CoCC Conference Huge Success, Despite Anti-racist Threats |
Written by Paul Fromm |
Saturday, 14 July 2012 18:42 |
-------------------------------------------------------------------------------- This email newsletter was sent to you in graphical HTML format. If you're seeing this version, your email program prefers plain text emails. You can read the original version online: -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- CoCC Conference Huge Success, Despite Anti-racist Threats The 48th semi-annual meeting of the Council of Conservative Citizens went off without a hitch in Nashville, TN, July 6-7, despite promised threats of violence by anti-racists goons. Hotel management reported eight phone calls protesting the conservative conference, all but one anonymous. Someone using the moniker :Tommy Marz ( ) on Facebook, threatened: "Anti-fascist Action is making a comeback (check Chicago), Bash Back is a group I will gladly join. ... Next Counsel [sic] of Conservative Org. meeting in TN-- I will be there with my like minded friends. This old racist quasi religious BS will be met with fists." The anti-racists weren't much better with their timing than they were with their spelling. Three showed up two hours after the conference ended Saturday afternoon. Two identified themselves as atheists. The third, sporting a bizarre Mohawk hairdo, wore a tee shirt proclaiming "Queers bash back." There wasn't much bashing. After a short verbal confrontation with a couple of CoCC members, the threesome leaped into a vehicle and fled as they saw a couple of burly young CoCCers approaching. The largely controlled media and the Third World immigration invasion were major targets of the conference. Effective activism was the theme. CoCC webmaster Kyle Rogers of Charleston, SC, recounted how he had posted a detailed account of Trevon Martin's criminal past and dicey background on March 21 on ( ). Up until then, the media had portrayed Treyvon as a victimized black youth. Within 48 hours, Glen Beck and Hannity and others picked up Mr. Rogers information and began presenting a more balanced view of what was becoming an emotional, witch hunt. It didn't take the leftist media long to punish the messenger. On June 24, the Charleston Post and Courier ran a front page smear of Mr. Rogers complete with a picture, denouncing him as a member of a "White supremacist" organization. The Post and Courier relied, for their "research" on Mr. Rogers and the CoCC, on the Southern Poverty Law Centre and the NAACP.. Just to make the victimization complete, the paper refused to accept a letter from Mr. Rogers offering his refutation of their charges. In Kansas City, two other activists who took on the anti-White media created a stir. In March Edward Stephens IV and his son Edward V were outraged after two blacks targeted a young White boy and set him on fire. The media all but ignored this brutal outrage. The Stephens were angry, knowing that had it been White youths trying to incinerate a young black the story would have gone viral and been front page nation-wide. "White people are second class citizens. Their interests are put last," Edward Stephens V, a dynamic 24-year old told the 80 applauding members of the audience. Stephens ran for local school board the next month. "Why isn't there a White History Month?" he asked. "Why aren't there White culture courses," he demanded. "There are Black and Asian culture courses." Leonard Wilson, an executive member of the CoCC and former Citizens' Council organizer, urged members not to waste their votes on third party candidates. While admitting that Mitt Romney "was not my first, second or even third choice for the nomination, if you want to get rid of Barack Hosein Obama,, you must vote for Mitt Romney." Obama, the seventh generation Alabamian added, "is the worst president in U.S. history, except perhaps Lincoln. If Obama is re-elected, this might be the last presidential election you vote in." Lawyer and co-host of the "Political Cesspool" radio show with James Edwards, broadcaster Keith Alexander hammered the sorry state of American mass media. Conservatives, he explained, "seem confused and helpless because the media is controlled by the enemy. The cultural Marxists have engaged in the long march through the institutions. We have eight major movie studios and all eight are controlled by Jews," he added. "Jews are the wealthiest and most liberal minority." Jewish money and intelligence "is the yeast that makes the leftist agenda rise." He cited figures that 70% of the money funding Democrats comes from Jews, while 40% of the money going to Republicans does. "They get a lot of traction for their bucks," he concluded. There are two taboo topics in the controlled