Free Speech Monitor: January/February, 2006
$18,000 Shakedown for "Racist" Wrapper

If ever there was a reason to abolish all the meddling, anti-free speech, anti-White human rights commissions across this once great Dominion, this story certainly provides it. I thought I had seen everything when it come to silly "human rights" cases, but this one takes the cake, er sorry ... the candy bar. Astonishingly, a  wrapper from a candy bar that is worth maybe $1 actually generated $18.000 as part of a settlement with a convenience store that was selling it. Where is the "human rights" madness going to stop? "As a Quebec-born black woman, Laurraine Leblanc says she has first-hand knowledge of subtle racism. But the final straw for Ms. Leblanc, pictured, was a caricature of a scowling black man on a package of Couche-Tard candy. Last summer, she filed a complaint with the Quebec Human Rights Commission. She contends the image reinforced stereotypes of black men as aggressive. Yesterday, as part of a mediated settlement, the convenience store giant donated $18,000 to Youth in Motion, a teen drop-in centre. Ms. Leblanc acknowledged some people may consider the case a useless fight. 'But it's important in Quebec that we recognize that there is a subtle racism … and that we have to do something.'"? (National Post, January 18, 2006)

Killers out on Bail; Writers Stay in Jail

The Canadian justice system is a disgrace and a farce! The politicians holler about violence. We need gun confiscation, onerous rules for law-abiding owners, a  ban on handguns to prevent violence, they tell us. Yet, judges impose Stalinist prison sentences, like the 18 months Brad Love got in 2003 for having written letters critical of immigration and immigrant crimes to MPs, MPPs, and police chiefs. The sentencing judge worried about unrest such views could cause in the community, even though the letters were private communications.  In sentencing him, Mr. Justice Gorewich lectured Mr. Love and charged that he had engaged in a "prolonged campaign that could enflame racial tensions. 'You used your intellect in a way that was as negative as possible and could well have a ripple effect that could be catastrophic in many communities.'"
Jailed publisher Ernst Zundel, a lifelong pacifist, never convicted of any crime in Canada, was deemed a terrorist and "threat to national security" and deported to Germany. Federal Judge Pierre Blais, former CSIS boss who relied on CSIS evidence, secret and public was in total conflict of interest. Nevertheless, he too fretted about the violence that might occur as a result of Mr. Zundel's contrarian views about World War II  

So, violence is a big worry. Well, what do the courts do when confronted with actual violence? Not much. Take the case of 17-year old Shane Rolston of Sherwood Park, a suburb of Edmonton. " Rolston, a popular Grade 12 student at Sherwood Park's Bev Facey High School, was bludgeoned to death at a house party in Sherwood Park in November. Justin Tate Bridges, Christopher Thomas Griffiths, Jonathan Patrick Giourmetakis and Josiah James Lawson are accused of first-degree murder. A 17-year-old boy, who cannot be named because he's a youth, also faces the same charge." (Edmonton Sun, January 12, 2005)Yet. According to CITY TV (December 23, 2005), an Edmonton judge granted all four bail, on December 22. Oh, yes, they had to give up their cellphones, accept a curfew and live at home. Accused of murder, these teenagers face bail conditions not much different from being "grounded" for dipping into Dad's booze.

 Another poster boy for our disgraceful injustice system is Somali "refugee" Mohamed Hagi Mohamud. "Somali native Mohamed Hagi Mohamud, 33, was convicted in 1997 of violating his bail conditions and of assault with a weapon. The latter is a deportable offence, but no deportation proceedings were initiated. In 2002, he was convicted of assault causing bodily harm [also a deportable offence] and deportation proceedings were begun. But after he completed his sentence on that charge, he was not detained. He skipped his deportation hearing, and wasn't arrested until after a brutal and bloody sexual assault of a Surrey woman in March of this year.

