Changing Face of North America: What It Means -- Paul Fromm's Talk in Philadelphia, D
Written by Paul Fromm
Tuesday, 11 December 2012 05:10
Changing Face of North America: What It Means -- Paul Fromm's Talk in
Philadelphia, December 7, 2012

Hear Paul Fromm In Philadelphia

The New Jersey & Pennsylvania Council of Conservative Citizens Proudly
> Presents

[image: Photo: Changing Face of North America: What It Means -- Paul
Fromm's Talk in Philadelphia, December 7, 2012 Hear Paul Fromm In
Philadelphia The New Jersey & Pennsylvania Council of Conservative Citizens
Proudly Presents Paul Fromm Director Canadian Association for Free
Expression Director, Canada First Immigration Reform Committee Director,
Council of Conservative Citizens Changing Face of North America: What It

> Paul Fromm
> Director Canadian Association for Free Expression
> Director, Canada First Immigration Reform Committee
> Director, Council of Conservative Citizens
> **
*Changing Face of North America: What It Means*
Chinese Get The Coal, Canadians Get The Shaft
Written by Paul Fromm
Monday, 10 December 2012 04:47
*Chinese Get The Coal, Canadians Get The Shaft*
"Canada admitted 156,000 [economic] immigrants under its point system in
2011 (immigrants and their families) and 191,000 temporary foreign workers.
Many of the foreign workers remain more than a year, and there were 300,000
on December 1, 2011, double the number in 2006. A third of Canada's guest
workers are in Ontario, including 20 percent in Toronto; about 58,000 were
in Alberta. The fastest growth in guest workers is among *low-skilled*
employed in hotels and restaurants, meatpacking plants and nursing homes*. *In
April 2012, the federal government allowed employers of foreign guest
workers to pay them UP TO 15 PERCENT LESS than the prevailing wage in the
area.*" (*Migration News*, Volume 19 Number 4, October, 2012)

Good for employers, not so great if you're an unemployed Canadian: "A
mining company that has hired hundreds of temporary workers from China for
its northern *B.C*. coal mine advertised those jobs in Canada for *$10 to
$17 less* than what is paid for similar work at a nearby mine, a lawyer
representing two unions, told a federal court judge on Friday. *HD
Mining*also advertised specifically for workers who
*speak Mandarin*, *Charles Gordon* said in arguing for the unions' interest
in taking the decision to grant those permits to court. ... Permits have
been granted under the federal *Temporary Foreign Worker Progr*amme to
between 200 and 300 Chinese workers to conduct preliminary work at *HD
Mining International Ltd.'s* Murray River mine near Tumbler Ridge, B.C. The
company has said it was not able to find workers in Canada with the
necessary specialized skills. [Yes, it would be unusual to find a Mandarin
speaking Cape Breton coal miner.] An estimated 17 temporary workers have
already arrived at the site, court heard, and another 60 are slated to
arrive in mid-December. ... *HD Mining Ltd*. is a partnership between
China-based *Huiyong Holding Group*, which owns a 55 per cent stake,
and *Canadian
Dehua International Mines Group Inc*." (*CTV*, November 17, 2012)

Chinese Coal Miners May Be Brought on Temporary Worker Contracts to
Supplant Unemployed Canadian Miners
[image: Photo: Chinese Coal Miners May Be Brought on Temporary Worker
Contracts to Supplant Unemployed Canadian Miners]
Like <> · ·
"Plans to hire 201 Chinese workers at a proposed mine in northern British
Columbia have prompted Ottawa to announce a review of its entire foreign
worker programme with the government suggesting the case has revealed
deeper problems with a system designed to fill short-term labour shortages.
*Human Resources Minister Diane Finley* issued a statement Thursday saying
the Conservative government isn't satisfied *HD Mining Ltd.* followed all
the rules when it sought foreign worker permits for its proposed mine near
Tumbler Ridge, B.C., which she said raises broader questions about the
programme. 'We are not satisfied with what we have learned about the
process that led to permission for hundreds of foreign workers to gain jobs
(at the *HD Mining* site),' the statement said. *'In particular, we are not
satisfied that sufficient efforts were made to recruit or train Canadians
interested in these jobs*.' ... The company has said there aren't any
qualified workers in Canada who can work at the mine, which will be using a
method of underground mining that's not in use anywhere else in
Canada." *(Montreal
Gazette*, November 9, 2012)