media, he said, "race and Jewish control. You'll remain confused and helpless if you are ignorant of these topics, as are most conservatives." Saturday luncheon speaker Jared Taylor who heads American Renaissance insists we must be missionaries and educators to create a critical mass of informed and committed Whites: "I am an educator. If 25% of the American people saw things as we do, it would be a different country and the politics would take care of itself." He warned,as well: "What we should not be doing is believing in a magical solution like those who hope that if things become more desperate and the government and the economy fail, that some new White consciousness will suddenly emerge." International Director Paul Fromm of the Canada First Immigration Reform Committee heaped scorn on establishment arguments for more immigration> "We're regaled with stories of the ageing baby boomers and a skills shortage just over the horizon," he said. "With today's rapidly changing technology, it's impossible to accurately predict labour needs six years out. However, he added, "if businesses really believe there'll be a shortfall of over a million workers trained in the sciences in 2018, why don't they put their money where their mouths are and offer scholarships in the sciences to worthy students who will contract to work for them for 5 or 10 years after graduation?" he demanded. Many businesses, he added, just want a pool of cheap labour. "Hence their support for mass Third World immigration. Last month's unemployment figures showed 8.2% of Americans -- millions of disappointed and desperate citizens -- out of work. Until there is full employment, there should be a complete moratorium on immigration. Cut it all out," he thundered. Former West Pointer (a classmate of Gen Petraeus) and film maker Merlin Miller worked the crowd. The East Tennessee resident is the presidential nominee of the American Third Position Party. Entertainment was provided Friday night by up-and-coming Country and Western singer Lacey Snider. _____________________________ Unsubscribe / Change Profile: Powered by YourMailingListProvider |
CoCC Conference Huge Success, Despite Anti-racist Threats |
Written by Paul Fromm |
Saturday, 14 July 2012 18:32 |
*CoCC Conference Huge Success, Despite Anti-racist Threats* The 48th semi-annual meeting of the Council of Conservative Citizens went off without a hitch in Nashville, TN, July 6-7, despite promised threats of violence by anti-racists goons. Hotel management reported eight phone calls protesting the conservative conference, all but one anonymous. Someone using the moniker :*Tommy Marz*<>on Facebook, threatened: "Anti-fascist Action is making a comeback (check Chicago), Bash Back is a group I will gladly join. ... Next Counsel [sic] of Conservative Org. meeting in TN-- I will be there with my like minded friends. This old racist quasi religious BS will be met with fists." The anti-racists weren't much better with their timing than they were with their spelling. Three showed up two hours after the conference ended Saturday afternoon. Two identified themselves as atheists. The third, sporting a bizarre Mohawk hairdo, wore a tee shirt proclaiming "Queers bash back." There wasn't much bashing. After a short verbal confrontation with a couple of CoCC members, the threesome leaped into a vehicle and fled as they saw a couple of burly young CoCCers approaching. The largely controlled media and the Third World immigration invasion were major targets of the conference. Effective activism was the theme. CoCC webmaster Kyle Rogers of Charleston, SC, recounted how he had posted a detailed account of Trevon Martin's criminal past and dicey background on March 21 on Up until then, the media had portrayed Treyvon as a victimized black youth. Within 48 hours, Glen Beck and Hannity and others picked up Mr. Rogers information and began presenting a more balanced view of what was becoming an emotional, witch hunt. It didn't take the leftist media long to punish the messenger. On June 24, the *Charleston Post and Courier* ran a front page smear of Mr. Rogers complete with a picture, denouncing him as a member of a "White supremacist" organization. The *Post and Courier* relied, for their "research" on Mr. Rogers and the CoCC, on the Southern Poverty Law Centre and the NAACP.. Just to make the victimization complete, the paper refused to accept a letter from Mr. Rogers offering his refutation of their charges. In Kansas City, two other activists who took on the anti-White media created a stir. In March Edward Stephens IV and his son Edward V were outraged after two blacks targeted a young White boy and set him on fire. The media all but ignored this brutal outrage. The Stephens were