On [Nov. 28] Mr. Mohamud pleaded guilty in BC Supreme Court to sexual assault causing bodily harm related to the attack on Erika Martyn, 33 [and] sentenced to 41/2 years in prison. [Despite] violating bail conditions alongside his assault charge in 1997, [Mohamud -- not a Canadian citizen] was judged to be neither a danger nor a flight risk and released in 2004. He didn't appear at a deportation hearing that May. ...  Canada Border Services waited until December, 2004, to issue an immigration warrant for his arrest." (Globe and Mail, December 2, 2005)

Three months later, Mohamud would abduct Ms. Martyn near the Gateway SkyTrain station and force her, at knife-point, to walk the several kilometres to his home. During the four hours he alternately beat and raped her, Ms. Martyn fought back, and, convinced she would die at her tormentor's hands, showed the remarkable presence of mind to smear as much of her blood on the walls and furniture as she could for DNA typing. The mother of three did manage to escape but still suffers from serious internal injuries. Mohamud's "defence" is that he mistook her for a prostitute.

Should the hijab be mandatory? Ms. Martyn "wants to know why her attacker wasn't red-flagged by immigration authorities before he got to her. 'I'm pissed off. They let him leave there without any supervision or alert to anyone of how violent this guy is.' ... Immigration officials admit that they lost track of him after he got out of jail the second time. Canada Border Services Agency spokesperson Janis Ferguson says a hearing was recommended for Mohamud six years after his first conviction. 'An immigration warrant was issued out of Toronto in December 2004.' But Ferguson refused to say why Mohamud wasn't sent for a hearing earlier, citing privacy concerns." (CBC, December 1, 2005)

Then, there is Andre Thompson, arrested shortly after the Yonge Street Massacre on Boxing Day where several innocent shoppers were wounded and a lovely high school track star Jane Glenn Creba was killed. Relieved of a 9mm Ruger when he was picked up, suspect Andre Thompson was fresh off a 30-day stretch for armed robbery.  Mr. Thompson can have few complaints about what passes for justice in Canada: Crown attorneys have withdrawn at least 12 charges against him over the last 2 years.  He was charged with gun possession on at least one other occasion -- in 2004, at the residence of Amon Beckles, the same chap who made such a mess of the church steps.  Thompson should have been at the wrong end of a long prison stretch -- it's no great surprise that he isn't. Thompson had illegally possessed guns. Charges dropped. He'd been involved in an armed robbery. Sentence: 30 days. Brad Love, for writing letters the Etobicoke Guardian, critical of Black crime and immigration has been in jail denied bail since November 4. The Courts are still doing a "risk assessment" on this non-violent letter writer. Apparently, hard men like Thompson, who, by the way, is the father of a one-year old, but who lives apart from the kid with his sister, don't even merit being charged for gun possession. It makes a lot of sense, doesn't it. Months in prison for the letter writer, but a month for the armed robber!

Sadly, the list goes on. The courts are reluctant to punish the gunmen and our lazy, politically correct Immigration Department won't deport them, unless their name is Ernst Zundel. Meet Nicaraguan rapist and kidnapper Sergio Arana-Martinez. Big handle for a vile man. "Sergio Arana-Martinez, a Nicaraguan citizen, lured an 11-year-old girl over the Internet to meet him, kidnapped her, gave her alcohol, stripped her and attempted to engage in sexual intercourse.  He was convicted on charges of abduction and sexual interference.  He had a prior criminal record in Canada for fraud and impaired driving and had been ordered deported in October 2000.  The order was never carried out and, once again, immigration officials could not explain why.  [Former] Toronto Police Chief Julian Fantino summed up what most Canadians must surely feel: 'This guy shouldn't have been here to commit this crime.  The system has failed this young girl.  The system has failed all of us.'

Another beneficiary of our idiotic "refugee" system is Sritharan Kanthasamy.  Last year, Tamil "refugee" Sritharan Kanthasamy, the man with the jaw-breaking name,  was convicted on sexual assault and unlawful confinement after he and three friends kidnapped and repeatedly raped an Abbotsford woman, first in a gravel pit and then in Kanthasamy's home where she was locked naked in a bedroom.  Kanthasamy had two previous criminal convictions. Yet, the court shaved a day off his two-year sentence so he could appeal his deportation.