"In total, anywhere from 1,600 to just under 2,000 Chinese nationals could
find full-time work in four projects being proposed in coming years for the
region, due to the shortage of underground mining skills in Canada,
according to industry officials. The four projects could create an
estimated 480 to 800 full-time mining jobs for Canadians. Canadians 'just
don’t have the experience' operating the equipment needed to safely extract
coal in underground mines, said *John Cavanagh*, chief executive of
Vancouver-based *Canadian Dehua International Mines Group Inc.*, a company
founded by China-born Vancouver businessman *Naishun Liu.* 'Without the
Chinese and the technology they’re bringing … these particular mines would
not have been developed.' The companies backing the mine projects say their
goal is to gradually train Canadians to replace the Chinese. ... *Stephen
Hunt*, western director for the *United Steelworkers* union, ridiculed
Tuesday the suggestion Canadians couldn’t be trained to work underground.
'Bullshit,' he said of Cavanagh’s assertions. 'That’s just a cop-out, a way
to bring in guest workers who are going to go into a camp, contribute
virtually nothing to the economy, and then when they’re done they’ll be
sent back to China,' he said. ... Cavanagh said … the company is clearly
hoping to keep labour costs down by using Canada’s *TFW* programme to make
sure it has low-wage workers. Hunt also warned of safety concerns, citing
the numerous coal mining deaths that occur in China. 'We’ve been tracking
coal mine disasters weekly and the numbers are staggering again this year.
It’s just a terrible place to be for a coal miner.' The *China Mine
Disaster Watch*, a website kept by the *U.S. Mine Rescue Associatio*n, says
there were more than 50,000 coal mine deaths in the 2001-2011 period. ...
Cavanagh said there are old mines using old technology in China, and more
modern ones using 'state of the art' systems. He said the Canadian mines
will use the latter technology. 'We have to operate under Canadian and
British Columbia rules. The standards are not Chinese standards,' he said. *The
C.I.C*. report said the federal government is working closely with the *B.C*.
government to ensure workers have enough English language skills to help in
the 'transition' of knowledge from Chinese to Canadian workers. *Cavanagh
said the training will involve teaching Chinese workers roughly 100 English
words, all related to safety*. There will also be translators on site with
technical expertise, he added." (*Vancouver Sun*, October 10, 2012)

Chinese Coal Miner from the Turn-of-the-Century B.C., Where Heartless Mine
Bosses Brought Them in to Undercut White Workers
[image: Photo: Chinese Coal Miner from the Turn-of-the-Century B.C., Where
Heartless Mine Bosses Brought Them in to Undercut White Workers]

Gee, what a lucky break for backward, unschooled Canadians! If the venture
is not already odiferous enough for you, "B.C.’s former assistant deputy
resource minister is being accused of violating government policy for
taking an executive job at a mining company immediately after leaving
office. *Jody Shimkus* left her post in the *Ministry of Natural Resource
Operations*, which oversees mining in the province, in January and took a
position at *HD Mining International*. ... Now, union leaders are
questioning whether Shimkus violated provincial policy, which forbids
senior managers from lobbying or otherwise representing an outside company
to the ministry where they last worked within one year of leaving
government. *CTV News* spoke to Shimkus at her office in downtown
Vancouver, where she denied any wrongdoing. 'I was not told of any
restrictions. I’m not aware of any restrictions being applied with me,'
Shimkus said. *B.C.'s Public Service Agency* said the restrictions apply to
Shimkus until Dec. 31, 2012." (*CTV*, November 14, 2012)

We won't burn coal, but we'll buy it all back and then some as value added
junk made in China. Wow, what's not to like?
My Tax Return
Written by Paul Fromm
Monday, 10 December 2012 03:14
*My Tax Return***
*Yesterday I **had** my Tax Return "Returned"**

I was trying to get a jump on doing my taxes this year,***
*however, REVENUE CANADA** sent my Tax Return back!! *

*I guess it was because of my response to the line which** ** **said:** **"List
All Dependents"
** **
So, I replied:
18 thousand illegal immigrants in Toronto alone*
*10 thousand crackheads
295 thousand unemployable people living** **on welfare**
**7.5 thousand people in over 21 prisons **
**and 308 fools in Parliament ............**

Apparently, this was NOT acceptable..*

*So I sent it back with a question **"Did I forget someone?"***
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