Hear Paul Fromm on Voice of Reason Radio --The Fighting Side of Me: Fighting the Immi
Written by Paul Fromm
Thursday, 14 April 2011 23:19
Hear Paul Fromm on Voice of Reason Radio --The Fighting Side of Me: Fighting
the Immigration Invasion

April 12, 2011 ·
[image: Elect Paul Fromm!]

Paul Fromm challenges Immigration Minister Jason Kenney in Calgary Southeast
in May 2 federal election–”Immigration IS the Issue,” says Fromm.
Former political prisoner Brad Love is back in court for writing
non-threatening letters to Jewish groups–The Canadian “justice system” is
abuse BY process.

Where are the Canadians?
Written by Paul Fromm
Thursday, 14 April 2011 04:26
*Where are the Canadians?*

A Somali arrives in Vancouver as a new immigrant to Canada . He stops
the first person he sees walking down the street and says ... 'Thank you
Mr. Canadian for letting me in this country, giving me housing, money for
food, free medical care, free education and no taxes!'

The passerby says, 'You are mistaken, I am Mexican.'

The man goes on and encounters another passerby. ' Thank you for having
such a beautiful country here in Canada !'
The person says, 'I not Canadian, I Vietnamese.'

The new arrival walks further, and the next person he sees he stops, shakes
his hand and says, 'Thank you for the wonderful Canada !'

That person puts up his hand and says, 'I am from Middle East , I am not
Canadian !'
He finally sees a nice lady and asks, 'Are you a Canadian ?'
She says , 'No, I am from Africa !'
Puzzled, he asks her, 'Where are all the Canadians ?'
The African lady checks her watch and says ...'Probably at
A Candidate’s Diary -- Preparing the Campaign
Written by Paul Fromm
Wednesday, 13 April 2011 03:07
*Elect Paul Fromm in Calgary Southeast*

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*A Candidate’s Diary*

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*Preparing the Campaign*

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*A year ago, I promised Western Block Leader Douglas H,. Christie that I
would run for his Western Block in the next federal election. In August of
2010, we had a candidates’ meeting in Chilliwack, B.C. In November, we had a
further meeting of Alberta would-be candidates in Edmonton.*

* *

*I didn’t think the NDP and Liberals, lagging badly in the polls, would
provoke an election, but they did. Party leader Doug Christie was in
Ontario, March 30, and addressed the Canadian Association for Free
Expression. I had originally intended to run in British Columbia. However, he
and I agreed that Immigration Minister Jason Kenney would make a far better
target in Calgary Southeast. The campaign would let me highlight Canada’s
failed immigration policy. With high unemployment – officially 7.7 percent –
immigration keeps wages low, keep Canadians unemployed and burdens our tax
system. He gave me his endorsement and we discussed strategy.*

* *

*April 5, having returned from a talk to the Council of Conservative
Citizens in St. Louis, Missouri, I headed to British Columbia to contact
some key supporters. While in British Columbia, I worked on lining up
advertizing and writing my election leaflet and other material.*

* *

*April 7, it was on to Calgary. I managed to fall out of a plane. Yes, on
landing, the tiny Air Canada propeller plane was greeted with an aluminum
set of stairs down which passengers could deplane. Heading down the steps,
with a briefcase in one hand and my laptop in the other, my boast heel
caught in on one of the steps. I pitched forward, dropped my laptop and
briefcase and grabbed the railing. The ladder contraption pitched forward. I
landed on the asphalt tarmac with the aluminum contraption on top of me.
Several Air Canada personnel and passengers came to my assistance, pulled
the aluminum stairs off me, helped me to my feet and handed my back my
belongings. They even offered me a wheelchair, which I refused. I was a bit

* *

*I checked into a hotel and then headed out to gather signatures. My falling
out of an airplane story was a great hit. The bartender was repeating it to
awed drinker even the next day. One lady who signed my nomination papers
asked me jokingly: “You’re not crazy, are you?”*

* *

*“I don’t think so,” I replied, “but I did fall out of an airplane today.”
She was so intrigued by the story that she called over her girlfriend and
both signed my nomination papers.*

* *

*On Thursday and Friday, I gathered the necessary 100 signatures from voters
in Calgary Southeast for my nomination. Actually, I got 134 signatures, as
the odd person might not actually live in the riding or for some other
reason be eligible. To sign. Caution was in order. It’s a tough job
approaching total strangers for their signatures.*

* *

*I’d already done reams of paperwork. I’d secured an auditor and official
agent, obtained letters from them accepting their positions, and, of course,
the letter of endorsement from Party leader Doug Christie.*

* *

*Friday afternoon, with my $1,000 election deposit cheque in my folder, I
headed over the offices of Elections Canada Retuning Officer, Cheryl Shuett.
With me was my witness and long-time supporter Calgary businessman George
Kreutzer. He actually had to submit my nomination papers. My paperwork was
checked and, at 4:45, Friday, April 8, my nomination papers were officially

* *

*Saturday, April 9, at 11:30 a.m., I received a call from Mrs Shuett
confirming that my signators had been checked and approved. I was now
officially the Western Block candidate for Calgary Southeast. – Paul Fromm*

* *

*Canadians wishing to contribute to my campaign to “make Immigration an
Election Issue” should send their cheques payable to “Wolfgang Mueller,
Official Agent”, c/o Paul Fromm, P.O. Box 332, Rexdale, ON., M9W 5L3,
CANADA. [You get a tax credit of 75% for your donation!]*
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