the first place. And what’s with the Jewish run *NATIONAL POST* and its fixation with the KKK? Black crimes is1000 times more threatening but, hey, let’s go back 30 years in history to relive things -- the short history of Alexander McWhirter and the Klan in Canada. What a joke! If Oprah Winfrey is correct, then the Klan has killed 50 people in modern history while black gangs like the Bloods and Crips have killed 1000s. Yearly! If a White person repeated such statistic, they’d immediately be expelled from Judaic-ridden Hollywood but, let’s face it, even perpetual whiners like the B’nai B’rith’s Frank Dimwitt wouldn’t dare to go up against Aunty Oprah. Yet, the simple facts remain when it comes to what one-time Klan leader Alex McQuirter predicted for Canada: immigration equals more crime, full jails, broken cities, bankrupted welfare, guns, gangs, drugs, and a costly police force that takes the freedoms/rights from anyone repeating such obvious truth. And that divide and conquer multiculturalism takes the glare off a corrupt and inept gov’t that spends our $$$ pitting one group against another. And how do I know all of this? Because my media confirms it for me on a daily basis. Now, have I ever lied to you? Now has your gov’t ever lied to you? Yep, I thought you’d see it my way. Does it get any better than this? "Jewish leader charged with child porn’. Yep, weenie wagger Bill Surkis of Montreal’s B’nai B’rith Chapter got arrested for kiddy porn. Rules are different for this pervert, however, The police ‘phoned him’ instead of conducting their usual raids (as they do with political dissidents like myself) and released him ’a few hours later’. On the other hand, if you simply pen a letter to these B’nai B’rith crybabies, trust me, the cops will pile on you big time and your release? Well, maybe a few weeks and $20,000 or so later, one might see daylight. Now you tell me who really runs our court system? Ever heard of Dieudonne M’Bala M’Bala? Of course, you haven’t. He’s a French-born comedian who brings hilarity to the holocaust and similar Jewish mythology. And now the Human Rights Board and Jewish groups have him in their sighs to prosecute him for his irreverent humour. Trouble is... he’s black! So, he can’t possibly be ‘racist’. This one-man showis going to ruin everything that our Human Rights Board worked so hard with your wasted tax $$$) to erect and good for him. Oops, knowing the proximity of child porn, perverts should I have used the word ‘erect’??? *BRAD LOVE. * *[Former political prisoner Brad Love, who was sentenced, in 2003, to 18 months in prison for writing non-threatening letters to public officials, keeps his writing skills sharp with his comments from Alberta. He served two further terms for writing non-threatening letters to other politicians and newspapers for alleged “breach of probation” gag orders, yes, here in Canada, not in North Korea or Burma. He faces a "breach of probation" trial for writing non-violent letters to York University Student Union and the Canadian Jewish Congress next May. Apparently, the Crown wants to toss this dissident in jail for THREE ( yes that 3!) years.] * |
Written by Paul Fromm |
Monday, 13 July 2009 07:52 |
* Canada's tolerance misplaced?* It is on the minds of the majority of people but we are all too TIMID to say it aloud. Bravo for Kanwar!! *CANADA**'S TOLERANCE MISPLACED* *By Mahfooz Kanwar,** For The Calgary Herald - March 30, 2009 * Canada's Immigration Minister Jason Kenney is getting flak from the usual suspects, but he deserves praise instead. Recently, Kenney pointed out that, while at a meeting in Toronto, members of Canada's Pakistani community called on him to make Punjabi one of Canada's official languages. It makes me angry that such an idea would enter the minds of my fellow and former countrymen, let alone express them to a Minister of the Crown. A few months ago, I was dismayed to learn that Erik Millett, the principal of Belleisle School in Springfield, N. B., limited playing our national anthem because the families of a couple of his students objected to it. As a social scientist, I oppose this kind of political correctness, lack of assimilation of new immigrants to mainstream Canada, hyphenated-Canadian identity, and the lack of patriotism in our great nation. Increasingly, Canadians feel restricted in doing things the Canadian way lest we offend minorities. We cannot even say Merry Christmas without fear of causing offence. It is amazing that 77 per cent of the Canadian majority are scared of offending 23 per cent of minorities. We have become so timid that the majority cannot assert its own freedom of expression. We cannot publicly question certain foreign social customs, traditions and values that do not fit into the Canadian ethos of equality. Rather than encouraging new immigrants to adjust to Canada, we tolerate peculiar ways of doing things. We do not remind them that they are in Canada, not in their original homelands. In a multicultural society, it is the responsibility of minorities to adjust to the majority. It does not mean that minorities have to to-tally amalgamate with the majority. They can practise some of their cultural traditions within their homes -- their backstage behaviour. However, when outside of their homes, their front stage behaviour should resemble mainstream Canadian behaviour. Whoever comes to Canada must learn the limits of our system. We do not kill our daughters or other female members of our families who refuse to wear hijab, niqab or burka which are not mandated by the Qur'an anyway. We do not kill our daughters if they date the "wrong" men. A 17-year-old Sikh girl should not have been killed in British Columbia by her father because she was caught dating a Caucasian man. We do not practise the dowry system in Canada, and do not kill our brides because they did not bring enough dowry. Millions of female fetuses are aborted every year in India, and millions of female infants have been killed by their parents in India and China. Thousands of brides in India are burned to death