Now, If A White Man Had Said This |
Bill Wilson is a lawyer and hereditary chief from Vancouver. He’s running as a longshot against Phil Fontaine to be Grand Chief and head the Assembly of First Nations. He’s an opinionated man with little use for Whites. |
CSIS Says I'm A Terrorist |
Since 1979, I have been involved with the Alternative Forum. Monthly, we have held a meeting with a speaker or, occasionally, a film. The speakers have covered a wide variety of topics: foreign policy, immigration, freedom of speech, and law. They have included Members of Parliament like Don Blenkarn, John Gamble, and the man who was the inspiration for Prime Minister John Diefenbaker’s Northern Vision, The Hon. Alvin Hamilton.
Meet the Woman Behind the Biggest Shakedown of the Canadian Taxpayers in Years |
Phil Fontaine won re-election as for a third term as Grand Chief of the Assembly of First Nations because he’d delivered a $4-billion pot of taxpayers’ money in the form of compensation for all Indians who attended residential schools. There will also be more millions doled out for healing sessions and guiltmongering propaganda. An ad in the Globe and Mail (June 24, 2006) explains that for “the 80,000 living Aboriginal people who are former students of the residential school system” the plan offers payments of “$10,000 for the first school year (or part of a school year) plus $3,000 for each school year (or part of a school year).” |
Zundel -- the Man Who Wasn't There |
Any doubt that the Canadian poodle press is part of a conspiracy to re-write reality and keep the public ignorant is obvious from the article below. |
Hey, Bro, Coming Soon to a School Near Youse: Black Victimology Curriculum |
Yet another reason to oppose “diverse” immigration. To assimilate the unassimilables, we need to constantly go to great expense to change our ways to theirs. To deal with serious Negro underachievement in Toronto schools – a pattern, incidentally, repeated in U.S. and British schools and, perhaps, having something to do with demonstrably lower Negro I.Q. – the ever trendy Toronto Board, punch drunk on minorityitis has come up with another wacky way to waste taxpayers’ money. |
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