Nice Pal You Have, Jason and John -- Look Who's Shmoozing the Canadian Gov't
Written by Paul Fromm
Monday, 05 November 2012 03:02
Nice Pal You Have, Jason and John -- Look Who's Shmoozing the Canadian Gov't
Toronto Police Fugitive Squad nabs businessman with ties to Jason Kenney,
John Baird

Stephen Maher, Canadian
Press<>| Oct
26, 2012 8:57 PM ET | Last Updated: Oct 26, 2012 9:41 PM ET
More from Canadian Press<>
[image: Postmedia files]
Postmedia filesNathan Jacobson was arrested in downtown Toronto Thursday in
connection to a U.S. money laundering charge.

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Businessman Nathan Jacobson has gone from hobnobbing with the most
powerful politicians in Canada to a jail cell.

The fugitive, who is facing a sentence in an American prison for conspiracy
to commit money laundering, is in Toronto’s Metro West Detention Centre, an
official there said Friday.

He was picked up by members of the Toronto Police Fugitive Squad in
downtown Toronto on Thursday and made an appearance at the Toronto
Courthouse on University Avenue on Friday.

Jacobson pleaded guilty to money laundering connected to an illegal online
pharmacy in San Diego in 2008. But the plea was sealed while he helped
investigators with their case and he travelled around the world, spending
time with senior ministers in the Canadian government.

Few knew about his trouble with American law enforcement until he failed to
show up for a sentencing hearing in San Diego in July, at which point Judge
Irma Gonzalez, in the U.S. District Court for the Southern District of
California, issued a warrant for his arrest.

At the time, Jacobson’s Canadian lawyer, Howard J. Wolch, said his client
was in Asia on business, and asserting that he was unaware of any legal
proceeding concerning him.

Jacobson came back to Toronto, where he was taken into custody on Friday.
CANADIAN PRESS/Adrian WyldJason Kenney in the foyer of the House of
Commons Wednesday. Kenney was scheduled to appear with Jacobson at the
Royal York Hotel in Toronto next month.

Jacobson, who grew up in Winnipeg, has dual Canadian-Israeli citizenship,
and until last year had a credit card clearing company in Tel Aviv, Paygea,
which processed payments for online gaming sites and adult websites.
Israeli media reports say that when the company ceased operations, it left
creditors in the lurch.

Jacobson is a prominent member of the Canadian Jewish community and has
been a strong backer of the Conservative government. He was previously on
the board of the Canada-Israel Chamber of Commerce and the Canada-Israel

In May, 2009, he was master of ceremonies for a party celebrating the 61st
anniversary of the founding of Israel in the West Block of Parliament Hill,
introducing the keynote speaker, Citizenship and Immigration Minister Jason

He has travelled in Israel with Foreign Affairs Minister John Baird and is
said to be friendly with both ministers.

Both ministers have said they were unaware of his legal difficulties until
they were reported by Postmedia News this summer.

Next month, Kenney was scheduled to appear with Jacobson at the Royal York
Hotel in Toronto, where the minister will receive an honorary doctorate
from the University of Haifa. Jacobson, who was to be the master of
ceremonies, withdrew after his legal troubles became public.

Jacobson is suing Mark Adler, the Conservative MP for York Centre.

In his statement of claim, filed in October, 2011, Jacobson alleges that in
2009 and 2010 he loaned $265,000 to Adler and his Economic Club of America,
an offshoot of the Economic Club of Canada, a firm Adler started to provide
a forum for high-powered guest speakers in Toronto.

Adler’s statement of defence, filed in January, says that Jacobson provided
him with $114,962 in 2009 and 2010 “as a friendly gesture,” and did not
expect to be paid back.

In March, Jacobson was photographed with Prime Minister Stephen Harper and
Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu. The photo was taken at a
reception in the Railway Room on the evening of March 2, 2012, where about
150 or 200 people gathered to greet the two prime ministers.

From 2004 to 2011, Jacobson donated about $10,000 to the Conservative
Party, including donations to the central party and to the riding
associations of former MP Wajid Khan, Environment Minister Peter Kent and
Labour Minister Lisa Raitt.