angry, knowing that had it been White youths trying to incinerate a young black the story would have gone viral and been front page nation-wide. "White people are second class citizens. Their interests are put last," Edward Stephens V, a dynamic 24-year old told the 80 applauding members of the audience. Stephens ran for local school board the next month. "Why isn't there a White History Month?" he asked. "Why aren't there White culture courses," he demanded. "There are Black and Asian culture courses." Leonard Wilson, an executive member of the CoCC and former Citizens' Council organizer, urged members not to waste their votes on third party candidates. While admitting that Mitt Romney "was not my first, second or even third choice for the nomination, if you want to get rid of Barack Hosein Obama,, you must vote for Mitt Romney." Obama, the seventh generation Alabamian added, "is the worst president in U.S. history, except perhaps Lincoln. If Obama is re-elected, this might be the last presidential election you vote in." Lawyer and co-host of the "Political Cesspool" radio show with James Edwards, broadcaster Keith Alexander hammered the sorry state of American mass media. Conservatives, he explained, "seem confused and helpless because the media is controlled by the enemy. The cultural Marxists have engaged in the long march through the institutions. We have eight major movie studios and all eight are controlled by Jews," he added. "Jews are the wealthiest and most liberal minority." Jewish money and intelligence "is the yeast that makes the leftist agenda rise." He cited figures that 70% of the money funding Democrats comes from Jews, while 40% of the money going to Republicans does. "They get a lot of traction for their bucks," he concluded. There are two taboo topics in the controlled media, he said, "race and Jewish control. You'll remain confused and helpless if you are ignorant of these topics, as are most conservatives." Saturday luncheon speaker Jared Taylor who heads American Renaissance insists we must be missionaries and educators to create a critical mass of informed and committed Whites: "I am an educator. If 25% of the American people saw things as we do, it would be a different country and the politics would take care of itself." He warned,as well: "What we should not be doing is believing in a magical solution like those who hope that if things become more desperate and the government and the economy fail, that some new White consciousness will suddenly emerge." International Director Paul Fromm of the Canada First Immigration Reform Committee heaped scorn on establishment arguments for more immigration> "We're regaled with stories of the ageing baby boomers and a skills shortage just over the horizon," he said. "With today's rapidly changing technology, it's impossible to accurately predict labour needs six years out. However, he added, "if businesses really believe there'll be a shortfall of over a million workers trained in the sciences in 2018, why don't they put their money where their mouths are and offer scholarships in the sciences to worthy students who will contract to work for them for 5 or 10 years after graduation?" he demanded. Many businesses, he added, just want a pool of cheap labour. "Hence their support for mass Third World immigration. Last month's unemployment figures showed 8.2% of Americans -- millions of disappointed and desperate citizens -- out of work. Until there is full employment, there should be a complete moratorium on immigration. Cut it all out," he thundered. Former West Pointer (a classmate of Gen Petraeus) and film maker Merlin Miller worked the crowd. The East Tennessee resident is the presidential nominee of the American Third Position Party. Entertainment was provided Friday night by up-and-coming Country and Western singer Lacey Snider. |
Political Prisoner Brad Love Sentenced to 18 Months & 3-Year Communications Gag for W |
Written by Paul Fromm |
Saturday, 14 July 2012 05:20 |
-------------------------------------------------------------------------------- This email newsletter was sent to you in graphical HTML format. If you're seeing this version, your email program prefers plain text emails. You can read the original version online: -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Political Prisoner Brad Love Sentenced to 18 Months & 3-Year Communications Gag for Writing Non-Threatening Letters to Jewish Groups NEWMARKET, July 13, 2012. It was certainly a "Black Friday" for freedom of dissent in Canada today. One observer wondered whether this was Pnom Penh or Newmarket,. Late this afternoon in an almost deserted courthouse, after a gruelling seven hours of delays, Judge Kelly Wright sentenced letter writer Brad