Written by Paul Fromm
Tuesday, 13 October 2009 09:22
*Conservative Website Hosts Mark and Connie Fournier Win 2009 George Orwell
Free Speech Award*
*VICTORIA, October 10*. While many Canadians travelled to see friends and
relatives for the Thanksgiving weekend, over 125 free speechers from as far
away as Hawaii jammed a hall for food, fellowship and the 24th Annual George
Orwell Free Speech Awards.

This year's recipients were Mark and Connie Fournier, the former owners of, a conservative website in existance since 2001. They have
the unique distinction of being the victims of no fewer than three
defamation suits at the hands of the ultra litigious Richard Warman, the
chronic Canadian human rights complaints filer. For the past three years,
the Fourniers and many of their posters have fought a staunch battle for
free speech and found themselves being spied on by blind Canadian human
rights investigator (don't ask how -- we don't know and he won't tell), even
*before* a complaint was filed against their site.

One of their libel suits in currently stalled as the Fournier's are
appealing a court decision forcing them to divulge the names of eight John
Doe's, or anonymous posters of their website, to Richard Warman. The
Fournier's are standing four square for privacy of people on their site.
Their lawyer Barbara Kulaszka, calling from Ontario, warned: "This appeal is
very important for freedom of speech and people posting anonymously on the
Internet." She also praised Marc Lemire for "his tremendous stamina and
sacrifice over the past six years to overturn Sec. 13. It always falls to
individuals to carry the heavy burden," she said.

Hosted by Douglas Christie and his Canadian Free Speech League, the Orwell
dinner featured webmaster Marc Lemire. Marc gave a powerful power point
presentation of the struggle against Sec. 13 of the Canadian Human Rights
Act and his recent victory, when Member Athanasios Hadjis ruled the Internet
cewnsorship section unconstitutional. The CHRC is appealing (seeking
judicial review) of this decision. Marc revealed further CHRC dirty tricks,
including a cozy relationship with Canada Post which resulted in the closing
of at least one person's post office box on nothing more than the allegation
that he'd run afoul of Sec. 13.

Mr. Christie warned: "The fight for free speech is not the fight of a
generation or even a lifetime."

Also present was webmaster Arthur Topham of Quesnel who is being victimized
by Harry Abrams, a Victoria B'nai Brith operative, and B'nai Brith in a Sec.
143 complaint about his criticism of Zionism and Israel. Both the CFSL and
CAFE have "interested party" or intervenor status in this upcoming battle,.
scheduled to open in Victoria, December 14.

Representing the Canadian Association for Free Expression, Paul Fromm, the
1994 George Orwell Award winner, explained the travails of math lecturer
Terry Tremaine, another Warman victim, who faces a preliminary hearing in
Regina, October 19 on Warman-instigation Sec. 319 "hate law" charges about
postings Mr. Tremaine made about Jews and national socialism. He was
prosecuted under Sec. 13 on another Warman complaint and fined $4,000 and
gagged for life (a "cease and desist" order) in 2006. Warman's complaints
led to his losing his job at the University of Saskatchewan. CAFE has been
raising money for Mr. Tremaine's defence.
Written by Paul Fromm
Monday, 12 October 2009 05:33
Italian PM denounces multi-culturalism!

[image: xx]

The Italian PM is one of the most vilified world leaders in the “mainstream
media.” But Silvio wears their hatred as a badge of honor.

Silvio Berlusconi has united a large swath of Italian political parties and
rules in a coalition with the right-wing secessionist League of the North.
Berlusconi’s “People of Freedom” party won 29 of Italy’s 72 seats in the
2009 EU election. The League of the North won 9, while 13 seats went to
centrist parties. Of the top four EU countries, Italy’s delegation is
dramatically more conservative than Britain, France, or Germany.

From British Source.

Premier Silvio Berlusconi on Friday defended a remark he made that Milan
‘’seemed like an African city” because of the number of foreigners in the

”I took a photograph of reality by referring to a walk through a central
street in Milan where I saw 60% of people were foreigners and 40% were
Italian,” Berlusconi said.

”I asked myself if this is the Italy of the future that Italians want: the
answer is no”.

The premier first made the comment as he highlighted the government’s
crack-down on illegal immigration on Thursday evening ahead of this
weekend’s European Parliament elections.

He said he ”could not accept” that Italian cities, including Milan, seem
African rather than European.
Written by Paul Fromm
Thursday, 08 October 2009 18:00
*Internet censorship and Section 13 blasted in Parliament*

Video is available online

YouTube versions are available [here] and [here]

On Monday, October 5, 2009, journalist Mark Steyn and Blogger Ezra Levant
testified before the Standing Committee on Justice and Human Rights. During
their hour long testimony, they blasted internet censorship and Section 13
of the Canadian Human Rights Act.

The testimony by Steyn and Levant was great and covered many of the abuses
of the Canadian Human Rights Commission and their ilk. There was some
testimony about the Lustig (Ouwendyk) decision concerning Richard Warman’s
actions, but it appears that there might be a misreading of that decision.

At no point did Lustig made any determinations on the constitutionality of
Section 13. The Tribunal in Ouwendyk ruled that Mr. Warman’s posting on
Stormfront and VNN are “..both disappointing and disturbing.” Further Mr.
Warman’s postings “…could have precipitated further hate messages in

The only positive decision on the constitutionality of Section 13, was in
the Lemirecase. Where Member Hadjis found that “that s. 13(1) infringes on
Mr. Lemire’s freedom of expression guaranteed under s. 2(b) of the Charter,
and that this infringement is not demonstrably justified under s. 1 of the
“I call on this Parliament to assert its oversight role and to compel a full
inquiry onto the commission; its investigators, and their membership of nazi
websites; their conflicts of interest; their contamination of evidence, and
their relationship with Richard Warman.