He also donated $1,100 to to the federal NDP on election day in 2011.

Jacobson is expected to make a court appearance this week.
Harper Fawns and Flatters and Distorts Truth in Speaking to Jamaicans
Written by Paul Fromm
Saturday, 27 October 2012 03:37
*Harper Fawns and Flatters and Distorts Truth in Speaking to Jamaicans*

On Monday, Jamaican Prime Minister Portia Simpson Miller paid a state
visit to Ottawa. Canada has tourism, trade, agricultural., defence and aid
relations with Jamaica. Less happily, Canada has a large number, about
230,000. many Jamaican immigrants here, While some have adapted and been
hardworking people, a fair number are involved in multi-generational
welfare collection and in violent youth gangs, practising the drug and gun
culture they brought from the Islands. In fact, in Toronto, most of the
victims and most of the perpetrators of the city's some 90 murders each
year are Negroes, most Jamaican or Somali. Yet, Blacks constitute less than
seven per cent of the city's population.

Okay, a diplomatic visit requires the host, Prime Minister Harper, to be,
well, diplomatic. Sure, accentuate the positive and say nice things about
your visitor and her country. However, at a meeting with Jamaicans in
Toronto spouted so much nonsense and outright lies, you'd think this prim
man was high on Jamaican *ganga*.

"Mr. Harper saluted the contribution of Jamaican-Canadians – and said they
are being falsely blamed for Toronto’s gun crime. 'It has come to my
attention that since July, many in this community, Toronto’s
Jamaican-Canadian community, feel that they live in the shadow of
criminality arising out of incidents like the Danzig Street and Eaton
Centre shootings, Mr. Harper told a packed hall at the Jamaican-Canadian
Association, in a multicultural suburban neighbourhood in north
Toronto.'Canadians understand that the only community placed under a shadow
by perpetrators of these crimes is the community of criminals.”

'People who came from Jamaica to Canada have come in search of a better
life, and to contribute positively to our country, not to live in fear of
street gangs and criminals.'

Toronto has been rocked this year by shootings remarkable because of the
numbers hit. In June, two people were killed and five injured in a shooting
in the downtown Eaton Centre shopping mall; in July, two were killed and 23
wounded in a gun fight at a block party on suburban Danzig Street.

The finger is often pointed – in some cases erroneously – at street gangs
that include Jamaican-Canadian members. The community has long grappled
with gun crime in its midst, however, and the decades-old stereotype that
Jamaican-Canadians are involved in a disproportionate share of shootings." (
*Globe and Mail*, October 23, 2012)

Where to start in this cornucopia of nonsense? "'People who came from
Jamaica to Canada have come ... to contribute positively to our country."
Really? Teeshawn is sitting by the beach eating *ackee* rice and salt cod
and swigging back rum and he suddenly decides: " I shall leave this
tropical paradise and head for the cold streets of Toronto to contribute
positively to their country." Immigration is entirely selfish. No one
picks up stakes and moves to a foreign country to better the host country.
They go for a host of selfish reasons; for instance, some or ali of the
following: economic opportunity, welfare, medicare, or an easier venue to
pursue a criminal career

Mr. "law and order" Harper is doing what so many liberal apologists have
done about Negro crime for half a century -- offer Negroes alibis to excuse
personal misconduct: blame slavery, blame "racism", blame White society!
Jamaicans are not "falsely" blamed for Toronto gun violence. Of course, not
all Jamaicans are violent drug pushers or gang members. No responsible
person says they are. However, Jamaicans contribute a disproportionate
number to the ranks the perpetrators and victims of gun violence.

It is not a "decades-old stereotype that Jamaican-Canadians are involved
in a disproportionate share of shootings." It is the truth. If anything,
the politically correct press tends to play down the ethnic connection and
often doesn't even mention the race of the perpetrator or victim. One often
has to correlate several media accounts of the same killing to learn the
identity of the victims and suspects.

What is Harper really saying: that there are not a large number of Jamaican
youth in these gangs? Is he suggesting it's all a media conspiracy, blaming
Jamaican gangsters for gun violence, when the perpetrators are really
Icelanders? It's all too silly for words, but it has a "feel-good" effect
and encourages Jamaicans to avoid confronting their own problems, by
providing them with an alibi.