Love to 18 months in prison. Furthermore, "Mr. Love is to refrain from any political speech or commentary to any media outlet, political, cultural or religious group or organization, or police organization, except with the express written permission of a political or religious organization" that welcomes him as a member or associate and with the permission of his probation officer. The 52-year old critic of Zionism and massive Third World immigration is, thus, effectively silenced -- no letters-to-the-editor, no letters to newspapers or provocative tweaks to police chiefs or politicians.In addition, Mr. Love was also enjoined from any communication, direct or indirect, with the Canadian Jewish Congress, the League for Human Rights of B'nai Brith, Hillel, and Robert Tiffin, the Vice-President of the York University Jewish Students Union. Mr. Love was found guilty of sending information packages to these four, having called them to receive permission. In 2006, now retired Mr. Justice Hogg imposed three years of probation during which Mr. Love was forbidden to write to anybody, without their prior consent. In May, Judge Wright ruled that the Jewish groups in question had not given "informed" consent when they told Mr. Love, who had not identified himself in phone calls, that he could send them his written material. In sentencing Mr. Love, Judge Wright tore a strip off this dissident who, over the past 20 years, has penned more than 10,000 letters to newspapers and public officials. The judge agreed with Crown Vogel's submission that Mr. Love was so dedicated to his views that he cannot be rehabilitated. Previous "court orders," Judge Wright read in a staccato voice, "have had no effect in curbing Mr. Love's propensity to share his hateful and hurtful opinions." His actions, she added, "were deliberate and intentional" in sending material "that was hateful and hurtful of the Jewish community and reflected his deep-seated racist beliefs." The Crown, in her arguments, made it clear that the political gagging of Mr. Love was her goal: "Mr. Love, in the Crown's submission, in a unique offender." She indicated that her goal was "to prevent" Mr. Love's "views from hurting other people. We need to protect the public from hateful, scurrilous material." And, so, he must be silenced. Patrick Leckie, Mr. Love's lawyer, argued that the material sent to the Jewish groups was essentially private communication and there had been no victim impact statement or proof of any harm done. He also noted that the Crown had not charged Mr. Love with "hate" for those mailings. He also pointed out, as the Crown had admitted, that there was little case law to guide the judge in sentencing. Just before the judge sent the letter]-writing dissident off for another 18 months in prison -- his original sentence when convicted in 2003 under Canada's notorious "hate law" Sec. 319 of the Criminal Code -- Mr. Love briefly addressed the court. He pointed to the seats in the courtroom, empty except for Mr. Love's brother and two members of the Canadian Association for Free Expression, which has backed the outspoken dissident, and a young policeman waiting to slap the handcuffs on him. "Where are the people who claimed to have been hurt or offended by my letters?" he demanded. "They've never shown up in the three years of this trial." He also warned that his sentence "would have ramifications in limiting the freedoms of other people who come after me." The judge adopted almost to a word the Crown's sentencing requests and, as she had all through the trial which had stretched over three years, rejected all of the defence's submissions. Mr. Love will be seeking bail and release pending an appeal of both the verdict and ferocious sentence and an appeal of a rejected constitutional challenge to Judge Hogg's original "over broad" order, Mr. Love's lawyer Patrick Leckie said outside the court. "There's no way Superior Court will endorse the terms of Judge Hogg's order," or this order, he added. The day's proceedings were a measure of Ontario's sclerotic court system. The sentencing had been set down in a dedicated courtroom for 10:00 a.m. However, various remands and other matters delayed the Love matter until 12:30. By 1:00, it was time for lunch. Back at 2:15. A further recess had to be called to locate documents the Crown should have had for the file. At 4:10 the judge announced she'd need 20 minutes to consider her verdict. Court resumed at 4:48 and Mr. Love soon after 5:00 p.m was carted off to the cells and political silence, just like his dissidents in Communist China. _____________________________ Unsubscribe / Change Profile: Powered by YourMailingListProvider |
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