And we mustn't forget, Iranian drug dealer Massoud Boroumand who  was released from custody by an immigration board adjudicator in August despite his 1992 conviction for heroin trafficking and a decade-old deportation order which he avoided by simply not showing up for his flight to Iran. We have become so inefficient with deportations that we are just a laughingstock,' said retiring Conservative MP Randy White. 'Criminals know that.'  The Canada Border Service Agency, which has assumed responsibility for deportations from the immigration department, said it deported 11,000 people in the past year but only 96 of these were considered too dangerous to stay in Canada.  [We'll all sleep better tonight!]  Neither the border agency, nor the Royal Canadian Mounted Police nor the immigration department seems able to locate as many as 30,000 people ordered deported but still living in Canada."  (Vancouver Sun, December 1, 2005)

Even those who assault and attempt to rob Liberal Cabinet ministers are turned loose on the streets. " A man charged with assaulting [then] Foreign Affairs Minister Pierre Pettigrew in an apparent robbery attempt was released on bail yesterday. Frederick Estelle, 24, is charged with aggravated assault and attempted robbery. Mr. Estelle was ordered by a judge to continue psychiatric treatment, live with his father and respect a curfew." (Globe and Mail, January 11, 2006) Although described as a man with severe psychiatric problems and suffering from depression after his mother's death 9 years ago, Estelle did not seem to strike the judge as dangerous. But immigration critic and chronic letter writer Brad Love is.
Day 1 of the Zundel Heresy Trial

In brief, February 9, Day 1 of the Zundel Heresy Trial in Germany ended with the judge refusing to recuse himself for bias. Former Toronto publisher Ernst Zundel could face up to five years imprisonment under Germany's thought crimes law that outlaws "defaming the memory of the dead" by which is meant doubting the propaganda version of Germany's villainy in WW II.
There's a telling admission by the German prosecutor in the Canadian Press story: "Prosecutor Andreas Grossmann accused the defence of trying to prolong the trial 'to use it as a forum for the views of Mr. Zundel' and portray him as a victim. 'You can't be a martyr if nobody knows about you,' Grossmann said outside the court." (Canadian Press, February 9, 2006) It sounds as if, like most totalitarians, Mr. Grossmann would be only too happy to have Mr. Zundel buried in a dark dungeon after a secret trial. Publicity is the light tyranny hates.
The Zundel thought crimes trial occurs against the background of a defiant Europe proclaiming its belief in freedom of speech and freedom of the press. The issue is a series of satirical cartoons published in Denmark last year and now reprinted in sympathy across Europe. Radical Moslems have rioted and caused a number of deaths. They have called for boycotts of Danish and European Union products and burned Danish diplomatic missions.Of course, on one level, the Moslems don't get it and are trying to impose their religious beliefs -- especially against representations of people or of Mohammed -- on others. Yes, the Europeans are correct to support free speech. However, the canny Iranian government is pointing out that the Europeans, so loud in their defence of free speech, are the same ones -- in lands such as Austria, Germany, France, Slovakia, Switzerland, etc. -- who criminalize dissent from the Hollywood version of World War II.  Deutsche Welle (February 9, 2006) explains Germany's hypocritical views on free speech: freedom of speech, yes; censorship no; but you can't say that! : "On Thursday, Ernst Zündel, a Holocaust denier, faces a German court on charges of inciting racial hatred and defaming the dead. The case shows that while Germany guarantees freedom of expression, there are limits.  … Although freedom of the press and of expression is written into German law, the country is generally more wary of free speech than the US, where Zündel's dissemination of racist literature and refutation of the Holocaust -- while distasteful to most -- was perfectly legal.  … Article 5 of Germany's constitution, or Basic Law, enshrines the right of freedom of speech and of the press.
'Everyone has the right to freely express and disseminate their opinions orally, in writing or visually and to obtain information from generally accessible sources without hindrance,' states paragraph one of the law. 'Freedom of the press and freedom of reporting through audiovisual media shall be guaranteed. There shall be no censorship.' But the next paragraph puts certain limits on that freedom, which were deemed necessary when the Basic Law was proclaimed in 1949, just four years after the end of World War II and the downfall of the Nazi dictatorship. In the United States, where a broader definition of the freedom of expression has traditionally been considered one of the country's most foundations, this limitation on expression is often met with disapproval.  'I've spoken with a lot of Americans, and they don't understand us,' said Wolfgang Wippermann, a professor at the Freie University in Berlin who studies Nazism and right-wing extremism. 'I tell them, <In your country, drug dealers also go to prison; these Holocaust deniers are like drug dealers, but dealing in mental poison> '."  Free speech, yes! But it must be across the board. The Zundel trial continues Feb. 15 & 16 and March 9, 11,  16 and 24.