While Harper may win a few Jamaican votes with his flattery and implicit
blame of others for crimes Jamaicans commit, he's doing nothing to
effectively fight crime in Canada's Jamaican diaspora.

Here are a few inconvenient considerations:

* Illegitimacy is over 70 per cent among Blacks and Jamaicans in Canada.
Illegitimacy is the single most reliable predictor for drug addiction,
alcoholism, violence, dropping out from school, ending up in jail. What are
Jamaican preachers and community leaders doing to read the riot act to
their young people, especially the young males? What are they telling them
about irresponsibly impregnating a large number of "baby mothers?"

* While there are hardworking Jamaicans who hold jobs and pay taxes and
succeed, there are also many welfare mamas whose children often follow
their footsteps in the same government housing warrens, the girls becoming
welfare mamas young in life with a series of partners and the boys joining
gangs where they kill and are killed in numbers wildly out of proportion to
their share of the population. What are Jamaican community leaders doing to
insist that welfare, guns and promiscuity are not an acceptable "lifestyle"
or cultural choice.

Harper had the chance to tell the Jamaicans in Canada some hard truths. He
didn't. Fair enough, he wanted to be diplomatic. Still, there was no reason
to tell them lies that provided excuses not the face real problems.

Paul Fromm



[image: Prime Minister Stephen Harper and his Jamaican counterpart, Portia
Simpson Miller. (CHRIS WATTIE /REUTERS)]
Prime Minister Stephen Harper and his Jamaican counterpart, Portia Simpson
Political Dissidents Treated More Harshly Than Traitors and Violent Criminals in Cana
Written by Paul Fromm
Friday, 26 October 2012 05:52
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Political Dissidents Treated More Harshly Than Traitors and Violent
Criminals in Canada's Criminal Justice System

Lina Wertmüller, born Arcangela Felice Assunta Wertmüller von Elgg
Español von Braueich, is an Italian film director of aristocratic
Swiss descent. A contemporary of Fellini's, Wertmüller was the first
female director to be nominated for an Academy Award (four of them, in
fact) for her seminal 1975 movie, Seven Beauties. A typical
Wertmüller vehicle, the film explores northern v. southern Italian
class issues, politics (Wertmüller's are guaranteed to offend
everyone), love, machismo and an offbeat humour that makes you laugh
out loud, in spite of yourself.

The film's hapless protagonist is named Pasqualino Seven Beauties, for
the seven sisters he feels obliged to marry off brilliantly for the
sake of a much adored widowed mother. Dressed in linen, Pasqualino's
progress through the streets of his village is a sustained seduction
of every female he encounters: This one is chucked under the chin,
that is proffered a rose, a third is whirled round in a dance step.
And the women adore him right back. But Pasqualino's idyllic world
comes off the rails in a stunning moment of reckoning -- he sees with
his own horrified eyes -- his eldest sister performing in a burlesque
review. The sister is huge; she has a prominent wen, a big nose and
bigger jaw. Her stage attire is no-nonsense cantilevered vintage
lingerie. Her grotesque stage routine nevertheless drives her male
admirers wild with lust. The shame of it all blinds Pasqualino; he
vows to kill her pimp.

He does so in one of film's most memorably hilarious sequences; after
almost insurmountable logistical problems, Pasqualino has finally
portioned the dismembered body between three suitcases, when his
burden arrests the attention of a passing seeing eye dog. After a
really bad night, Pasquilino must now endure abuses from a blind man.
We see Pasqualino later, as a felon. He encounters a fellow convict as
they are transported to prison. Pasqualino boasts that he has received
a sentence of 12 years for murder. His companion shrugs and replies
that his sentence is set at forty years. Pasqualino gasps and says, "I
killed a man in cold blood; I am an axe murderer. I dismembered a body
and stuffed it into 3 suitcases destined for Rome, Padua and Brindisi.
I'd have gotten away with it too, if it weren't for that dog. You
might have heard of me, il monstro di Napoli? But 40 years - what on
earth did you do??" His companion quietly says "I'm political."

And so in Canada today.