in their kitchens because they did not bring enough dowry into a marriage. Some 30,000 Sikhs living abroad, took the dowries but abandoned their brides in India in 2005. This is not accepted in Canada. In some countries, thousands of women are murdered every year for family or religious honour. We should not hide behind political correctness and we should expose the cultural and religious background of these heinous crimes, especially if it happens in Canada. We should also expose those who bring their cultural baggage containing the social custom of female circumcision. I was shocked when I learned about two cases of this barbaric custom practised in St. Catharines Ont. a few years ago. I have said it on radio and television, have written in my columns in the Calgary Herald, and I have written in my latest book, Journey to Success, that I do not agree with the hyphenated identity in Canada because it divides our loyalties. My argument is that people are not forced to come to Canada and they are not forced to stay here. Those who come here of their own volition and stay must be truly patriotic Canadians or go back. I am a first-generation Canadian from Pakistan. I left Pakistan 45 years ago. I cannot ignore Pakistan, because it is the homeland of my folks, but my loyalty should be and is to Canada. I am, therefore, a proud Canadian, no longer a Pakistani-Canadian. I am a Canadian Muslim, not a Muslim Canadian. I do not agree with those Canadians who engage in their fight against the system in their original countries on Canadian soil. They should go back and fight from within. For example, some of the Sikhs, Tamil Tigers, Armenians and others have disturbed the peace in Canada because of their problems back home. Recently, a low-level leader of MQM, the Mafia of Pakistan, came to Canada as a refugee and started to organize public rallies to collect funds for their cause in Pakistan. On July 18, 2007, the Federal Court of Canada ruled that MQM is a terrorist group led by London-based Altaf Hussain, their godfather. As a member in the coalition government of Pakistan, this terrorist group is currently collaborating with the Taliban in Pakistan. That refugee was deported back to Pakistan. Similarly, I disagree with newcomers who bring their religious baggage here. For example, Muslims are less than two per cent of the Canadian population, yet in 2004 and 2005, a fraction of them, the fundamentalists, wanted to bring sharia law to Canada. If they really want to live under sharia, they should go to the prison-like countries where sharia is practised. I once supported multiculturalism in Canada because I believed it gave us a sense of pluralism and diversity. However, I have observed and experienced that official multiculturalism has encouraged convolution of the values that make Canada the kind of place people want to immigrate to in the first place. Here, we stand on guard for Canada, not for countries we came from. Like it or not, take it or leave it, standing on guard only for Canada is our national maxim. Remember, O Canada is our national anthem which must not be disregarded by anybody, including the teacher in Springfield, N. B. *Mahfooz Kanwar, PHD, is a Sociologist and an Instructor Emeritus at Mount Royal College.* C Copyright (c) *The Calgary Herald* |
Written by Paul Fromm |
Monday, 13 July 2009 07:51 |
Bangladeshi Acid Throwers -- We Need Some of This Culture Here: Bring on the Diversity Victims join effort to halt acid attacks *Azad Majumder, Reuters *Published: Wednesday, May 13, 2009 <> [image: Acid survivor Khodeza Begum, left, attends an international conference in Dhaka yesterday.]Andrew Biraj, ReutersAcid survivor Khodeza Begum, left, attends an international conference in Dhaka yesterday. Khodeza Begum still shivers in fear when she remembers the winter night eight years ago when an unidentified attacker sprayed acid on her and her baby girl as they slept in their Bangladesh shantytown home. "The corrosive liquid badly burned my face and part of my child's head," said the 30-year-old, her face partly covered to hide the scars. "But I received no justice from police or court as I could not identify the offender," she told a conference marking the 10th anniversary of the foundation of the Bangladesh Acid Survivors Foundation (ASF) in Dhaka yesterday. ASF officials, police and victims said acid attacks mostly result from refusal of a sexual advance, demand for dowry or family disputes over land. Most of the victims were young women. As well as horrific scarring and inevitable psychological trauma, organizers of the conference said many victims, such as Ms. Begum, are denied justice. Others face social isolation and ostracism by families. "Lucky I am that my husband did not abandon us, unlike the fate that befall on many acid victims," said the woman, who comes from Bangladesh's southern Satkhira district. Police sometimes take the side of the offenders for a bribe and protect them from the law, Nur Jahan, another acid victim, told the conference, which was attended by about 600 acid victims from Bangladesh, Pakistan, India, Cambodia, Uganda and Nepal. Samina Afzal Naz, an official of the Acid Survivors Foundation Pakistan, said acid attacks over spurned sexual advances or land disputes were also a problem in her country. "We started working in Pakistan only two years ago and have already identified 149 acid victims in the Punjab region," Ms. Naz said. ASF officials said the number of acid attacks in Bangladesh had decreased since the government enacted tough laws that set death as the maximum penalty for acid throwers. "When we founded ASF in Bangladesh in 1999, the number of acid victims annually recorded was around 500 in the country. The number has now gone down well below 100," said John Morrison, the organization's founder. Access to good medical care for victims remains a problem, however, ASF officials said. Bangladesh, home to nearly 150 million people, has only one 50-bed burns unit in a public sector hospital. |
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