Section 13’s underlying philosophy is incompatible with a free society.
And its use by agents of the human rights commission has been corrupted and
diseased beyond salvation. It is time for the people’s representatives in
parliament to defend real human rights and end this grotesque spectacle.”
Mark Steyn

Bravo to Mark Steyn and Ezra Levant!


Human Rights Commission challenged over investigative powers
By Janice Tibbetts, Canwest News Service. October 4, 2009

Two free-speech crusaders appealed to a parliamentary committee Monday to do
its part to strip the Canadian Human Rights Commission of its power to
investigate complaints of online hate, alleging that it is bad law that has
been "corrupted and diseased beyond salvation."

Steyn asserted that "psychologically disturbed" employees of the commission
have been influenced by a former employee, Richard Warman, who has filed
just about all of the complaints that the commission has received involving
online hate in recent years.

Steyn and Levant on free speech, and what MPs are thinking of doing about it
The free speech advocates testify before the House of Commons Justice
by John Geddes on Monday, October 5, 2009. MACLEANS

They put on the anticipated lively show as the committee launched
deliberations on Section 13. At one point, Steyn called the human rights
commission’s investigators “psychologically disturbed.” Levant catalogued
allegations of outrageous entrapment techniques he says have been used by
the commission in an “out of control” hunt for hate-speakers to drag before
the Canadian Human Rights Tribunal.

“I suspect that a groundswell of caucus support could likely move this
matter onto the government agenda,” Rathgeber said after the appearance by
Steyn and Levant.
The government’s willingness to move on the issue has been far from clear in
the past. Early this year, Prime Minister Stephen Harper said he had no
plans to amend the act. Even if Rathgeber is right that Harper, and perhaps
Justice Minister Rob Nicholson, would now be prepared to take action if
enough MPs pushed them, there’s still the question of where the opposition
parties stand.

They are pundits, hear them roar! – Liveblogging Mark Steyn and Ezra Levant
at the Justice committee
by Kady O'Malley on Monday, October 5, 2009, MACLEANS

3:33:14 PM
A quick recap of the surprise decision by a CHRT panelist earlier this year,
in which he wrote that the section in question may, in fact, be
unconstitutional, and he then moves onto Richard Warman — the “rich white
lawyer” – hardly, Levant points out, the archetypical minority that the CHRC
ostensibly purports to represent and defend – responsible for so many S13
The whole thing quickly turns into what is, to any regular reader of his
screeds, a familiar diatribe against the aforementioned complainant, and,
indirectly, the CHRC itself for previously employing him, and now “paying
his expenses”.
3:36:05 PM
Wifi hacking! Scullduggery! More claims that ITQ doesn’t believe have been
conclusively proven other way — yes, that’s true; Levant notes that the
“official” status of the subsequent investigation is “unsolved”, but claims
that the CHRC remains the main suspects.
Instead of cleaning up this “filthy mess”, Jennifer Lynch — the chair, who,
he notes, was appointed by the Conservatives — *defends it*.

Even pundits have (human) rights
Mon, Oct 5 2009 | Ottawa Citizen
The opening statements were nothing new. Essentially, what was at issue was
the status of the notorious s.13 , and a decision by a human rights tribunal
earlier this year that suggested that the section in question may, in fact,
be unconstitutional. Levant used the occasion to grind an old axe against
Richard Warman, while Steyn quoted at length a passage from Michael
Ignatieff's book Human Rights as Politics and Ideology, to the effect that
free speech was the bedrock of freedom. After that, it was over to the
committee for some Q&A.
The subsequent discussion was bedeviled by two major difficulties. The first
was that most members of the committee were either unprepared, or not really
paying attention. Joe Comartin in particular didn't seem to realize what the
argument is, while Marc LeMay of the Bloc appeared to have not listened to
anything that had happened up till his turn, when he brought up an issue
that had been dealt with at length earlier on.

Human rights commission 'corrupted,' critics testify
Janice Tibbetts, Canwest News Service | National Post

Mr. Moon, in his report, acknowledged "potential drawbacks" to relying
exclusively on the Criminal Code for hate speech investigations, including a
higher burden of proof and the lack of police and prosecutorial experience
and resources in pursuing hate speech online.
The commission responded earlier this year in a report to Parliament that
recommended that the commission be stripped of its power to impose fines.
The commission can also levy financial penalties of up to $10,000 for
Justice Minister Rob Nicholson has signalled that he supports repealing the
section that permits Internet probes, voting in favour of a resolution
passed last fall at a Conservative party police convention

Writers call for probe into human rights commission
CBC News

Ezra Levant and Mark Steyn are also calling for the elimination of section
13 of the Canadian Human Rights Act, which allows the commission to
investigate allegations of hate speech.
"I think a very practical, doable thing for this committee and for
parliament would be to repeal section 13 of the Human Rights Act altogether,
to leave any hate speech prosecutions to the Criminal Code with its proper
checks and balances, and frankly, to bring in a forensic audit to the Human
Rights Commission to examine the allegations that I have made," Levant told
the commission.
Levant is alleging that members of the commission belong to neo-Nazi
organization, an accusation he made in July in a National Post column.

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