* Inveterate letter writer -- 1,,000 in 2o years -- Brad Love was
charged with "hate" under Sec. 319 of Canada's Criminal Code. Yet,
despite the offer of the $250,000 surety of his parents' house, he was
unable to get bail on these non-violent charges.

* More recently, for a mere breach of probation charge (writing
letters and sending an information package to four pubic Jewish groups
having acquired their permission), Brad had to post $22,000 cash bail
and the surety of $110,000 on his sister's house. Yet, his lawyer
remembered numerous gangbangers charged with attempted murder having
gotten bail for under $100,000. It seems dangerous and dissenting
ideas are treated more harshly than dangerous and deadly ACTIONS.

*Terry Tremaine, also charged under the notorious Sec. 319, for
posting controversial views on, under the name
Mathdoktor99, and for posting his views on his own website -- ( ), also
located in another country, was gagged from January, 2008 until just
this September. He was not allowed to post on these or any "White
supremacist" website. Note, he had not yet been tried, let alone found
guilty of thought crimes. Finally, this September, Judge Frederick
Kovach gave him back his freedom and tossed out the charges

* Perhaps,.the most puzzling and egregious victim is Arthur Topham,
like Terry Tremaine a victim of a Richard Warman complaint. In
January, 2008, , he was raided, his computer and firearms taken by the
RCMP's British Columbia thought police, er "hate squad.." He was
arrested and briefly jailed. To get out, he had to sign an
"undertaking" to:

* Surrender his firearms;
* Not to post his political views on the Internet, especially on his
freethinking, anti-Zionist (
) website;
* Not to communicate directly or indirectly with his tormentors, the
complainants Harry Abrams of B'nai Brith, and Richard Warman

What so mind blowing about the Topham case is that he has not even
been charged. We are still trying to get an explanation about how it
is possible to extract an "undertaking" when no charge has been laid,
let alone any wrongdoing proved. The RCMP is still "investigating" and
the Crown has yet to get the consent of the British Columbia Attorney
General for a "hate charged" against the freethinker in the Cariboo.
So, Arthur has been silenced for over five months. Hes been denied his
guns even though he lives in bear country and actively prospects for
gold in Grizzly territory. It's his livelihood.

Now, let's consider a self-admitted Canadian traitor and spy.
Sub.Lieutenant Jeffrey Delisle. this blob-faced employee of the
Canadian Navy admits over a five year period to passing on a treasure
trove of Canadian secrets for $3,000 a month to the Russians. These
secrets were not only Canadian military secrets, but also secrets from
the Canadian Security and Intelligence Service, the Privy Council,
Transport Canada, the RCMP, and, most importantly, and most
embarrassingly, secret intelligence from our allies. Our allies -- the
U.S., Britain and Australia -- may be less likely to share or share
fully intelligence with us. The result could be danger to Canadian
soldiers in future missions and to Canadian citizens. He told
interrogators "he sent over conversations gleaned from electronic
surveillance as well a 'contact lists' of intelligence officials."
(Globe and Mail, October 22, 2012)

So, what's the damage assessment CSIS calls the result of Delisle's
admitted treachery "severe and irreparable." The secretive
Communications Security Establishment (CSE), which monitors electronic
and radio communications in many other countries, assesses Delisle's
damage to them as "high." The Navy's trinity Centre in Halifax, where
Delisle worked, rates the damage to the Canadian Armed forces as
"astronomical." The Department of National Defence terms his impact on
them as "exceptionally grave." (Globe and Mail, Ibid.)

And, yet, unlike Terry Tremaine or Arthur Topham, restricted and
punished before ever being found guilty of anything, the already
confessed spy who has done incalculable damage is given kid gloves
treatment. The Globe and Mail (October 12, 2012) report: "SLt. Delisle
will keep his rank and pay for now -- at least until a judge delivers
a guilty verdict [now scheduled for January, 2013.] His title earns
him a monthly salary of about $5,00 to $5,700," So, a confessed
traitor and spy continues to collect salary and benefits, while an
Internet dissident like Arthur Topham is stripped of his right to
speak and the right to the weapons he needs to defend himself on the

The impenetrable Canadian "justice" system truly is an ass!

Paul Fromm

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