Certainly, we're not the only populist group attacked by the thugs
and terrorists of Anti--Racist Action
(ARA). However, the ARA and its affiliates -- unfortunately, somewhat
flush with $16,000 in tax dollars in 1996 -- have taken a number of steps
to restrict our free speech and the rights of people to listen to what
we might have to say.
December, 1995 -- about 30 ARA punks storm a private dinner/meeting at
the Europe Restaurant in Toronto. They spit at the owner and at some of
us. They throw food at us, curse, threaten and slap an elderly lady. Police
eventually arrive, but permit them to pound on the window, so intimidating
the restaurant owner that the meeting must be relocated.
* March 15, 1996 -- Edmonton. The self-styled Anti-Fascist League,
apparently now
Edmonton branch, threatens the owner of the Best Western City Centre Hotel
to try to get him to cancel a meeting by the Canadian Association for Free
Expression ironically on threats to freedom of speech in Canada. A riot
is promised. The owner caves in and cancels this free speech meeting. The
meeting is relocated.
* February 10, 1997. The ARA's Radio Antifa -- that's Anti-Fascist
-- gloated at the imminent firing of Paul Fromm from his job as a teacher
for his criticisms of multiculturalism. "Hopefully, it will reduce
his income, reduce the amount of money he has to spend on stuff like this.
... Just because he loses his job that doesn't mean he'll discontinue his
activities. Won't that leave more time on his hands to pursue a white supremacist
agenda? And doesn't that mean that anti-racists will have to increase community
action to shut him down? Definitely. That's a good idea. Increase community
action. Go for it!" Considering ARA's violent past, the threat to
"shut him down" seems a clear call to illegal activity.
February 28, 1997 in Vancouver, local punk anarchists try to storm a Canadian
Association for Free Expression meeting. They are repulsed. The ARA's On
theProwl (Spring, 1997) states: "Vancouver antifas were ready with
a 'welcoming party'. ... They monkeywrenched his smooth plans and fucked
up Fromm's meeting." The piece goes on to chortle over the fact that
Fromm was assaulted and knocked to the ground.
* The Spring 1997 issue of the ARA's On the Prowl clearly threatens
C-FAR. "Remember ... a nazi is a nazi, and the only good nazi is a
dead nazi. ... Now it's up to militant antifas around the country to deny
this man any space. ... From now on ... Paul belongs in the pavement."